Thanks Olfella... So would something like 300 g protein, 200 g carbs, 40 g fat be a good ratio, or should I lower the carbs and fat a bit more? I am counting fiber carbs and carbs from veggies.... starchy carbs are usually just about 3 or 4 servings (1/2 cup dry) oatmeal a day.... the rest are from veggies, and from my postworkout shake (40 grams waxy maize).
Also, I have posted this in another thread, but can you give me some advice on a really hardcore, high intensity/volume workout? I have been training high volume, 6 days a week push/pull/legs, repeat style... with like 30-35 sets per large muscle group each day.... I am training HEAVY and HARD. I SCREAM when I lift, yet I still recover really fast..... I am getting bored though and need a change-up. Could you recommend a different way of splitting it up for a 6-day week program? I want to focus on the "big lifts"
Something Like:
Workout A: back/bi/quad/hams- (deads,squats,curls,rows)
Workout B: chest/tri/shoulder/calves- (bench variations,dips, push press, cleans, calve variations...)
Could I do a routine like that where I just alternate those two days, with SUndays completely off? Maybe 12-15 sets for the large muscle groups each day, and 8-10 sets for the smaller groups (hams, calves, bis, tris).
So a total of 36-45 sets for the entire week for the large muscles, and 25-30 sets for the smaller ones...
May sound like too much for some, but I would only do it to shock the body for a few weeks and then deload.... any opinions/routine suggestions?