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I just had labrum surgery and am in desperate need of help!

Jake LaMotta

New member
Jun 20, 2006
On December 31, 2007 I had arthroscopic surgery to repair a torn labrum that was torn posterior from 7 to 11 o'clock and I also had a small tear in the front. My doc used 4 absorbable ancors in the back and 1 in the front. I start PT Monday January 7. I am about to turn 28 years old. I'm 6' 250 and am all natural (no AAS or HGH).

Can someone who's had this surgery tell me this: Will I ever be able to box again? I used to box amateurs and would love to one day make a comeback. Will I ever be able to throw punches again 100% pain free and with full force?

Can someone who has had this surgery before PLEASE help me. I'm scared to death and am a nervous wreck!!!
Hmm I had a partial tear in the labrum years ago due to swimming and weights that was repaired via arthroscopic surgery. At this point I can lift fine(but I need to be careful with it - stretching, working out smart, etc), swimming a lot aggravates it, and I can throw a punch / have full movement.

I'd say the surgery was a huge success but it took a long time to recover fully, and after I recovered the pain reminded me that I needed to be smart/careful with my training. I remember going back to the gym and having difficulty benching the bar for 12 reps (prior to that in HS I could rep 185 easily). But I stuck with it and now I am as strong as ever. The key is to be patient, I wouldn't freak out about not being able to throw punches or anything - thats out of your control now (pull yourself together man! *SLAP* :D ) but I would take things slow and with any luck you will have a near full recovery like me.

I may never be able to swim 3 hours a day 6 days a week again - but I can do anything else I want and I learned a valuable lesson in the process.
Hmm I had a partial tear in the labrum years ago due to swimming and weights that was repaired via arthroscopic surgery...I can throw a punch / have full movement.

So you're saying right now you could throw hard fast punches 100% pain free? Could you do a boxing workout right now?

When was your surgery? How soon thereafter could you throw hard punches 100% pain free?

I miss hitting the heavy bag.
So you're saying right now you could throw hard fast punches 100% pain free? Could you do a boxing workout right now?

When was your surgery? How soon thereafter could you throw hard punches 100% pain free?

I miss hitting the heavy bag.

Probably, I've never done a boxing workout before. I'd say it took me a year to get back to normal strength wise, I could probably throw punches before that.

I had my surgery sophmore year of highschool. I'm about to graduate college now so its been a good 6 years since my surgery.
Probably, I've never done a boxing workout before. I'd say it took me a year to get back to normal strength wise, I could probably throw punches before that.

I had my surgery sophmore year of highschool. I'm about to graduate college now so its been a good 6 years since my surgery.

I have 3 questions for you bigdfk:

1. Did you use HGH during your recovery? I will not be using it during my recovery. Even though I will not be using it, can I still make a 100% recovery and return to boxing, grappling, and weightlifting?...and how long will my recovery take?

2. How long should I expect my shoulder to be in pain for...cause right now it hurts!

3. Lastly, can you give me a timeline of when I will be able to do certain things (ex. PT, take off sling, lift, walk, run, box, wrestle)?
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I had same surgery as you, day before thanksgiving 2004. i still had pain for months and was week as fuck for a long while after.
just before surgery i could incline dumbbell press 95lbs for 10 to 12 reps and had done 100's and 105's in the 4 - 6 range. it took a year to get back to that and i had the best ortho surgeon in the usa work on me.
i didn't use anything to recover... no aas or gh. maybe i should have. but at the time i wanted to stay natural.
just stick with the rehab. be strong mentally and you will be fine.
I have 3 questions for you bigdfk:

1. Did you use HGH during your recovery? I will not be using it during my recovery. Even though I will not be using it, can I still make a 100% recovery and return to boxing, grappling, and weightlifting?...and how long will my recovery take?

2. How long should I expect my shoulder to be in pain for...cause right now it hurts!

3. Lastly, can you give me a timeline of when I will be able to do certain things (ex. PT, take off sling, lift, walk, run, box, wrestle)?

I really think you should be asking your ortho these questions (obviously not the gh question) as he knows exactly what he did to you and how you are otherwise physically. I can't imagine anyone could give you an honest assessment on your situation from here.
anabolic will not really help with the recover.. gh has been shown to help though.. just be very patient and stay low for while.. what were you symptoms of the labrum tear?..
I really think you should be asking your ortho these questions (obviously not the gh question) as he knows exactly what he did to you and how you are otherwise physically. I can't imagine anyone could give you an honest assessment on your situation from here.

I did ask my doc these questions and he gave me answers. I just wanted to see people who have had this surgerys thoughts as well.

deltaguy, could you do a boxing workout right now 100% PAIN FREE? Could you fight with someone right now and throw punches 100% PAIN FREE? At how many months out could you start to throw punches without having pain?

Also, based on your experience, can you give me a timeline of when I will be able to do certain things (ex. PT, take off sling, lift, walk, run, box, wrestle)?

Lastly, deltaguy, I just want to say that the fact that you eventually started lifting the same amount of weight you did pre surgery is inspirational and uplifting to me. I hope my recovery can be as good as yours.

BTW, who did your surgery?
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Nothing heals as fast a Var IMO

that is why they give it to burns victims who have no skin left....

I had labrum surgery a little over a year ago. I was able to start lifting again about four months after the surgery. However, I had to ve VERY careful. At six months I could lift pretty heavy but had to use some caution. At six months I could also play tennis but I needed several days to recouperate afterwards. At nine months I could lift as heavy as I wanted with little caution and play tennis very hard with minimal recovery time. At 12 months it was pretty much not a concern, I could use it pain free. I do warm it up and stretch it before and after every activity, but this is more precautionary than anything.

I did not use HGH or AAS during the recovery peroid. Everyone is different but I think you will be able to box again, but it is going to take a year.

I will warn you that the PT is very painful until you can restore a full range of motion. For the first four months I said that if I knew how painful the recovery was I would have not had the surgery. now I am glad I had it because I got my life back. I can sleep all night, play competitive tennis, and lift as heavy as I want all pain free. You will be glad you did it once you get through the next couple of months.
A few more milestones:

My sling came off after four weeks.

I started cardio by riding a stationary bike after two weeks.

I started cardio using an arc trainer at four weeks.

I was able to jog on a treadmil after three months. Only on a treadmil though, the risk of falling and reinjuring the shoulder by running outside is too great.

I was able to start swimming at three months. The swimming helped me more than any other activity.

The recovery is a bitch, but you will get through it. Be patient, don't push it. Be diligent with your range of motion exercises. Swim as soon as they tell you that you can. And ice, ice, ice and more ice.

Good luck Bro.
I did ask my doc these questions and he gave me answers. I just wanted to see people who have had this surgerys thoughts as well.

deltaguy, could you do a boxing workout right now 100% PAIN FREE? Could you fight with someone right now and throw punches 100% PAIN FREE? At how many months out could you start to throw punches without having pain?

Also, based on your experience, can you give me a timeline of when I will be able to do certain things (ex. PT, take off sling, lift, walk, run, box, wrestle)?

Lastly, deltaguy, I just want to say that the fact that you eventually started lifting the same amount of weight you did pre surgery is inspirational and uplifting to me. I hope my recovery can be as good as yours.

BTW, who did your surgery?

I understand now. At first I didn't think you addressed this with your dr so I was a bit concerned.

Here is my surgeon:

He is an amazing Dr.

I can do anything now. Totally pain free. Actually took boxing lessons for 6 months this year. Just wanted it for speed and cardio training as I have no desire to step into the ring. It really sucked the last bit of fat out of me.
At what point could I throw a punch.... hmmmm.. I would say completely pain free was around 6 months. Surgey was on a Wednesday, I took the sling off on Saturday for a few hrs and then Sunday the same. Did a little bit of stretching on my own as instructed and then started rehab immediately Monday morning. They wanted the mobility back asap. It was painful. too say the least but it did wonders. I think if you take the same path I did with the process you should be able to do most things within 3 to 4 months. Boxing and wrestling... probably 6 to 8 months but that really depends on your progress and dedication.

I am definitely back and better than ever. I focus a lot on dummbell work with power hooks to save my shoulders from unneccessary stress. It has helped immensely. I can throw around the heaviest of dumbbells incline, flat or decline... however, my bench is not near as strong. hahaha... that is ok though. I am not looking to win any contests.

Keep us posted of your progess. I am interested and wish you well. Let me know if you have any further questions.
i also had the same surgery about a year and a half ago. my symptoms were cronic dislocation which would happen any time i tried to throw something. the first week after the surgery the dr. had me do very mild stretching on my own twice a day. after that started my pt which at first was painful but after about three months i was pretty good . started back at the gym with a trainer that new about the injury and slowly worked my way back up. i also now take a kenpo martial arts class three times a week which includes alot of boxing and i havent had a problem at all. i just always make sure i stretch extremly well before any training. also the surgery itself was no big deal. they gave me a nerve block in my neck and the next thing i new i was waking up in recovery 7 hours later.
I just want to thank all of you guys. It is very inspiring that you fellas had such good recoverys and are now back better than ever.

Here is my doctor and physical therapists timeline:

1) Mon. 12-31-07 got surgery for a torn labrum.
2) Mon. 01-07-08 1 WEEK POST SURGERY started physical therapy with my therapist.
3) Mon. 02-04-08 5 WEEKS POST SURGERY take off sling and start walking on treadmill.
4) Mon. 03-31-08 3 MONTHS POST SURGERY start running on treadmill and start light weightlifting.
6) Mon. 06-02-08 5 MONTHS POST SURGERY start boxing training.

I will keep you guys posted on my recovery. Thank you again.
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I just want to thank all of you guys. It is very inspiring that you fellas had such good recoverys and are now back better than ever.

Here is my doctor and physical therapists timeline:

1) Mon. 12-31-07 got surgery for a torn labrum.
2) Mon. 01-07-08 1 WEEK POST SURGERY started physical therapy with my therapist.
3) Mon. 02-04-08 5 WEEKS POST SURGERY take off sling and start walking on treadmill.
4) Mon. 03-31-08 3 MONTHS POST SURGERY start running on treadmill and start light weightlifting.
6) Mon. 06-02-08 5 MONTHS POST SURGERY start boxing training.

I will keep you guys posted on my recovery. Thank you again.

i believe you will be out of that sling a lot sooner than 5 weeks. you should be out of that sling by end of week 2. you could also walk on treadmill now. be sure to ask your dr and therapist but i am failry confident it would be ok.

best of luck to you bro.
I had double labrum surgery back to back...3 months apart! I started using HGH while in recovery of my second one and holy shit did it help! My buddy had his done 2 days apart from mine(football) and i recovered i would say probably 1.5 to 2 months quicker than him for sure. Also, about 6 months after my last surgery I hit my first cycle of test 400mg/wk and anavar 40mg/day the last 6 weeks and got the strongest i had ever been! Of course my shoulders hurt and i was limited and they still do, but the route that i took was a great success for me. If you are going to do anything look into HGH...it worked wonders for me!
Thanks fellas. I know alot of people recommend it but I won't be taking any HGH.

What do the rest of you guys think of the timeline?
I'm at almost 2 weeks post op (surgery was 12-31-07) and my shoulder kills any time I move it. When the therapist moves it and stretches it at PT it KILLS!

Is this normal or is something wrong?
it is normal, brother.
are you doing your exercises home as instructed? or did they not have you do anything?
my doc (love that guy) had me performing stretching exercises at home twice a day. this in comination with pt was amazing. painful but i healed amazingly fast

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