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I fucking love steroids

I agree 100% - if we want to be healthy let's not do anything that requires excessive effort from our body and exploiting it - not to mention extremes like bodybuilding

blood pressure 135/90 and HR 85 will not be good for a guy who weighs 180lbs but for a guy who weighs 300lbs 10% bf and takes 4g gear these will be really good health parameters - you can't treat everything as just black or just white... everyone the case must be assessed individually

That BP may be ok from a bodybuilders perspective or thinking, however my nephews son is a starting lineman at Indiana University. He's 6'5 290 and extremely athletic. A complete freak of nature stud. His BP was 140/90 last season for awhile and they put him on a medical exemption and wouldn't let him play until both numbers dropped 10 points or better. With some medication and dietary adjustments they were able to get him down to an acceptable range in about 2 weeks. They told him moving forward if he plans on playing in the NFL his blood pressure being as close as it can to the 'normal' range would be crucial in him playing. I just text him a few minutes ago and he said the highest they want to see him before he gets flagged is 130/75 but preferably lower.
not sure why you react like that now, childish behavior in my opinion.
you gave some guidelines which is great.
but why not aim for <120/75 if you make those guidelines? 85 is too high, simple as it is
no reason to get passive aggressive

I think the broad issue is that a ton of guys (at least Historically) aren't getting bloods or blood pressure readings at all. They are walking around at 145/100 or worse. I don't disagree with targeting good or great not just barely okay but these guys aren't targeting, aiming or even aware so just getting them to think about it and act to protect themselves is a huge positive.

For what it's worth I'm 110/70 routinely now on minimal meds. Takes a good diet and work though as with heavy carbs I'm 145/100 on the same meds.
Give me all the fucking Tren
really sorry to all big lads here but just out of curiosity need to ask such a stupid question. we all hear king its only one but what exactly do you feel about being on tren to make it number one compared to the others
sorry slesh I did but seems like google translator didnt do his job well lol..
simply what make you say tren its a king amongst all other roids
sorry slesh I did but seems like google translator didnt do his job well lol..
simply what make you say tren its a king amongst all other roids
I really wasn’t trying to be a dick - just had no clue what you were asking.

I can only give you my own personal anecdotal experience with Tren. I’ve only used it for cuts and never a growth phase. But I’ve never experienced the kind of recomp and strength gains while in a caloric deficit. It also does some nutty stuff when it comes to aesthetics. It’s hard to explain - you just need to try it and can hopefully tolerate the sides…
really sorry to all big lads here but just out of curiosity need to ask such a stupid question. we all hear king its only one but what exactly do you feel about being on tren to make it number one compared to the others
If someone asks why trenbolone is "king" it means they have never used it - it's obvious that you're new😅
I really wasn’t trying to be a dick - just had no clue what you were asking.

I can only give you my own personal anecdotal experience with Tren. I’ve only used it for cuts and never a growth phase. But I’ve never experienced the kind of recomp and strength gains while in a caloric deficit. It also does some nutty stuff when it comes to aesthetics. It’s hard to explain - you just need to try it and can hopefully tolerate the sides…
That was/is one of the reasons they put the fina implants in cattle. They could feed them less but carry the same body and muscle (meat lol) mass.

The shit is awesome though. I’ve been running eq for the first time in probably 10 years and not really blown away by it. Thinking of swapping out for or adding in old faithful tren
I really wasn’t trying to be a dick - just had no clue what you were asking.
i totally understand bro. sorry if you felt offended by my answer too.
I’ve only used it for cuts and never a growth phase.
yeah I heard its better to stay off during bulk due to health reasons, well, heard its better to stay off in general like with other roids
It’s hard to explain - you just need to try it and can hopefully tolerate the sides…
that time may come someday, as you probably notice I am such a novice on board trying to gain knowledge which i fully enjoy here. not rushing 'things' might get to the point where we will have true convo about haha
really sorry to all big lads here but just out of curiosity need to ask such a stupid question. we all hear king its only one but what exactly do you feel about being on tren to make it number one compared to the others


👆🏻= why Tren is king. Looking stacked @slesh
For anabolics I seem to respond and tolerate high Test, mild Deca and low Primo with no AI the best. Just started:

2.5 grams of Test
500mgs of Deca
300mgs of Primo
Hey slesh, I read your current stack is down to 750 test 500 Tren and mast. Why did you lower the doses ?
More importantly @slesh , do you still fucking love steroids? Is tren still king? How many iu are in a vial of 18iu black tops?

(Sorry I thought we were asking dumb questions still…not directed at anyone in particular)
More importantly @slesh , do you still fucking love steroids? Is tren still king? How many iu are in a vial of 18iu black tops?

(Sorry I thought we were asking dumb questions still…not directed at anyone in particular)
LOLOL dude I'm dead - thank you I needed that...

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