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Is this diet too...simple?

El Diabloo

Verified Customer
Verified Customer
Nov 5, 2008
Is there such thing as a diet being too simple and not including a variety of different protein and carbs sources?

I find it so much easier to stick to a bulking/cutting diet when I eat the same thing day in and day out, I know some people have trouble doing this but I don't mind it at all.

Currently this is what I have been eating and just adjusting the Protein/Carbs/Fats as needed to get more calories:

Breakfast: Protein Powder/Almond Milk/Frozen Fruit/Oatmeal P 56 F 10 C 81
Meals 1-3 (one is pre-workout): 93/7 Beef or Turkey/Jasmine Rice/Green Vegetables P 132 F 48 C 160
Post WO: Protein Powder/Cereal P 60 C 80
Intra Workout: 15g BCAAs + 10g Glutamine
Night snack: 2tbsp Almond Butter (cannot give up PB daily lol) P 7 F 17 C 7

This gets me roughly 3100-3200 calories/day. P 255 F 75 C 320

Do I need to expand my variety? Seems to be working well for me, but of course I want to maximize results, so I am not opposed to swapping/adding foods.

Any input is appreciated!
Variety, for most, is a diet killer. Eating the same foods day in day out is typically the best approach. Assuming you look for gaps in micronutrients and eat or supplements for them. Bottom line is if it’s digestible and doesn’t cause inflammation for you then don’t change it up.
Is there such thing as a diet being too simple and not including a variety of different protein and carbs sources?

I find it so much easier to stick to a bulking/cutting diet when I eat the same thing day in and day out, I know some people have trouble doing this but I don't mind it at all.

Currently this is what I have been eating and just adjusting the Protein/Carbs/Fats as needed to get more calories:

Breakfast: Protein Powder/Almond Milk/Frozen Fruit/Oatmeal P 56 F 10 C 81
Meals 1-3 (one is pre-workout): 93/7 Beef or Turkey/Jasmine Rice/Green Vegetables P 132 F 48 C 160
Post WO: Protein Powder/Cereal P 60 C 80
Intra Workout: 15g BCAAs + 10g Glutamine
Night snack: 2tbsp Almond Butter (cannot give up PB daily lol) P 7 F 17 C 7

This gets me roughly 3100-3200 calories/day. P 255 F 75 C 320

Do I need to expand my variety? Seems to be working well for me, but of course I want to maximize results, so I am not opposed to swapping/adding foods.

Any input is appreciated!

Yes. You can’t do that long term or you’ll have micronutrient defenncies.

And we as BB, tearing and building tissue 24/7 blow through micronutrients.

That’s why most athletes are deficient in mag, Vit D, zinc, and others.

If you need to do the protein powder 2x, rotate the beef with salmon now and then, rotate turkey with chicken or fish.

Amino acid profiles change animism to animal….that’s literally why….chicken arnt turkeys.

You don’t have to eat all different meats and veggies every day, just through the week.

Say MWF it’s beef and Turkey, with leafy greens and cucumbers/tomatoes and berries with your breakfast

T TH S do salmon/chicken, squash, onions/peppers and citrus fruit for breakfast
Variety, for most, is a diet killer. Eating the same foods day in day out is typically the best approach. Assuming you look for gaps in micronutrients and eat or supplements for them. Bottom line is if it’s digestible and doesn’t cause inflammation for you then don’t change it up.

I would agree when it gets nitty gritty during the last 6 weeks of a Diet for a comp. Less variables the better.

But for off-season or holding….I think a well thought out rotation of veggies/fruits and fats are best.

Another option is just buy some athletic greens….the nutrient profile of it is amazing. But it’s fucjing expensive
Yes. You can’t do that long term or you’ll have micronutrient defenncies.

And we as BB, tearing and building tissue 24/7 blow through micronutrients.

That’s why most athletes are deficient in mag, Vit D, zinc, and others.

If you need to do the protein powder 2x, rotate the beef with salmon now and then, rotate turkey with chicken or fish.

Amino acid profiles change animism to animal….that’s literally why….chicken arnt turkeys.

You don’t have to eat all different meats and veggies every day, just through the week.

Say MWF it’s beef and Turkey, with leafy greens and cucumbers/tomatoes and berries with your breakfast

T TH S do salmon/chicken, squash, onions/peppers and citrus fruit for breakfast
I agree with this. Simple is good but that diet looks boring and you will be starving and deficient in micros.
Yes. You can’t do that long term or you’ll have micronutrient defenncies.

And we as BB, tearing and building tissue 24/7 blow through micronutrients.

That’s why most athletes are deficient in mag, Vit D, zinc, and others.

If you need to do the protein powder 2x, rotate the beef with salmon now and then, rotate turkey with chicken or fish.

Amino acid profiles change animism to animal….that’s literally why….chicken arnt turkeys.

You don’t have to eat all different meats and veggies every day, just through the week.

Say MWF it’s beef and Turkey, with leafy greens and cucumbers/tomatoes and berries with your breakfast

T TH S do salmon/chicken, squash, onions/peppers and citrus fruit for breakfast

These changes are manageable, I like to cook in bulk at lunch since I WFH and then be done. I hated cooking multiple times a day which is why I found things that were easily prepared all at once. Appreciate the help!
I agree with this. Simple is good but that diet looks boring and you will be starving and deficient in micros.

You're not wrong, it is boring but I am a creature of habit and honestly I do still enjoy eating it everyday, weird as that sounds. But to yours and juggy's point it is the micronutrients that I will be deficient in.
You're not wrong, it is boring but I am a creature of habit and honestly I do still enjoy eating it everyday, weird as that sounds. But to yours and juggy's point it is the micronutrients that I will be deficient in.
I'm the same. The gyms having these moronic hours for Christmas has thrown me all off even lol.

I'm at 3100 too

Chicken liver mushrooms tomato

Tuna rice cakes

Tuna rice cakes apple fish oil

Shrimp carrots mushrooms wraps

Protein pudding with almond milk egg white wraps Greek yogurt cinnamon strawberry

That's a training day. Also will subb egg omelette for chicken or tuna, mushrooms, Natty PB covered in cinnamon on egg wraps on low carbs off days
Personally, I think that diet is just fine. I am also boring and eat the same thing every day, with minor deviations (mostly adjusting carb sources/amounts). Otherwise the logistics of shopping/cooking are just too much of a pain to deal with. I would rather put that time/effort into training and other things outside BB.
A repetitive diet can be fine for loosing weight. Gaining and/or being healthy would be better off with a wide variety of nutritionally dense foods.
Personally, I think that diet is just fine. I am also boring and eat the same thing every day, with minor deviations (mostly adjusting carb sources/amounts). Otherwise the logistics of shopping/cooking are just too much of a pain to deal with. I would rather put that time/effort into training and other things outside BB.

100% agree, I order the same food from BJs and whatever other stores weekly on repeat and it gives me a lot more time to focus on other things.

I will be adding a few more things to my shopping cart as per a few of the other suggestions.
A repetitive diet can be fine for loosing weight. Gaining and/or being healthy would be better off with a wide variety of nutritionally dense foods.

Appreciate the feedback. Any food staple you would say is a must for bulking that you’ve seen a personal impact?
The best diet is the one you stick with.
I saw this thread the other day and have been meaning to post. If your diet is working then it's obviously good for you. Everything depends upon your exact needs and goals. In short that diet looks perfectly fine as a base diet to work from. I would make sure you rotate a variety of vegetables with those meals to increase your micronutrient intake. You could add some quality extra virgin olive oil in there as well. Having the same foods over and over is fine just throw in some rotation occasionally with the meats and carb/fat sources. Try to get lot's of different colours on your plates through the day. Some fruit wouldn't be a bad thing (apples, blueberries, strawberries, pineapple etc).

Again it all really depends what you are trying to do. If you want to grow muscle you could increase some portion sizes. I would also have another meal after your workout so not just your whey protein and cereal meal. You have almond butter but I would add protein to that. Something like cottage cheese with a spoon of almond butter or a handful of nuts would be good.
I saw this thread the other day and have been meaning to post. If your diet is working then it's obviously good for you. Everything depends upon your exact needs and goals. In short that diet looks perfectly fine as a base diet to work from. I would make sure you rotate a variety of vegetables with those meals to increase your micronutrient intake. You could add some quality extra virgin olive oil in there as well. Having the same foods over and over is fine just throw in some rotation occasionally with the meats and carb/fat sources. Try to get lot's of different colours on your plates through the day. Some fruit wouldn't be a bad thing (apples, blueberries, strawberries, pineapple etc).

Again it all really depends what you are trying to do. If you want to grow muscle you could increase some portion sizes. I would also have another meal after your workout so not just your whey protein and cereal meal. You have almond butter but I would add protein to that. Something like cottage cheese with a spoon of almond butter or a handful of nuts would be good.
Thanks for the feedback.

Fruits in my morning smoothie are bananas/blueberries/strawberries. Thinking about swapping the turkey meat for boneless chicken thighs (like everyone else I am sick of chicken breast and only will eat it when absolutely necessary on a cut) Definitely going to add some fish in throughout the week. Going to toy with it until mid-March before I start scaling back. Ive been at a plateau for a week or twp but with the holidays I was being conservative and leaving room for going off course with Christmas. Come next week I am going to make some additions and see how it goes.

Thanks again everyone!

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