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HIT Training


New member
Aug 20, 2005
I've just started to read THE NEW HIGH INTENSITY TRAINING by Ellington Darden, PhD.

Have anyone tried the HIT methods as recommended by Arthur Jones, Darden, Mentzer, Viator or Yates?

I'm going to give it a go but I know it's not as simple as just doing a few easy exercises to failure.
Darden has revamped the original some. Now he advises back off weeks or non failure training every so often. Darden does have some good ideas but he just continues were Jones left off promoting the orginal HIT not what Metzner created. His frequency and exercise selection is good but he lacks some of the important pieces that induce hypertrophy at a greater rate.
Its a good place to start but there are better methods if you are looking for size and not wanting to kill yourself for several wks.

RazorCuts said:
His frequency and exercise selection is good but he lacks some of the important pieces that induce hypertrophy at a greater rate.

Like what?
Sesshomaru said:
Like what?

The thing is people burn out to quick. Killing your system every workout is not needed. Its nice he has some back off weeks but it should be the other way around were you build up over a few weeks and then hit failure one week out of say 4. Also he does not take into consideration of stretch and contraction iso's that do speed up hypertrophy. I think 1 set is ok but you should have a high/low rep scheme.

Thanks New Mass. I wasnt bashing anything. Just stating what the definition of Jones HIT is.

RazorCuts said:
Thanks New Mass. I wasnt bashing anything. Just stating what the definition of Jones HIT is.


I thought you were leaving? Guess you lied about that too. ;)

Razorcuts, I have been reading lots of threads that you are the man that helped alot of people gain muscle mass. . . I am interested in speaking with you about this matter.
Ok reality check

TRAIN DON'T STRAIN(if your a total pussy disregard and go heavier than your going now)

People use the name and claim this is HIT thats not HIT etc etc

Menztgers original HIT was really more marketing(I train with high Intensity you don't)constant growth hypertrophy etc through constant increase in force(in a nut shell) but the guy didn't keep growing did he? And when he did that whole nautalis or whatever machine he was trying to sell in the 70's he dieted down and stopped training then juiced and put on his amazing ***pounds in ***days

Menztger did go to England and did help Dorian and he did start doing one set to failure(so he claims)

Then he kind of mentions its one working set and he doesn't count the "warm up" sets Starts talking about intensity and concentration etc of one set to SUPER Failure(again this is kind of stuff that sells magazines)

Point is Dorian tore shit again and again(still the greatest just saying he had injuries)

If you want longevity in the sport train hard but not crazy
faller said:

Maybe 'whatever' to your comments. Ironman is a lier and scammed his training methods from real trainers. He's been exposed as a fraud here and on many other boards.
Big A said:
Maybe 'whatever' to your comments. Ironman is a lier and scammed his training methods from real trainers. He's been exposed as a fraud here and on many other boards.

Hmmmm, like RazorCuts? Nice to see you allow open scamming on this board.
That gave you credibility..
Come on guys, I started this thread asking for advice on HIT.

Everyone has their own opinions of ways of training and we all respond differently to various styles.

I don't care who scammed who or anyone's creds, all I want to know if anybody has tried or trains using HIT.

I'm going to give it a go, but just needed someone's feedback.


jimboaldis said:
Come on guys, I started this thread asking for advice on HIT.

Everyone has their own opinions of ways of training and we all respond differently to various styles.

I don't care who scammed who or anyone's creds, all I want to know if anybody has tried or trains using HIT.

I'm going to give it a go, but just needed someone's feedback.



Sorry bro.
faller said:
Hmmmm, like RazorCuts? Nice to see you allow open scamming on this board.
That gave you credibility..

You don't like me, get the fuck off this board!
jimboaldis said:
I've just started to read THE NEW HIGH INTENSITY TRAINING by Ellington Darden, PhD.

Have anyone tried the HIT methods as recommended by Arthur Jones, Darden, Mentzer, Viator or Yates?

I'm going to give it a go but I know it's not as simple as just doing a few easy exercises to failure.

Ellington Darden's HIT book is awesome at teaching how to perform proper reps and how to develop the mind/muscle connection.

My addaptation of HIT is in the 'Growth principles for beginners' sticky thread in the Article's forum.
Big Picture

jimboaldis said:
Come on guys, I started this thread asking for advice on HIT.

Everyone has their own opinions of ways of training and we all respond differently to various styles.

I don't care who scammed who or anyone's creds, all I want to know if anybody has tried or trains using HIT.

I'm going to give it a go, but just needed someone's feedback.


I like the way you THINK! your focusing on what will bring YOU RESULTS, regardless of who started what, who wants credit here, who wants credit there etc... Bottom line you want results, and will go with the program that will produce just that, Period.
Bro i've been doing the IRONMAN HIT Program with tremendous success, this particular program and the way it is set up has my body responding well to it. I say if you give it a serious run and i mean SERIOUS then you'll see for yourself.
Now you must remember that No program will work for you if you dont combine it with a good and proper diet that works for you. As with anything its a combination of elements that brings in the greater results. So train smart and hard bro and keep a watch out for all the drama as it is nothing more than a negative distraction that will do nothing but have you bouncing around from one program to another. Get on the program and remain Focused until you achieve your goal, ;) peace

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