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Is cardio even worth it?? SOOO frustrated!


Registered User
Sep 4, 2007
I give up!

I always dieted with tren and it always went amazing. Gyno has set it from progesterone/prolactin from my last tren run and any more 19-nors would just result in b cups...

So this year I have dieted twice as long for half the results. I was doing cardio today (which I never did in the past) and the machine says I only burned like 200 calories in 40 minutes walking 4mph and 1 incline (just to take stress off my knees).

WTF. I know these things are wrong but even if it is 300 cals, is it even worth the trouble?

Also my stomach is just so "flabby" there is so much loose skin when I sit down. I can't get the skin to tighten. Right now it just feels like I am losing strength but no more fat...

I think we all go through this phase when dieting- just keep your focus straight ahead-I have felt that way on many diets when I let myself get too fat in the offseason. Just bear down bro- it will come off.

I give up!

I always dieted with tren and it always went amazing. Gyno has set it from progesterone/prolactin from my last tren run and any more 19-nors would just result in b cups...

So this year I have dieted twice as long for half the results. I was doing cardio today (which I never did in the past) and the machine says I only burned like 200 calories in 40 minutes walking 4mph and 1 incline (just to take stress off my knees).

WTF. I know these things are wrong but even if it is 300 cals, is it even worth the trouble?

Also my stomach is just so "flabby" there is so much loose skin when I sit down. I can't get the skin to tighten. Right now it just feels like I am losing strength but no more fat...


You sound like you are not going about things the right way.......thats a lot of cardio.........you can easily take care of that gyno problem......talk to a trainer, a good one that is well versed in ALL areas.
Yes dude dieting is not going to be as easy without the help of some supplements, but cardio is absolutely worth it. Do 45 minutes every morning on an empty stomach and nail down that diet. You'll be happy with the results, just keep going strong.

You can burn 1000 cals in a strong cardio session; it's definitely a valuable tool when dieting, especially if you're someone who isn't disciplined enough to nail down their diet 100% every day. Too many carbs or whatever.
I've always been under the impression that a little cardio has many more benefits than just the "specific amount" of calories burned while doing that activity, (boost in metabolism throughout the day.. etc...) at least I know that is the principle behind h.i.t. training. Short stints of cardio to burn more calories throughout the day.

With that being said, I've basically been dieting continuously all year, and fell victim to the cardio monster (was doing 2 a days (30-45min a time) plus weight training. The extra 10-15 lbs just wont come off.

Recently I have hired a trainer from this board and my weekly cardio is very minimal. Learning that this battle is all about diet.

just my 2 cents.
I give up!

I always dieted with tren and it always went amazing. Gyno has set it from progesterone/prolactin from my last tren run and any more 19-nors would just result in b cups...

So this year I have dieted twice as long for half the results. I was doing cardio today (which I never did in the past) and the machine says I only burned like 200 calories in 40 minutes walking 4mph and 1 incline (just to take stress off my knees).

WTF. I know these things are wrong but even if it is 300 cals, is it even worth the trouble?

Also my stomach is just so "flabby" there is so much loose skin when I sit down. I can't get the skin to tighten. Right now it just feels like I am losing strength but no more fat...


Its about your eating not your cardio. In the scheme of things burning a measly 300 extra calories means nothing, its the amount of calories you are eating. It depends on what you are will to sacrifice to get to where you want to be.
Yes dude dieting is not going to be as easy without the help of some supplements, but cardio is absolutely worth it. Do 45 minutes every morning on an empty stomach and nail down that diet. You'll be happy with the results, just keep going strong.

You can burn 1000 cals in a strong cardio session; it's definitely a valuable tool when dieting, especially if you're someone who isn't disciplined enough to nail down their diet 100% every day. Too many carbs or whatever.

100g of carbs a day on non-refeed days is all I do...
Its about your eating not your cardio. In the scheme of things burning a measly 300 extra calories means nothing, its the amount of calories you are eating. It depends on what you are will to sacrifice to get to where you want to be.

WTF! Why does everyone assume I am some sort of slacker. I am currently following the Ultimate diet 2.0 protocol but looking to add a couple hundred more calories from protein and do some cardio to keep overall calories expenditure/intake within range of Lyle's diet I.E. Rather than eating 1700-1800 cals and reducing protein to do so I would rather try 2000 cals and some cardio...
You sound like you are not going about things the right way.......thats a lot of cardio.........you can easily take care of that gyno problem......talk to a trainer, a good one that is well versed in ALL areas.

So you're saying gyno can be taken care of? You mean surgery? It is a hard lump, NOT fatty tissue.

Surgery or a trainer are both not an option for me financially.
WTF! Why does everyone assume I am some sort of slacker.

I didn't assume anything. I merely pointed out that cardio is an invaluable dieting tool for someone who goes over their target calories or carbs. I can burn almost 1000 calories in around an hour of intense cardio.

As for cardio sessions, they help burn fat and discourage fat storage. It's not just about the 300 calories you burn while doing it. Believe me, the best cardio results I ever saw was doing 10 minutes of jump roping 3 times a day. I was tight and looking/feeling good all day. I'm going to start doing that again.

As someone who has followed a similar diet to the one you are on now, I will tell you this: whenever I had stopped losing fat to my satisfaction, I just shaved off some calories and it worked every time. It's not easy, but it's what works.
Don't worry about what those numbers say... Cardio is well worth it.. Just make sure your protien is high.. Take some bcaa's before cardio.. Send me a pm if u like?

So you're saying gyno can be taken care of? You mean surgery? It is a hard lump, NOT fatty tissue.

Surgery or a trainer are both not an option for me financially.

then that sucks....I did not ask to see your bank statements......this sport is expensive and if you choose to spend your cash on drugs instead of a plan dont expect us to bail you out on here for free.
then that sucks....I did not ask to see your bank statements......this sport is expensive and if you choose to spend your cash on drugs instead of a plan dont expect us to bail you out on here for free.

I will not get into the details of it but the few things I have spent my money on were almost free and purchased during a different time in my life. I love how you seem to judge people when you have no information upon which to do so. Not everyone was blessed with your genetics and despite my lack of a high level build, I have but as much time and dedication into this as anyone else could have at my age (obviously someone elder would have had more time to do it but I guess I need to defend myself from simplistic attacks)

Further, There WAS a main point to this in the subject of this - Calories burned during cardio. Some other members have seen that and responded in turn... You don't seem to care about that when there is a perfectly good chance to attack someone you will not miss it
I give up!

I always dieted with tren and it always went amazing. Gyno has set it from progesterone/prolactin from my last tren run and any more 19-nors would just result in b cups...

So this year I have dieted twice as long for half the results. I was doing cardio today (which I never did in the past) and the machine says I only burned like 200 calories in 40 minutes walking 4mph and 1 incline (just to take stress off my knees).

WTF. I know these things are wrong but even if it is 300 cals, is it even worth the trouble?

Also my stomach is just so "flabby" there is so much loose skin when I sit down. I can't get the skin to tighten. Right now it just feels like I am losing strength but no more fat...


You sound like you are not going about things the right way.......thats a lot of cardio.........you can easily take care of that gyno problem......talk to a trainer, a good one that is well versed in ALL areas.

Contact feel personally. He is a great guy who has been in his sport for longer than most people. He offers a great program to get off and will be sure to take care of you.

I will not get into the details of it but the few things I have spent my money on were almost free and purchased during a different time in my life. I love how you seem to judge people when you have no information upon which to do so. Not everyone was blessed with your genetics and despite my lack of a high level build, I have but as much time and dedication into this as anyone else could have at my age (obviously someone elder would have had more time to do it but I guess I need to defend myself from simplistic attacks)

Further, There WAS a main point to this in the subject of this - Calories burned during cardio. Some other members have seen that and responded in turn... You don't seem to care about that when there is a perfectly good chance to attack someone you will not miss it

You can blame genetics...............but being smart and using common sense is genetics I suppose also...........so you get drugs for free, you are on a free computer, free gym membership, free car, free food, free rent........wtf, you want MORE free advice than I already gave you? In your most wild imagination, I mean WILD IMAGINATON, how can you tell how many calories are burned doing cardio?
HELP - have to quit smoking cigarettes

Hi everyone,

I have been trying to quit smoking, however it has been waaay harder then I thought. A non-smoker friend of mine suggested that I look into electronic cigarettes.

Have any of you tried these before? I heard they are perfect for someone in my situation because this type of cigarette doesn't have the bad stuff like tar but it smokes like a real cigarette (which is what I crave the most). The only real information I've found on them is from people selling them, which is why I'm coming to you guys for help!

I came across this site: **broken link removed** which looks promising and I will probably take their "free trial" to see (free is always nice!) if I like it, but I'd really like some personal feedback first. They talk about them on CNN as you can tell by their site, but I'd like a real smoker's input.

Sorry if this is covered in another post, I tried searching without luck. If this post is off-topic can a mod please move it and let me know?

Thanks again, I definitely appreciate the feedback.
Bro , unless your a skinny midigt then 1800 cals is pretty low and 100g carbs in not much at all.

Its a mistake to think that you can't get lean while having carbs in your diet.

Best thing for you to do is hire a trainer , the few hundred bucks you spend over the course of their session is very very small in the sceme of things and the money wis well worth the knowledge your will gain
SOOoooo many things wrong with this post.

I give up!

I always dieted with tren and it always went amazing. Gyno has set it from progesterone/prolactin from my last tren run and any more 19-nors would just result in b cups...

So this year I have dieted twice as long for half the results. I was doing cardio today (which I never did in the past) and the machine says I only burned like 200 calories in 40 minutes walking 4mph and 1 incline (just to take stress off my knees).

WTF. I know these things are wrong but even if it is 300 cals, is it even worth the trouble?

Also my stomach is just so "flabby" there is so much loose skin when I sit down. I can't get the skin to tighten. Right now it just feels like I am losing strength but no more fat...


Hiring a trainer would serve you well.
years ago, i was doing 45 minutes of cardio a day and eating bout 100gms carbs and doing bout 1 hour of weights in the evening prepping for a show and fat loss was going nowhere.
I hired a trainer/IFBB pro and i began eating MORE carbs and did FAR less cardio and did LESS weights too. and believe it or not i lost bodyfat quicker and felt and looked MUCH better.

long story short, you shouldn't have to do drugs (tren) to get lean. the fact you relied on tren to get lean is where you FAILED. and you are coninuing to fail with diet and exercise routine from what i can tell from your posts.
hire a trainer and BOOM problems solved.

i find it funny when people say they cant afford to hir a trainer but from your posts (relied on tren to get lean, got gyno from drugs, doing ALOT of cardio and not seeing results) i would say you cant afford not to get a trainer. you are a PERFECT candidate.
good luck.
Don't worry about what those numbers say... Cardio is well worth it.. Just make sure your protien is high.. Take some bcaa's before cardio.. Send me a pm if u like?

^^ thats my route, dont lapse into over training either
2 things

the trainers on here are very reasonabley priced and if you see the results posted are 100% worth it.

forget that damn cardio machine, do something spontaniously active. Jump rope is great for sure. walk your block with 50ft sprints.

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