Good evening all. I see Alin is online along with others. My question is directed at Purplehaze, though anyone who would help would get my grats. In little old New Zealand Even my Doctor cannot find any IGF-1(R3). Although he does get me Saizen HGH. Purplehaze said in a thread that IGF-1 is not a drug in the Usa. So What where could someone like myself(or a doctor) go about contacting someone in the states who could supply a Doctor? If this Request is to inquisitive, or I have overstepped any boundries , I'm sorry You guys call thshots. I have Cerebral Palsey and I just really wanna win a comp. I've managed a third and a second so far. I'm 230, six one and 13%. But I really need at least 20 - 30 lbs to threaten in tall mens. Please Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!