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Injects only working sometime !!!!!!


New member
Jan 27, 2009
Hello all ,
Rarely do I post on here but im having some issues responding to my gear , some days it works perfectly, some days its like I missed the correct injection spot .
When I use to pin arms I never missed , and I always felt my gear right away . Now since its harder for my gear to be absorbed for some reason, now its like my body feels like I'm becoming resistant to the gear , delts no response, lats , no response, arms , no response, and no its not my gear , I will show pics.
Everytime I inject my quads , I dont feel nothing but pain . Any help


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Scar tissue affecting absorption?

Man the shit looks like it working pretty well. Sounds like you need to find some fresh real estate to inject in. Try parts you've never injected in or haven't for awhile. Or massage the area injected really well as I think it might just be dormant due to scar tissue. But all of this is just a guess.
I have never “felt” my injections in my entire gear using life. No difference between bodypart and I in general don’t feeeeel gear hitting me.

Can you use a different way to describe this? Are u just asking if your gear is bunk? Go get bloodwork
I have never “felt” my injections in my entire gear using life. No difference between bodypart and I in general don’t feeeeel gear hitting me.

Can you use a different way to describe this? Are u just asking if your gear is bunk? Go get bloodwork
What i mean feel is a slight pump after injection, lungs a lil weird , meaning kind of hard to take deep breaths without coughing. I know the gear is legit, blood work done ?? No . I'm on tren ace , and test prop by the way . I honestly think its scare tissue, slow absorbing. However I still get no results pinning my virus muscles , quads , traps are working, sometimes.....
What i mean feel is a slight pump after injection, lungs a lil weird , meaning kind of hard to take deep breaths without coughing. I know the gear is legit, blood work done ?? No . I'm on tren ace , and test prop by the way . I honestly think its scare tissue, slow absorbing. However I still get no results pinning my virus muscles , quads , traps are working, sometimes.....
Sounds like you nicked a vein or tren can do that. Trying switching length on needles as well bigger or smaller depending on what your using. I have some scare tissue in my shoulder I can't even push the gear in on an inch pin but on 1-1/2 it goes in. I do always feel like I missed a shot so I don't pin shoulders anymore.
What i mean feel is a slight pump after injection, lungs a lil weird , meaning kind of hard to take deep breaths without coughing. I know the gear is legit, blood work done ?? No . I'm on tren ace , and test prop by the way . I honestly think its scare tissue, slow absorbing. However I still get no results pinning my virus muscles , quads , traps are working, sometimes.....

I’ve never gotten a pump after injection. I don’t think that’s a usual effect people get, I’m going to say it’s a mental thing. As far as the lungs and coughing, a lot of that comes down to carriers and solvents. UG Labs are constantly changing those for the purpose of availability and cost.
The only time I've "felt" anything immediately was when I nicked a vein or worse pretty much injected into one....
What? :unsure:
I get feeling Tren after an injection. Most people do, but it’s the typical stuff. Like taste, coughing, chest tightness, etc. But other than Test Suspension I’ve never felt anything from a steroid after administering it to myself.

I have never felt a damn thing after an injection unless it’s tren cough or I nick a vein, with the exception of no-ester gear.

Maybe I’m missing something, what are you looking to feel? A pump? Adrenaline?
I have never felt a damn thing after an injection unless it’s tren cough or I nick a vein, with the exception of no-ester gear.

Maybe I’m missing something, what are you looking to feel? A pump? Adrenaline?
Yea the regular pump , my chest gets tight too. Maybe the ones who don't feel a pump are not taking tren ace , or not lean enough to feel it . Even when I take test enanthate I can feel it after injection, I can definitely feel it when it ramps up , I pumped 24 7 on enthanate. I think.im gonna go longer in needle size , I've been using 1" for IM ,
You said your lungs get tight after injecting. That’s from solvents in your bloodstream. Knick another vein and see if you “feel” your gear then.
Yea the regular pump , my chest gets tight too. Maybe the ones who don't feel a pump are not taking tren ace , or not lean enough to feel it . Even when I take test enanthate I can feel it after injection, I can definitely feel it when it ramps up , I pumped 24 7 on enthanate. I think.im gonna go longer in needle size , I've been using 1" for IM ,
Are you by chance super tense when you inject? I’ve given myself nasty bicep/chest pumps injecting before, but that was due to the act of injecting. You won’t “feel” a pump simply from an injection.
i havent used tren in years but tren from comp th pellets way back when is really the only thing i can think of that gave that good burn, flush, diesel breath very regularly.

i did lots of ne gear for years and thats nothing like what youre talking about.

im putting my vote for placebo or you are using gear that not made with petrol. lol
i've never "felt" ANYTHING from an inject. nothing. nada. tren cough is a myth far as i am concerned.
an esterfied steroid isnt going to illicit any feeling post inject.
and even if you inject in scar tissue i'd be willing to bet your bosy is still metabolizing it. if it wasnt it would form abcess, infection etc. be my guess.
You’re a swole mother fucker but this makes zero sense lol. This sounds mental. I’ve been pinning hormone for 20 years and I’ve never felt any pump or immediate response to any gear other than the occasional “Tren cough” from nicking a vein as stated above. Even with a ton of scar tissue your body should be absorbing the entirety of your injections.

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