okay. carbs are the essential source of energy for training. sure. but are carbs the best source of energy for builing muscles? i understand that our bodies are primarily burning fats when we are at rest. and we build muscle when we are at rest. so would fats be BETTER than carbs for an energy source while your resting/not working out.. ??Could you clarify? I do not understand your question...
My advice, not to be a dick, but you need to read some basic nurition books.
Young, I'm not hateing on you, I know you are young. I was 18 once too. I didn't know shit when I first started, just what FLEX magazine told me. hahahaa. What i did was become a student of Bbuilding. Read everything I could get my hands on. Lurked on boards. Read EVERYTHING. Did not post much. Just read. Its OK to be new and not know much, but coming to a board like this with very basic beginner questions is foolish.
I know you want people to just GIVE you the answer. I was the same way. I think if you take some time, read the basics, that way when you are given some advice or read something you can take a critical look at it and make your own choice.
I am NO guru. Shit I am just getting my ass into shape after a 3 year layoff.
flat as hell!!!!!!!!!! it looks like just statred working out a few weeks ago.does anyone have in experience with problem.if so some help would be great.
okay. carbs are the essential source of energy for training. sure. but are carbs the best source of energy for builing muscles? i understand that our bodies are primarily burning fats when we are at rest. and we build muscle when we are at rest. so would fats be BETTER than carbs for an energy source while your resting/not working out.. ??
im interested in what role carbohydrates and fats play in protein synthesis at the cellular level... does one work better than the other, are they equal...or is it just a matter of havign sufficient calories running through the blood stream..?
Well carbs release insulin(which is a double edge sword) and could help draw amino acids into the muscle cell greater than fats can. But as we all know to many carbs once glycogen stores are filled up tend to get stored as fat. Its all about finding the right balance for you. Everyone is different. If you tend to gain weight by eating to many carbs... then id say limit them around your workouts/morning. Glycogen storage is greater 6 hours PWO and in the morning upon waking. The rest of the meals keep it pro/fat.