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Just tore my pec.


Sep 4, 2007
Literally just tore it about 30 mins ago. I have no insurance. And need some advice on what i should be doing to care for it.

Was doing RGBP in the smith had 290# on the bar got to the 8th rep and felt a popping type sensation. Racked the weight. Now there is no bruising, just a dull ache where my pec meets my shoulder. Also it feels like its all knotted up like cramped, but just in that one area.

Any advice is greatly appreciated.
I hate it when that happens. brusing usually take 24-36 hours to appear, on me anyway.
Avoid contracting te pec until you have a better idea how bad it is. Small tears couple weeks off >>> complete rupture, and surgery took me about 4 months to bounce back.
good luck
I hate it when that happens. brusing usually take 24-36 hours to appear, on me anyway.
Avoid contracting te pec until you have a better idea how bad it is. Small tears couple weeks off >>> complete rupture, and surgery took me about 4 months to bounce back.
good luck

Same here..... Tore mine back in febuary, had surgery the next day.
My ortho doc and I are on a 1st name basis unfortunatly , LOL....... I have no Ins. Either.
Get it fixed ASAP!!! Make a payment plan with the Dr's office.

I was back Training lightly within 2 months, and im just finally able to improve on my lifts.

A simple X-ray will tell if it is detached from the tendon.

I knew right off cause I bruised right up and Had a huge lump (muscle) right at my sternum.

Good luck bro, Injurys suck!

ICE that sucker good too!!!!
Thanks for the replies. I appreciate it.

No bruising yet, and where it hurts if i feel around the area it feels like the actual muscle itself has the tear in it. And it hurts to touch the area.

My whole world is crashing down. I got laid of on 3/3 of this year. Blew my knew out at the end of march three days before my insurance ran out pretty sure its the meniscus, and possibly acl. That ruined my MMA career(just amateur stuff locally in the Midwest).

So got back focused on bodybuilding since then, and now this injury. I'm at a loss..............

Unemployment barely makes ends meet,i got two kids, and a wife that just got laid off to.

When it rains it pours i guess.

I will keep an eye on it and ice and rest it. I'll keep you guys posted. Any more advice or experience is greatly appreciated.
get an MRI, not an x-ray. An MRI will give you a good look as to what happened. Despite whatever the cost is, you can't put a price on a healthy body
Was your ass on the bench or off the bench?
On any given day every ER in this country is full of hurt, sick n injured people w NO insurance and they all get taken care of. Why risk being permanently crippled - go get it seen about.
I dont want to minimize the injury without having looked at it but...I would think it is not a huge tear and will likely not require surgery. It happened to me before. I had bruising for a few days but it healed within a few months. But I would definitely get the mri to make sure.
Sorry to hear this Gordo. It sounds like you have a lot of stress in your life right now. I feel people are more prone to injury under these conditions. I may be wrong on that, but I do feel that way. It sorta spills over into everything in your life even if only on a sub-conscience level.

Take it easy and heal your body. Stay positive.
Was your ass on the bench or off the bench?

I hear ya... I have not done flat bench since that day. That was 2006. I am not saying bench pressing is bad, but it is bad for me...
Not the movements fault.

Was your ass on the bench or off the bench?

It was off. I'm not blaming the movement at all. Been doing it for three years and never had a problem. I jumped from 270 to 290 this time. I had been working the higher rp range of 20-30. I think on my last 270 set i got 18+10+6=34 (grabbed my log book) thats what i got, so i added 20#'s. and was on track to hit 13-15 in the first rp set i'm pretty sure.
In all honestly i think my hand placement was wider than usual.

Just a fluke i guess.
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Will the ER fix me if i go? Without insurance? They may x-ray or mri it, but they won't do the surgery.
This is really starting to alarm me....Im seeing this happen to MMA guys repeatedly....especially with biceps and pecs (arm bars etc)

This happened to Dave Smith, and yourself and Ive seen tears on a slew of guys down this way who were bodybuilders and also do MMA at the same time.

Michio Grubbs is down my way and used to be a IFBB pro and now is MMA and has suffered a torn bicep.

Get in a jui jitsu position or arm bar where something( pec/bicep ) stretches outside of the groove its supposed to be in.....and then go over to a fixed plane under a weighted load and = BOOM.

Im really starting to think these 2 endeavors (both done intensely) dont mix in the least
Interesting theory.......

This is really starting to alarm me....Im seeing this happen to MMA guys repeatedly....especially with biceps and pecs (arm bars etc)

This happened to Dave Smith, and yourself and Ive seen tears on a slew of guys down this way who were bodybuilders and also do MMA at the same time.

Michio Grubbs is down my way and used to be a IFBB pro and now is MMA and has suffered a torn bicep.

Get in a jui jitsu position or arm bar where something stretches outside of the groove its supposed to be in.....and then go over to a fixed plane under a weighted load and = BOOM.

Im really starting to think these 2 endeavors (both done intensely) dont mix in the least

It does somewhat make sense though. I know an armbar or americana or something along those lines puts muscles and tendons in precarious positions. But i would find it interesting to see if it actually correlates to tears of the muscle or tendon while lifting heavy weights.

Do you think to extreme of stretching of any body part could cause something similar?

Oh and thanks for chiming in on this thread Dante. Much respect to you and what you have done.
I really dont know.....I was thinking about innervation here. Extreme Stretching puts a muscle in a stretched position in a groove its allready been in 1000's of times before during workouts.....while MMA in certain grappling situations puts a muscle in a angle/groove/tension thats unique every time depending on the angle torque your opponent is putting you in.

But then i think of some of these gymnasts (and their advanced musculature which i feel is from the bodyweight eccentric/extreme stretching) and the extreme stretches they put themselves in on the rings etc and there doesnt seem to be a preponderance of blown pecs and biceps in gymnasts.....so it has to be something with ballistic stretched movements here.

But there is alot (way too many) MMA gyms down here in socal now and I keep hearing about MMA guys who also train with weights hardcore tearing biceps and pecs....coincedence? I dont really know
Sorry to hear about your injury. Yes, I did the exact same thing as you... RGBP on a smith with butt off.

One thing I don't necessarily believe attributed to this was MMA. At the time of my injury, I hadn't been to class in months. I was working 70+hr weeks and simply didn't have the time to go. Also, with the style of BJJ I have, I never really got caught in wicked armbars, kimuras, or anything that would have tweaked my joints. Come to think of it, I've NEVER left MMA practice other than feeling exhausted from burning so many calories. With my build, guys would typically get me on chokes.

Things I think attributed to mine...
1- A previous "minor" injury 2 or more years prior to the pec tearing. I think this old injury was my pec tendon being slightly torn at the time due to the placement of the bruise I had after the minor injury. The minor injury took place while doing smith machine bench presses with a moderate/med grip, butt off.

2- At the time of both injuries, I may have been holding a little too much water weight, which I think gave my body a false strength. The extra strength I had was too much for the connective tissue to withstand. I was lean enough to ignore bloat at the time... but now I'm anal about holding water. I just won't "do" anything that will cause fluid retention.

3- The first injury and the complete tear of the pec, I remember cooling down a little bit because both gyms had a good air conditioning systems. I was going for all out sets, so I waited a good bit to get my energy back up. When I went under the bar, my body was too far cooled down to attempt such heavy lifts. I now train at a faster pace unless I'm at this old school gym where there is no air conditioning and the temperature is always around 80 degrees.

4- The explosion of power from the stretched position. I remember both times being at the maximum amount of stretch and trying to power the weight up. Dante hinted at armbars tearing biceps. Well... think about that. You're at a fully extended position trying to fight against it. Sounds like a preacher curl with too much weight. I don't think many have torn their biceps while the arm was at a 90 degree or 135 degree angle. Same goes for pec tears. Most people tear the pec from the bottom of the movement, not the top. I've started going slower (even more slow than usual) on my movements for chest, biceps, quads, and hamstrings due to prevent any possible tearing, along with trying to avoid a complete lockout on certain exercises that might put the muscle in jeopardy.

Those are my thoughts on how and why.

I wish you the best. If your tendon is torn, by all means try to get it fixed. If the muscle is torn with the tendon still attached, consider yourself lucky and unlucky and just rest until you're able to train again. This is a terrible injury, but it's not the end of the world. PM me if you have any questions. I'd be happy to help.
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This is really starting to alarm me....Im seeing this happen to MMA guys repeatedly....especially with biceps and pecs (arm bars etc)

This happened to Dave Smith, and yourself and Ive seen tears on a slew of guys down this way who were bodybuilders and also do MMA at the same time.

Michio Grubbs is down my way and used to be a IFBB pro and now is MMA and has suffered a torn bicep.

Get in a jui jitsu position or arm bar where something( pec/bicep ) stretches outside of the groove its supposed to be in.....and then go over to a fixed plane under a weighted load and = BOOM.

Im really starting to think these 2 endeavors (both done intensely) dont mix in the least

Hey Dante

Isnt Michio Grubbs the guy who used to be in the Dynamic Whey protein ads in the magazines back in the mid 90's?

I think his line on the ad was something to the effect of "nobody has seen how good i look except my mom yet"...

A bit off topic, but for some reason i seem to remember that guy.

Sorry for hijacking your thread Gordo.

Hope everything turns around for you and your family.
do you guys think that using partial ROM would help reduce the chance that these types of injuries would occur?

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