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How thing can really change in a year.


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Kilo Klub Member
Apr 1, 2005
The point of my post is not to spread doom and gloom (okay maybe I am a little blue and depressed today) but to illustrate how much things can change in short time. It goes both ways, so if you are riding really high, enjoy it but don't take it for granted and let things slip away. By the same token if you are down in the dumps, one little break can also take you right to the top.

Below is the original thread and post from exactly 1 year ago today. My how things have changed


I wanted to share this with you guys....Today is MY anniversary to Anthony (Aeliop)

We have been through lots of ups and downs over the years, due to our personalities and backgrounds..........but never a dull moment:)

But overall, its been the best thing that ever happened to me....thanks for everything babe.:)

He's taking me to see Collective Soul at the House of Blues, as he surprised me with tickets, and he is now a big fan.....Can't wait!

Anyway baby, Happy Anniversary!!:)...

See you tonight....I have a nice, sexy surprise;)
That's life. You never know you're up until you're coming down and you don't know how far down you are until you come up. Best thing we can do is enjoy it while its good and stay positive when its bad.

This one's good when I'm feeling down.

Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so let us be thankful.

That always puts things into perspective... Anyway, feel better man.
..............like my buddy said
after his divorce

"women will suck the life right out of you"

Your buddy is a fool. Women are the best thing on earth. Sounds like he got hurt and the anger and negative thoughts won
True..I don't understand how someone can spend 16-17 years in a relationship then one day decide they are not happy any longer...just have a hard time wrapping my mind around that...
But things seem to happen for a reason.
Your buddy is a fool. Women are the best thing on earth. Sounds like he got hurt and the anger and negative thoughts won
i thought snapple was the best thing on earth? oh well

your kinda right tho, women are the best thing on earth..................till they hit 40
i thought snapple was the best thing on earth? oh well

your kinda right tho, women are the best thing on earth..................till they hit 40

well played on both counts sir
Guys hang on a second

Guys the meaning of this thread I think got a little misunderstood. My point wasn't to bash women or relationships it was to illustrate how things can change good or bad. I am not even saying my change was bad. I am happy, I can't speak for the original poster but I would guess she is extremely happy. Reading the original thread now I really don't know either of those people. All is good on my end. Think of other things that have changed in a year good and bad. Jobs, sports teams, people in or out of jail, etc....
it took me many relationships good/and bad, before the right one came along. my attitude changed, i never felt better in my life when i married my wife. she is my best friend. i know i wont take what i have now for granted.
The point of my post is not to spread doom and gloom (okay maybe I am a little blue and depressed today) but to illustrate how much things can change in short time. It goes both ways, so if you are riding really high, enjoy it but don't take it for granted and let things slip away. By the same token if you are down in the dumps, one little break can also take you right to the top.

This nailed my brain as well, but the heading was "How things can change in three months". I would like to know how many times we were the reason for it to happen and how many times not…
Who knows...next year may be the opposite of this year. I got married, divorced and then remarried to the same woman over a 2 year period. Every day can last just a blink-of-an-eye or a thousand years. Life is a brutal and wonderful process.

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