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Humulin R around training strategies

@Gunsmith what dose slin, with the GH tops?

Example 1.5 Ius GH with 5 Ius slin ur 3 ius GH with 10 Ius slin ?
Right now im taking 3iu GH pre workout with 12iu insulin. I was taking 10 iu for a week then increase to 12 , in a few days ill increase to 14 , that will have me on for about 3 weeka total then ill take a week off and start again , but ill start at 14 and creap up watching how my blood sugar reacts till i reach a dose that keeps me.in the 80’s. Currently taking in about 150-175g carbs during the active window for the insulin. In the past ive found that i can get away with about 8g carbs per IU insulin with no issues of low blood sugar.
Right now im taking 3iu GH pre workout with 12iu insulin. I was taking 10 iu for a week then increase to 12 , in a few days ill increase to 14 , that will have me on for about 3 weeka total then ill take a week off and start again , but ill start at 14 and creap up watching how my blood sugar reacts till i reach a dose that keeps me.in the 80’s. Currently taking in about 150-175g carbs during the active window for the insulin. In the past ive found that i can get away with about 8g carbs per IU insulin with no issues of low blood sugar.
How do you measure blood sugar?

I could be wrong and hope I am bc I bought a fitness watch that measures blood sugar . I've found those watches probably aren't accurate for measuring blood sugar
What do you guys prefer?

I have seen subq with pre workout meal, subq right before the gym, IM with preworkout meal, IM right before the gym…

What has given you guys the best results?
DM BBExtreme he gave me some advice and it’s proven to be invaluable
How do you measure blood sugar?

I could be wrong and hope I am bc I bought a fitness watch that measures blood sugar . I've found those watches probably aren't accurate for measuring blood sugar
I have a blood glucose meter like what diabetics use that requires a drop of blood
How do you measure blood sugar?

I could be wrong and hope I am bc I bought a fitness watch that measures blood sugar . I've found those watches probably aren't accurate for measuring blood sugar
man... I hope it wasn't a serious question, just a joke...
How do you measure blood sugar?

I could be wrong and hope I am bc I bought a fitness watch that measures blood sugar . I've found those watches probably aren't accurate for measuring blood sugar
Unless that watch has some sort of needle on the back side it’s useless. Get you a CGM or a reliable finger prick one.

Are you no longer working with @b-boy ?

How do you measure blood sugar?

I could be wrong and hope I am bc I bought a fitness watch that measures blood sugar . I've found those watches probably aren't accurate for measuring blood sugar
No smart device has been cleared to accurately measure blood sugar. Please do NOT do that. Get a CGM or meter.
Unless that watch has some sort of needle on the back side it’s useless. Get you a CGM or a reliable finger prick one.

Are you no longer working with @b-boy ?

He doesn't need to worry about insulin usage, his bodyfat is FAR, FAR, FAR, away from even THINKING about using it.

Is your inbox getting full from this comment? Because I sure am intrigued now.
LOL. Don’t worry I’m not sharing any secrets in DM’s that I won’t share here. I’ll let him speak to what I said to him so I don’t break the rules.

But for anyone who wants to know my current insulin/HGH protocol I’m happy to share. But it will be changing tomorrow as I’ll be back home and flipping into progressive rebound from cutting. My food and insulin will change up in terms of high days and amounts used.
I’ve only ever used humalog - why would someone opt for humulin?
I’ve only ever used humalog - why would someone opt for humulin?
In the US is cheaper (Novolin-R at Walmart) and the active life make it very convenient without having to take multiple shots.
The active life also coincides nicely with HGH's
Seriously guys, you're really looking too complicated when it comes to the use of insulin. Start with small dosages and increase as you get the hang of it. 10 units is not a small dosage. The equation of starting with 10ui and 100g of carbs is ridiculous. You need to test your blood sugar and see how sensitive it is.

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