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How horny does test make you?


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2007
I ask because The American Physiological Society claims that exogenous test does NOT correlate to sexual performance in study:
**broken link removed**
I want your PERSONAL experiences if test made you horny, and if it did, HOW horny did you get from it? How quick did it shorten refraction time? Can you stay rock hard all night (without viagra) on test if proper stimulus is provided?
Does it make you want to fuck anything that moves? if so, how many mgs per week did you use?
So according to this study guys doing 600 mgs of test a week aren't experiencing ANY increase in sexual desire or activity.This flys in the face of LOTS of people that I know and my own life experiences.

At 600 mgs a week I'm knocking down walls to get at my girlfriend 6x a day!!

Just the other day an old friend of mine was telling me how last cycle he did he'd go home for lunch everyday so he could sniff his wifes dirty underwear!!
i see , so 600 mg makes you really horny.
But i have a question, how old are you? i mean to take this you must be over 50 ?
Guys just so we are all on the same page.....Sex drive has nothing to do with wether or not you stay rock hard all night. Only viagra/cialis or other ED drugs will do this for you. test simply increases your desire for sex and yes can help with erections. But the ability to keep a hard on for long periods is not test related. The desire to have sex all night long is:D
i see , so 600 mg makes you really horny.
But i have a question, how old are you? i mean to take this you must be over 50 ?

Please explain yourself.
When I'm on a good cycle the wind can blow through my pants and give me a hard on. I don't go around extra horny but I do go around with a constant tent in my pants. It sucks sometimes in class because class will end and I can't even stand up. lol
Test makes me horny as hell, but then again, I have a sexual addiction lol. It does increase my desire for sex even more so though.
All I can say is during every cycle that I have ever done I actually can't wait to get home and see the wife after work! :D j/k It's like an artificial boost of instant man hood zapped right through you that last 12 weeks.... love it! :D
Test makes me horny as hell, but then again, I have a sexual addiction lol. It does increase my desire for sex even more so though.

Same here.

One thing i have noticed is that i come a lot faster when i'm on test. Its like i'm so horny that i just rush it. IT only happens to me the first time i have sex on that day, but fuck its less than a minute sometimes. lol.

Has anyone else experienced this????
Alecaf, I wish I had that problem bro. :D while on Test I need to sometimes smack the little critter against the wall and tell him it's time to pop already! :p It will sometimes take me over an hour to finally drop the big one. Not that I mind, but sometimes if the Mrs is done it's not fare to keep beating her up cause I'm not. :D But hey, I love my wife and so we'll just go at it again later and see. :eek:
When I run test alone I get very horny lol. I even fantasize about the ungliest fattest chicks. When I run test with deca, not that much more than normal.

testosterone has always kept my sex drive high...that why I suggest it as base with most all cycles.

i am on 900mg Sustanon and 300-400mg Deca and I have gone 16 times in 2 days, and 7 times in a little under 5 hours one night... It def. has a large effect on my (still young) libido...
I am 34 on 500mg of omnidren per week give it to my wife morning noon and night and still pitch tent all day I wake up at around 3 a.m. stiff as a board keeps me awake untill work at 6 a.m. Played football with a guy a couple years ago I dont know what or how much he was on but we were driving to a game aand drove by a couple women and he could hardly contain himself for like an hour he was wearing sweats it was the funniest thing I have ever seen. He would tell me about being on sust. driving down the road get a chubby whip it out while he was driving and whail on himself crusing down the street.
i am on 900mg Sustanon and 300-400mg Deca and I have gone 16 times in 2 days, and 7 times in a little under 5 hours one night... It def. has a large effect on my (still young) libido...

I would say you have a bright future in the porno business my friend! :D
I hate to admit this but...it makes me bang expensive escorts every week. Even though I have a good looking gf. I just can't help it!
Oldfella is right. It definitely helps with the desire. The only problem is it also kills off your sperm production over time. But that will return to normal eventually.

I went and saw a reproductive endo last week due to a zero sperm count result several months ago. It's coming back naturally after 3.5 months off. He has me on clomid to accelerate the process. I just wish my wife would get pregnant so I can go back on the test again. :)

As for keeping the general awake for long periods, get some edex. You'll have a porn star boner for nearly three hours on 20 mikes of that stuff. :D But it won't feel that pleasant after the first 30 minutes.
When I run test alone I get very horny lol. I even fantasize about the ungliest fattest chicks. When I run test with deca, not that much more than normal.

I am the same way!! glad to see I am not the only one

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