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I fucking love steroids

nothing like waiting in the ER as a citizen with health insurance behind 30 illegals without health insurance or citizenship, who are about to be granted both, while you pay insane premiums monthly and taxes for these folks to have these amenities that no one in my family, who emigrated from Poland to Chicago, fleeing a REAL WAR ZONE - was offered. NO EBT, NO CASHAID, NO FREE HEALTH CARE, NO free scholarships for being a certain ethnicity or subsidies, no section 8 housing, NADA, and I am the only criminal from our huge family go figure . none of us complained either or ever had a sense of entitlement that we were owed ANYTHING from this marvelous country. This country gave us LIFE and prosperity. you get what you put in ! end of rant. I am all for LEGAL immigration, back then when we came to ellis island fleeing NAZIS, they would turn you down and send you back for having a COUGH. regardless it was cool to visit the island and obtain our immigration paperwork. I just pulled up megans law 25 mi radius around me, majority of names are foreign. go figure.

speaking of megans law, I trained chelsea king rip who was a student at poway high a few times before she was murdered , chelseas law was enacted after :

the same guy who murdered her, murdered a highschooler amber dubois in the city next to poway where I grew up, at the same highschool I went to freshman year. The same trail chelsea however was murdered on while jogging (near lake hodges), I used go to walk frequently and see her memorial. RIP , we have so much crime homeland already why invite more:

increases penalties, parole provisions, and oversight for first time sex offenders who commit the most heinous crimes against children.
There's a reason why every single president (including Trump) allows "illegal immigration" to continue. The United States is the number one food producer in the world, and we need cheap labor to produce food (we use immigrant labor for tons of other stuff, but food is the biggest need).
Said fuck it - back to running a vial of TP’s blacks a day with my Slin pre and post workout. Hopefully I don’t sleep till noon…
Hi Slesh!
I hope you are doing well!
Are you still taking 18ius of black tops per day?
Do you notice considerably more in terms of fat loss, lean tissue gain from 18ius versus 6ius-9ius?
Part of me would love to try 18ius if it would help reduce the inflammation in my spine and allow my muscle tissue to regenerate faster than it does from the 6ius I’m currently taking.
I definitely notice faster healing and less inflammation in the tissue around my spine that causes me great pain from using 6ius versus using 3ius. And don’t even getting me started on the pain I’m in when I seize using HGH.
Hi Slesh!
I hope you are doing well!
Are you still taking 18ius of black tops per day?
Do you notice considerably more in terms of fat loss, lean tissue gain from 18ius versus 6ius-9ius?
Part of me would love to try 18ius if it would help reduce the inflammation in my spine and allow my muscle tissue to regenerate faster than it does from the 6ius I’m currently taking.
I definitely notice faster healing and less inflammation in the tissue around my spine that causes me great pain from using 6ius versus using 3ius. And don’t even getting me started on the pain I’m in when I seize using HGH.
My man! Been a minute. I think if you’re looking to reduce that inflammation TB500 should be your best bet. In terms of the GH benefits - I don’t get the fat loss the way others do. I’m very much more reliant on diet and cardio. However, I’ll say that what I love about running high dose GH is my ability to do 30-60 minutes of HIIT cardio, lift for 60-90 minutes and be in a caloric deficit but not lose an ounce of lean tissue. I find that much GH to be incredibly anti catabolic while giving me a more prounounced V-shape and great muscle volume.
My man! Been a minute. I think if you’re looking to reduce that inflammation TB500 should be your best bet. In terms of the GH benefits - I don’t get the fat loss the way others do. I’m very much more reliant on diet and cardio. However, I’ll say that what I love about running high dose GH is my ability to do 30-60 minutes of HIIT cardio, lift for 60-90 minutes and be in a caloric deficit but not lose an ounce of lean tissue. I find that much GH to be incredibly anti catabolic while giving me a more prounounced V-shape and great muscle volume.
Thank you for your response! That makes a lot of sense! 👍 Holding muscle while cutting isn’t easy typically.
Of course dude. Also I know it’s been discussed at nauseam but pay attention to your BG and RHR if you decide to make that jump.
Will do. I’m taking 500mg metformin CR. Been doing that since I read it in the Luki thread.
Of course dude. Also I know it’s been discussed at nauseam but pay attention to your BG and RHR if you decide to make that jump.

It's funny you brought that up. I was discussing with a close friend of mine who is >50 and still in this pretty hard but he is just is stubborn with doctors and bloodwork so I told him at the bare bones minimum do this...which can all be done from home. Obviously this should not be a substitute for bloods but the reality is many guys don't get bloods and not only that, they do nothing when in reality they could be doing at least something...

  • Keep BG under control
  • Keep RHR <65
  • Keep blood pressure <125/85
  • Keep bf <12%
  • Cut out the harshest drugs (tren, orals, etc)

I wonder how much healthier our community would be if everyone did literally just that? I think you'd have a lot of horsecock big dudes still aging quite healthy if they just did that. I mean even if they did nothing else and just made all those things true. If you did the above it sort of puts a governor on what you can take and how much and/or additional precautions you have to take to keep the above true while taking more.
It's funny you brought that up. I was discussing with a close friend of mine who is >50 and still in this pretty hard but he is just is stubborn with doctors and bloodwork so I told him at the bare bones minimum do this...which can all be done from home. Obviously this should not be a substitute for bloods but the reality is many guys don't get bloods and not only that, they do nothing when in reality they could be doing at least something...

  • Keep BG under control
  • Keep RHR <65
  • Keep blood pressure <125/85
  • Keep bf <12%
  • Cut out the harshest drugs (tren, orals, etc)

I wonder how much healthier our community would be if everyone did literally just that? I think you'd have a lot of horsecock big dudes still aging quite healthy if they just did that. I mean even if they did nothing else and just made all those things true. If you did the above it sort of puts a governor on what you can take and how much and/or additional precautions you have to take to keep the above true while taking more.
85 distolic BP is too high
85 distolic BP is too high
systolic of 125 is too high
diastolic of 85 is too high
bw of >200lbs is too high
rhr of 65 is too high
any steroids are too much
training like we do is not healthy

my post was more in context of someone who has numbers woefully off but that would also be a meaningful step forward. If we want to get serious I'd say go for this...

  • cease ALL ped's. Period. All of us, regardless of age. Maybe some HCG. maybe
  • reduce calories to <2,000 a day
  • reduce bodyweight for most of us to <175lbs
  • limit physical activity to only those that will only cause rejuvenation and positive repair and remodel. Extremely strenuous activity should be all but ceased
systolic of 125 is too high
diastolic of 85 is too high
bw of >200lbs is too high
rhr of 65 is too high
any steroids are too much
training like we do is not healthy

my post was more in context of someone who has numbers woefully off but that would also be a meaningful step forward. If we want to get serious I'd say go for this...

  • cease ALL ped's. Period. All of us, regardless of age. Maybe some HCG. maybe
  • reduce calories to <2,000 a day
  • reduce bodyweight for most of us to <175lbs
  • limit physical activity to only those that will only cause rejuvenation and positive repair and remodel. Extremely strenuous activity should be all but ceased
I agree 100% - if we want to be healthy let's not do anything that requires excessive effort from our body and exploiting it - not to mention extremes like bodybuilding

blood pressure 135/90 and HR 85 will not be good for a guy who weighs 180lbs but for a guy who weighs 300lbs 10% bf and takes 4g gear these will be really good health parameters - you can't treat everything as just black or just white... everyone the case must be assessed individually
systolic of 125 is too high
diastolic of 85 is too high
bw of >200lbs is too high
rhr of 65 is too high
any steroids are too much
training like we do is not healthy

my post was more in context of someone who has numbers woefully off but that would also be a meaningful step forward. If we want to get serious I'd say go for this...

  • cease ALL ped's. Period. All of us, regardless of age. Maybe some HCG. maybe
  • reduce calories to <2,000 a day
  • reduce bodyweight for most of us to <175lbs
  • limit physical activity to only those that will only cause rejuvenation and positive repair and remodel. Extremely strenuous activity should be all but ceased
You’re crazy with these points. Average calories per day is subjective, varies based on man, woman, height, weight, etc.
but if you look on any food label it’s based on a 2000 calorie diet. That’s like bare minimum for most men just to maintain body weight.

Same thing with body weight. That’s subjective. Not everyone should weigh <175. To me that’s like skin and bone based on the average height.

PED’s - I will agree for maximum health PED’s should be avoided. But most men 40+ and even younger now need at least a low dose of TRT for healthy T levels.
You’re crazy with these points. Average calories per day is subjective, varies based on man, woman, height, weight, etc.
but if you look on any food label it’s based on a 2000 calorie diet. That’s like bare minimum for most men just to maintain body weight.

Same thing with body weight. That’s subjective. Not everyone should weigh <175. To me that’s like skin and bone based on the average height.

PED’s - I will agree for maximum health PED’s should be avoided. But most men 40+ and even younger now need at least a low dose of TRT for healthy T levels.
you didn't understand a certain irony in his post
systolic of 125 is too high
diastolic of 85 is too high
bw of >200lbs is too high
rhr of 65 is too high
any steroids are too much
training like we do is not healthy

my post was more in context of someone who has numbers woefully off but that would also be a meaningful step forward. If we want to get serious I'd say go for this...

  • cease ALL ped's. Period. All of us, regardless of age. Maybe some HCG. maybe
  • reduce calories to <2,000 a day
  • reduce bodyweight for most of us to <175lbs
  • limit physical activity to only those that will only cause rejuvenation and positive repair and remodel. Extremely strenuous activity should be all but ceased
not sure why you react like that now, childish behavior in my opinion.
you gave some guidelines which is great.
but why not aim for <120/75 if you make those guidelines? 85 is too high, simple as it is
no reason to get passive aggressive
It's funny you brought that up. I was discussing with a close friend of mine who is >50 and still in this pretty hard but he is just is stubborn with doctors and bloodwork so I told him at the bare bones minimum do this...which can all be done from home. Obviously this should not be a substitute for bloods but the reality is many guys don't get bloods and not only that, they do nothing when in reality they could be doing at least something...

  • Keep BG under control
  • Keep RHR <65
  • Keep blood pressure <125/85
  • Keep bf <12%
  • Cut out the harshest drugs (tren, orals, etc)

I wonder how much healthier our community would be if everyone did literally just that? I think you'd have a lot of horsecock big dudes still aging quite healthy if they just did that. I mean even if they did nothing else and just made all those things true. If you did the above it sort of puts a governor on what you can take and how much and/or additional precautions you have to take to keep the above true while taking more.
I think this set of criteria would be very difficult for most people over 50 and most people on a gram of AAS or more. What you outline here would put most people at HRT doses, body weight fairly low by BBing standards, very careful diet not taxing on the GI and non-toxic, daily cardio etc, no stims like even coffee.

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