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High School Freshman Football Training Program


Featured member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Oct 10, 2008
Hey Guys I did a search but didn't come up with anything.
I helping a friends son set up a program (training & diet)to put on some size and gain strength. I have a basic idea but would love to hear from you guys. Especially those coaches, former/current football players, i played high school ball but that was 30yrs ago.
I don't want to sound like a dick but ..... maybe you shouldn't be setting it up if you have to ask for help. ?

Well the first thing the incoming freshmen will be tested on are the powerlifts. Squats, Bench Press, and Cleans. The more weight he can do on these lifts the more notice the coaches will take in him. These are also the lifts that make up the "Lb. Clubs". So I would probably base his workouts around these (Adding in what you feel is necessary), as they are what he is going to see in just about any high school football program.
Thanks & You did

I don't want to sound like a dick but ..... maybe you shouldn't be setting it up if you have to ask for help. ?


I was asked to help him. That is why I asked for input (constructive/positive)from members of this board. As I thought that is the pupose of the board.
Don't your freshman workout with the JV and varsity? Or do they have a seperate program? In most programs, the HFC would have training designated for all levels. I know some schools have meager facilities available, and some are as good as some college programs.
are you looking strictly for a strength program or for a complete football training set because there are multiple areas that need to be addressed, those being: power, core strength movements, speed work, flexibility, agility and plyometrics..

that being said, an example of a lifting routine which will probably be adequate would be

Mon - heavy power, "light" legs, heavy back + assistance work

Hang cleans: 5x3 @ 75%
Front squat (clean grip) 5x5 @70-75%
Power shrug 3x6 (Done heavy and explosively)
Pullup BW 4x10
BB row 4x10
Bicep curl 3x10
Glute/ham raise 3x6

Tues - light power, heavy chest, shoulder, light tricep + assistance

power clean 5x3 @ 70%
close grip bench press 5x5 @ 75-80%
Dumbell see saw bench 3x10
push press 5x5 @ 75%-80%
db extensions 3x10
diamond pushups 2x10

wed - off or just core workout (ab circuit)

thursday- light power, heavy legs, light back + assistance

Hang muscle snatch - 5x3 @ 65-70%
Back squat 5x5 @ 75-80%
bbell lunge 3x5 @ 55% (of back squat 1rm)
RDL + shrug 3x6 (done HEAVY w/ slow negative
Alt DB rows 2x10
DB hammer curl 2x10

Friday heavy power, light chest, shoulder, heavy tri

Hang Clean 5x3 @ 80-85%
DB Incline See saw bench 2x10
Close Grip Bench (bar speed tempo 5 sec down 1 sec up, POWER on the concentric + eccentric contraction) 3x8
standing military press 3x5 @70%
Tricep pullover complex 3x10
(slow neg. to forehead, extend past head, pullover to chest then close grip bench to start position) needs to be very heavy these are hard!

on all days the warm up can include ab work (russian twists 2x10, reverse crunch 2x10, scorpions 2x10 etc. just not too taxing before the workout)
also it is a good idea to always do rotator cuff work pre workout and a lot of stretch post workout w/ a piece of rope (about 4 feet should work) stretch all body parts used in the workout deep stretches 3x3 breathing out at end of stretch (can also use a partner for stretching hip flexors/glutes/hammies other muscles which are tough to get alone)

hopefully this helps a bit
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Don't your freshman workout with the JV and varsity? Or do they have a seperate program? In most programs, the HFC would have training designated for all levels. I know some schools have meager facilities available, and some are as good as some college programs.

They do have a time set for training but he has decided to also join ROTC which is the same time. His mom got him some wieghts/bench/rack. She is a co-worker and asked if i would be willing to help. Like I said it has been along time since i was training for football and I don't claim to be an expert.

Thanks everyone for your input~
They do have a time set for training but he has decided to also join ROTC which is the same time. His mom got him some wieghts/bench/rack. She is a co-worker and asked if i would be willing to help. Like I said it has been along time since i was training for football and I don't claim to be an expert.

Thanks everyone for your input~

he should really look into going into his high school gym or to the ymca or some other cost effective option for a more complete gym because he will be limited by the equipment that he has access to, the plan above doesnt require much in terms of specialized equipment, a barbell and weights, bench and squat racks and a decent set of db's are all thats needed, but thats probably more than he will have access to at home..

he should really look into going into his high school gym or to the ymca or some other cost effective option for a more complete gym because he will be limited by the equipment that he has access to, the plan above doesnt require much in terms of specialized equipment, a barbell and weights, bench and squat racks and a decent set of db's are all thats needed, but thats probably more than he will have access to at home..

His mom just came to me today. I still need to get together with him. He is limited on tranportaion/time. His mom is a single working parent. Father I guess isn't much help.
His mom just came to me today. I still need to get together with him. He is limited on tranportaion/time. His mom is a single working parent. Father I guess isn't much help.

tell her to buy the book BIGGER FASTER STRONGER.............it has it all
tell her to buy the book BIGGER FASTER STRONGER.............it has it all

I used that in high school and early on in college. I highly recommend it, emphasis on bench squats dead lifts and steady progression in weights, also stuff on stretching and speed/agility drills.

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