holy shit! i'm with you on this one Ivan, i would be pissed if my kids went through that(well when i have them anyway). i know there was a better solution then that.
thats wrong a straight up consitutional violation. I remember in 7th grade some one stole calculators and they made us leave our posseions in the room and searched every ones bags. On another event 7and 8th grades were told to open there back packs for open searches finaly i called my mom who happened to be an attorny, she loved informing the school of the repercushions of there actions. These are kids not crimanls
Those are some smart kids. Our future leaders and business people.
That is unreal. What happened to the constitution? I remember when I was in high school and we'd argue about constitutional rights. Always some dickhead lawmaker or public official would say those rights didn't apply to kids. (Like privacy, free speech)
i have family in goose creek... in fact i have spent a lot of time there and had 2 cousins attend that high school over the years... keep in mind of the 2 high schools in their city that this was the prestigous one.
Jesus christ, cops have to get thier priorities straight. I can understand that the kids might have had guns and shit but, for all that for pot is really excessive.