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I hope someone can prove this guy wrong


New member
Jun 13, 2007
Posted this on Bolex as well..

(EDIT)-Many posts below have reduced the video entirely to "Love" and "marijuana." This is a gross misinterpretation and underestimation. The fact remains that this presentation was held at the world renowned Oxford Union, he is credible, and what he's saying many people will never hear.

Genuinely listen to him, he's not presenting at Oxford for nothing, the man knows his stuff. Don't worry about posting if you think there's nothing you can do or if you think it's bullshit, I know what you're going to say because hundreds of millions of people sleep walking through life say it every day.

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its funny, the manner in which he attempts to present his statements is the same thing his statements are saying about the rest of the world, emotional manipulation and such. he never presents a shred of real evidence to back up anything he says.

also he makes very simple grammar errors 'a insult to our intelligence' - should be an insult - this is basic 3rd grade stuff
its funny, the manner in which he attempts to present his statements is the same thing his statements are saying about the rest of the world, emotional manipulation and such. he never presents a shred of real evidence to back up anything he says.

also he makes very simple grammar errors 'a insult to our intelligence' - should be an insult - this is basic 3rd grade stuff

I havent watch this one but i have seen other perfomances by him and he basically says that the world is fucked up, and he says that the only way to fix it is LOVE, he is not trying to raise a lynching mob, he says the answer is LOVE,
how the fuck can you argue against that?

People should listen to him and start to think for themselves... cause the world is utterly fucked up and its getting worser everyday and soon it will be so utterly fucked that you cant even ignore it from your own secure home in your own safe little neighborhood.
LOVE? isnt that the cry of hippies? ever meet a hippie? all they do is smoke pot, talk about big government and corporations trying to control us, and think LOVE fixes everything.

by the way hippies smell and dont shower.
LOVE? isnt that the cry of hippies? ever meet a hippie? all they do is smoke pot, talk about big government and corporations trying to control us, and think LOVE fixes everything.

by the way hippies smell and dont shower.

Marijuana's legit brother, you're showing a bit of your ignorance, see, we all have it. ps compounds in marijuana decrease lung cancer risk by 50%(Harvard Med. School), and it stimulates the growth of new brain cells (the exact opposite of alcohol), and THC induces apoptosis in brain tumors while preserving the health of surrounding brain cells. Whaaat? yea. The reason it's illegal is because is makes people counterproductive and that's the only reason. The government makes their money from the people (% of GDP, taxes, etc.) and if we get counterproductive and "enlightened" then they go out of business, literally..out of "business." Besides this dumbass law, why the hell can the government tell me what I can put in my body? Why can they fluoridate over 60% of our water supply (fluoride suppresses the thyroid hormones and testosterone and estrogen production as well as impairing cognitive function for all yall hormone lovers). No doctor would ever prescribe one dose of one drug for one ailment (cavities) to such a huge population of random people.

Point is, prove the man wrong.
LOVE? isnt that the cry of hippies? ever meet a hippie? all they do is smoke pot, talk about big government and corporations trying to control us, and think LOVE fixes everything.

by the way hippies smell and dont shower.

haha oh man im dying laughing reading this i have met some that smelled, even though i dont agree with smoking weed its so widespread that it will never be stopped.
Marijuana's legit brother, you're showing a bit of your ignorance, see, we all have it. ps compounds in marijuana decrease lung cancer risk by 50%(Harvard Med. School), and it stimulates the growth of new brain cells (the exact opposite of alcohol), and THC induces apoptosis in brain tumors while preserving the health of surrounding brain cells. Whaaat? yea. The reason it's illegal is because is makes people counterproductive and that's the only reason. The government makes their money from the people (% of GDP, taxes, etc.) and if we get counterproductive and "enlightened" then they go out of business, literally..out of "business." Besides this dumbass law, why the hell can the government tell me what I can put in my body? Why can they fluoridate over 60% of our water supply (fluoride suppresses the thyroid hormones and testosterone and estrogen production as well as impairing cognitive function for all yall hormone lovers). No doctor would ever prescribe one dose of one drug for one ailment (cavities) to such a huge population of random people.

Point is, prove the man wrong.

i looked up that study you mentioned about pot causing brain cells to grow.

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the study was done with HU-210, a potent synthetic cannabinoid similar to a group of compounds found in marijuana. HU-210 is 100 times more potent than the cannabids found in pot. THE STUDY WAS NOT DONE WITH POT, OR THC FROM POT!!!!! all of the links above show it was done with a similar compound - NOT POT.

next time you feel the need to call someone ignorant to defend your pot smoking addiciton, please post correct information, not lies to support your misrepresented arguements.

personally i dont smoke pot, never have. i dont think its nearly as awful as the media makes it out to be. the worst part of pot is all the know-it-all hippies that smoke it, and make it sound like its a miracle cure all for every ailment known to man.

P.S. if you smoke a lot of pot you will become smarter than Stephen Hawking, you will get hungry and make Jay Cutler look small, your penis will triple in size, and you will be able to get out of the matrix and hang out with Morpheus. also you may invent warp drive and usher in a new era for humanity
Dont bring in hippies and marijuana into this!

Man, so if LOVE is not the answer? War is? Fuck, you dont have to smoke pot to want to have peace man...
First, the video has nothing to do with marijuana though we can have a healthy debate on that subject in a different thread.

Second, you know that I'm speaking of precisely these studies how? It just so happens that as a student I have access to literally thousands of peer-reviewed and scholarly Health studies and articles (not to mention from categories ranging from economics to foresty to genetics to literature and history, etc etc). These studies come from journals that often costs thousands of dollars A PIECE and I highly doubt that you rumaged through all of them to find the studies I'm referring to.


P.S. I don't advocate marijuana. There are many (many) positive uses of the plant (plastics, fuel, fibers, food (extremely healthy seeds), a pleasant, hungover-free high, etc) but everyone is entitled to their opinions/actions concerning it. I have friends that have never touched the stuff yet believe wholeheartedly in what David Icke and others have presented. The facts are at our fingertips, literally.

i looked up that study you mentioned about pot causing brain cells to grow.

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the study was done with HU-210, a potent synthetic cannabinoid similar to a group of compounds found in marijuana. HU-210 is 100 times more potent than the cannabids found in pot. THE STUDY WAS NOT DONE WITH POT, OR THC FROM POT!!!!! all of the links above show it was done with a similar compound - NOT POT.

next time you feel the need to call someone ignorant to defend your pot smoking addiciton, please post correct information, not lies to support your misrepresented arguements.

personally i dont smoke pot, never have. i dont think its nearly as awful as the media makes it out to be. the worst part of pot is all the know-it-all hippies that smoke it, and make it sound like its a miracle cure all for every ailment known to man.

P.S. if you smoke a lot of pot you will become smarter than Stephen Hawking, you will get hungry and make Jay Cutler look small, your penis will triple in size, and you will be able to get out of the matrix and hang out with Morpheus. also you may invent warp drive and usher in a new era for humanity
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Pot affects people in dif. ways.If i smoke(maybe once or twice a yr ) ,i eat everything in the house ,get really sleepy ,have sex ,and go to bed.I had a friend who smoked it everyday before he trained and claimed to get loads of energy and great workouts .This guy placed 3rd in the jr. nationals back in the 80's .Now i know the pot had nothing to do with his accomplishments but im just saying everyone reacts dif. to drugs .As for me id rather have an occasional glass of Crown Royal than a joint any day but thats me.If you like to smoke go for it but i dont see it solving the worlds problems.
the worst part of pot is all the know-it-all hippies that smoke it, and make it sound like its a miracle cure all for every ailment known to man.

agreed! same with aas users that think test and gh will cure everything;)

...i dont have time or desire to watch the whole video. i saw the beginning. i heard him say "fricken people" in the first 5 minutes in a derogatory way. is that love? he contradicted himself right off the bat. if he didn't care what people believe and didn't want to influence people's opinions he wouldn't be doing seminars... i saw he had some Ghandi quotes. thats the man we should be listening too. Ghandi was the greatest person of the past millenium imo.
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The main idea is that we're being told what to do and think from the time we're born by those who own the world. If you think Bill Gates and Warren Buffett own the world then that's a big mistake. Every dollar that Gates and Buffett "own" is a promisory note that must be paid back to the Federal Reserve PLUS INTEREST. So, for every dollar that any of us "own," the same is true. Now, if you want to find out who's playing us like pawns then find out who owns our central bank (cuz it aint the government) and the other central banks all over the world because it's the same handful of people. I'm not saying I agree with everything Icke says because I don't but based on what I've been researching and SEEING with my own eyes these past few months, what he's saying is getting clearer and clearer. Don't watch the video, I'm losing no sleep over whether you do or not. I'm simply putting up an interesting link that I feel might change the way many of us see the world.
The main idea is that we're being told what to do and think from the time we're born by those who own the world. If you think Bill Gates and Warren Buffett own the world then that's a big mistake. Every dollar that Gates and Buffett "own" is a promisory note that must be paid back to the Federal Reserve PLUS INTEREST. So, for every dollar that any of us "own," the same is true. Now, if you want to find out who's playing us like pawns then find out who owns our central bank (cuz it aint the government) and the other central banks all over the world because it's the same handful of people. I'm not saying I agree with everything Icke says because I don't but based on what I've been researching and SEEING with my own eyes these past few months, what he's saying is getting clearer and clearer. Don't watch the video, I'm losing no sleep over whether you do or not. I'm simply putting up an interesting link that I feel might change the way many of us see the world.

How can you take a guy serious that thinks reptiles from space rule the world? Its hard to even say without laughing.
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agreed! same with aas users that think test and gh will cure everything;)

What!?!? How dare you insinuate that test & GH won't cure everything!!! LOL!!

...i dont have time or desire to watch the whole video. i saw the beginning. i heard him say "fricken people" in the first 5 minutes in a derogatory way. is that love? he contradicted himself right off the bat. if he didn't care what people believe and didn't want to influence people's opinions he wouldn't be doing seminars...

So, if the guy gets emotional & starts insulting people who cause wars & oppress other people, then by simply saying "fricken people", he's automatically lost the argument that people should love each other???

Fricken people!!! (LOL)
The main idea is that we're being told what to do and think from the time we're born by those who own the world. If you think Bill Gates and Warren Buffett own the world then that's a big mistake. Every dollar that Gates and Buffett "own" is a promisory note that must be paid back to the Federal Reserve PLUS INTEREST. So, for every dollar that any of us "own," the same is true. Now, if you want to find out who's playing us like pawns then find out who owns our central bank (cuz it aint the government) and the other central banks all over the world because it's the same handful of people. I'm not saying I agree with everything Icke says because I don't but based on what I've been researching and SEEING with my own eyes these past few months, what he's saying is getting clearer and clearer. Don't watch the video, I'm losing no sleep over whether you do or not. I'm simply putting up an interesting link that I feel might change the way many of us see the world.

I agree 100% with this part. The reptile aliens ruling the planet from space bit is a bunch of crap though...
Let me ask you a question. How do you know reptiles from* space don't rule the world?

Well, me & the aliens were having a beer the other day & when I mentioned the whole "ruling the world" thing, they explained that "ruling" was too strong of a word & that they were just hanging out & watching over us for a bit.

I pointed out the worlds problems to them, then they got really embarrassed & defensive & ran out into the backyard & took off back into orbit in their Toyota Star Cruiser spaceship.

They haven't even returned any of my calls ever since.

I don't really mind though, they forgot a case of space beer in my fridge...

Fricken People!!!
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