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Hey Wylde I just want to say ........


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 4, 2003
Thank you , so much! I know there are guys that have their issues with Wylde on here .But the guy has gone out of his way to offer advice to me and Skip[ for free].He is very good at what he does and both SKip and I repect his opinions.He has some interesting veiws and I appreciate what his brings to the table.I know some guys will take the the oppurtunity to bash Wylde here [ and maybe their beef 's are valid - not my business] But I hope out of respect to the board ,they will chose not to.Wylde is a bright guy and I think it is sad that he won't post here anymore because people attack him with personal issues.We are suppost to be here to learn and help one another out .Not dicuss business and try and discredit one's character.If you have a problem with Wylde then fine , handle it.But do it to his face .[he can't that be hard to find] He will be at the Arnold with me and Skip. Do what you have to do , just don't do it here.[ I am saying this respectfully by the way...not threatening]
I like Wylde , he has been a friend , he knows his shit , and as far as I am concerned if you are looking to take your physique to the next level .He is definately one of the guys that you should call. So thanks Wylde , I really appreciate the time that you have given me.And guys don't bother warning me about the guy ect....I am a big boy......I like the guy , so far he has shown me nothing but class .if that changes I can make my own decision.And to the guys that have never had any probs with Wylde ....don't you think it is sad that we don't have this guys imput around here anymore? I feel cheated and so should you......
Wylde , if by chance you read this .Thanks one last time.I very much look foreward to picking your brian in the near future.I like to keep Skip sharp every now and then.LOL! And as you usual he Always has the best things to say about you.......You are a cool dude , I look foreward to shaking your and and buying you some dinner at the Arnold.I am thinking about getting us a limo or a party bus for one of the nights at the Arnold for all the guys that go from here to go out and do the town.It should be a good time .Looking foreward to meeting all the good folk from around here.Let me know if you want to try and hook up with us.......it should be fun!
Wylde knows his stuff. I believe the perpetrator of the Wyld deal was dickhead - eer fathead.

People won't be bashing wylde here 'cause they know us mods won't put up with it.

badman , count me in on that limo.lol..

im a very seriously tihnking about going to the arnold, if you wanted to get a limo, lemme know ill chip in a bit if you have some room. btw, what are your guys plans after the aronld, going to go out and REALLY hit the town? strip clubs, etc. late night? i sometimes tend to get carried away when i go out, but ill just make sure im good for a few weeks b4 the arnold..haha


Got juice .....it would be good to have you there .As long as we don't end up in jail it is all good .LOL!Don't worry about chipping in either bro , I got you guys covered.[I will more than likely being buying the group dinner as well, but drinks and strippers , that will be up to you my friends]The guys that want to hook up and go out and do the late night thing with Skip and I need to just let me know a couple of weeks before so I can make reservations and figure out how many of the guys here will be wanting to go.It will be a privilige to meet some of the guys on here .......it should be fun to see what happens to Skip when his wife lets him out of the house for a weekend ......he won't know want do with himself.......I think he has been on lock down for something like 12 years LOL! As long as we don't get into too much trouble I am cool with letting go with you animals abit.
Last edited:
LOL @ "lockdown". hehe

My wife is cool as hell, bro. She shakes her ass as much as anyone. It is ME who is the boring one! I would rather just stay home with my kids and hang out...... except for early March of 04. It sounds like too much damned fun to pass up. My birthday is the 9th so that is my excuse - or one of them, anyway.

I am with Bad, I don't want to end up in jail, though. I know some of you phukers are just plain crazy. :D

alright guys, i promise ill be on my best behavior. i think im usually pretty decent its when im with my workout partner who is married, he gets me in trouble..lol

i think since he gets out once every 2-3 months he just tries to make it up in one night.lol

Later ,

Bump for the Wylde man!:D

I have NOTHING but good things to say about Wyldeone. He's been a friend of mine for many years now and has awlays been a stand up guy. Those who talk shit about Wylde, are just full of shit themselves!
Wylde is a great old friend. One who has been contributing to the same huge circle of guys for a long time now.
Xcel said it-remember the major shit talk about Wylde came from
Fat-fucking-head. Zero credibility. I take partial blame for not banning him then immediately-although I did publically take Wyldes side on the issue.
And, Wylde's expertise and contribution has been much appciated over the years. Hope he continues to chime in here.
Just asking

I don't want to offend anyone here but anyone ever see any pics? I just tend to judge a book by it's cover is all and being a prefessional PT myself wonder what he looks like since I have heard he gives great advice..

Mine are coming just gotta get them scaned.
he has already posted his pics..do a search and you should find them. he has been nothing but good to me and plan on working with him as long as he is in the business.

Oh, what to say about the guy. Outstanding comes to mind!
I'll be seeing and hanging with you guys at the Arnold for sure. Really looking forward to it this year.
Re: Just asking

thugz said:
I don't want to offend anyone here but anyone ever see any pics? I just tend to judge a book by it's cover is all and being a prefessional PT myself wonder what he looks like since I have heard he gives great advice..

Mine are coming just gotta get them scaned.

Ever see pics of Chad Nichols? Is that important? Not to say Wyldes pics arent impressive; but to again mention that Chad is a legend, has worked side by side with Wylde,and noone give a crap about what Chad looks like-they care about what he can do and what he knows. ;)
Re: Just asking

thugz said:
I don't want to offend anyone here but anyone ever see any pics? I just tend to judge a book by it's cover is all and being a prefessional PT myself wonder what he looks like since I have heard he gives great advice..

Mine are coming just gotta get them scaned.

I know wylde in real life. He trains pros and top amateurs and always delivers them in top shape. He's on par with Chad Nichols. You do a search on the board you will find his real name, pics, etc. Also, in the members photos section, a lot of the very succesful competitors were dialed in by him.
Both wylde and skip have been very generous with thier advise and contributions to the board that have personally helped me alot and just wanted to throw in a thanks.
I am very glad that this turned out to be such a positive thread .You guys rock ! Who knows we might even get wylde back hanging around here again if we are lucky.He deserves all the props .Obvisously , I am not the only one that he has helped .Maybe he will write those articals that he was gonna to write for us.[ hint, hint....wylde]LOL! The class of the guys on here amazes me .

first happy holidays to all!!!! and i for one have been with wylde as long as most here and he is very passioniate about his work! hell the guy was almost in tears at this years Jr's and kept saying sorry to my wife about my placing! Hell he did his job to a tee1 ..

HIM and I rolled the dice so to say and it didnt work! .. rember bb can be a gamble and ill work with him agian! might do Jr usa's this year! who kows....... thanks wylde for all your help ..

dp and his wife!

first happy holidays to all!!!! and i for one have been with wylde as long as most here and he is very passioniate about his work! hell the guy was almost in tears at this years Jr's and kept saying sorry to my wife about my placing! Hell he did his job to a tee1 ..

HIM and I rolled the dice so to say and it didnt work! .. rember bb can be a gamble and ill work with him agian! might do Jr usa's this year! who kows....... thanks wylde for all your help ..

dp and his wife!
goodluck deepsquat ! Oh gave you a plug in the doggcrap thread.You derserve it ! I always hear great things about you.And definately got a heck of a physique on you......One of these days i want to pick your brain on a few things .Wylde has been helping keep Skip sharp .Let me know if you would like to join in the fun.LOL!
Re: hey

dpsquat said:
first happy holidays to all!!!! and i for one have been with wylde as long as most here and he is very passioniate about his work! hell the guy was almost in tears at this years Jr's and kept saying sorry to my wife about my placing! Hell he did his job to a tee1 ..
I too have had the opportunity to work with wylde "in person"!!! I can also vouch about how passionate he is about his work and his concern for his client's health. I'm just mad at "myself" for not following through as I should have.


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