Was recommended to join this site, looking over it and looks to have a great deal of info and knowledge from all different walks of life. Just had a few questions for some experts...Got my bodyfat tested at this weight loss clinic my girlfriend goes to, the machine is a foot scale they say is worth 3,000 dollars, it measured me at 18.1% bodyfat, when I got home I used the hand device and that said 17.1%, I am currently on a cyclical ketogenic diet and I had a cheat (carb up) yesterday, she said that the measurement would be off, I was also told the same thing with the hand device, is there any magical time to measure myself with the hand device, maybe first thing in the morning with no food or liquid? I know it's not going to ever be 100% but I like to track my progress regardless, it just seems I should be lower by now being that that same device measured me at 20-21% 30 pounds ago or so, and I know I may have lost a couple pounds of lean mass, but I know it's not much for sure I can tell. Other question is is it wise for me to be on a ketogenic diet at this kind of bodyfat, have been doing to for about 6 weeks more-less and have gotten great results but I also thought I was at a lower bodyfat and have read it's better to do at 12-15%, should I eat at maintenance calories for like a week then just go back to a regular low carb diet and if I do this, am I going to put a lot of weight back on because of being on keto for that time or will I Just remain losing fat? Thank you, sorry for the lengthy post in advance.