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Just tore my pec.

pec tears

done both of mine in the same exact spot time and time again. It's always on the bottom as I'm getting ready to push back up. Time, dmso, ice, cold and hot alternate showers, good nutrition is the best advise that I can give you. It always takes me about 4 weeks before I can start that range of motion again. I always thought it had something to do with the back getting thickly developed and maybe the mechanics of the movement just being a bit much. I have just nursed myself back from another pull from doing heavy dumbell flat presses. I have been pondering with the idea of using 2 pieces of 2"x8"'s glued together just to keep from getting that deep into the stretch on flat presses and only using dumbells for inclines.

Good luck,
This is really starting to alarm me....Im seeing this happen to MMA guys repeatedly....especially with biceps and pecs (arm bars etc)

This happened to Dave Smith, and yourself and Ive seen tears on a slew of guys down this way who were bodybuilders and also do MMA at the same time.

Michio Grubbs is down my way and used to be a IFBB pro and now is MMA and has suffered a torn bicep.

Get in a jui jitsu position or arm bar where something( pec/bicep ) stretches outside of the groove its supposed to be in.....and then go over to a fixed plane under a weighted load and = BOOM.

Im really starting to think these 2 endeavors (both done intensely) dont mix in the least

My friend tells me that michio is still in great shape, met him once or twice back in the day and he seemed like a good guy.
do you guys think that using partial ROM would help reduce the chance that these types of injuries would occur?


I think I might stop the rgbp two inches from my chest...

Do you think it would just be safer overall for guys to possible not go into the fully stretched positions for chest movements to avoid anything like this happening? Assuming it happens more in the bottom stretched positions when trying to push back up. I'm referring to any guys that possible have a slight discomfort in when going full stretch, since i noticed if i don't go all the way down and stop a few inches short of my chest, i don't feel much discomfort compared to going all the way down.
I really dont know.....here are some fact though.

1) Ever hear of a natural bodybuilder tearing a muscle? Very very very rare....but nobody is going to stop hitting the sauce so lets X out that solution...LOL ( i have a theory though via joints/tendons with juicers when their own endogenous test levels are shot to hell though and everything is coming from exogenous test...but thats a theory for another day )

2) Its kind of like the fight game....sometimes you get hurt and knocked out......lifting weights for 2 to 22 years...sometimes things can go wrong no matter what precautions you take.

3) Ronnie did partial movements and has torn a quad and a lat, Branch Warren has torn a bicep and a tricep (im only counting one tricep tear as he fell on his steps that other time) and Branch does partial movements also

4) So many bodybuilders have torn their pecs...Shane Dimora, Rick Valente, Berry Demey, Tony Freeman, Markus Ruhl, Matt Burzacott, Johnny Fuller, AD Cherry, Kevin Levrone, Andreas Frey, Alex Federov, the list could go on and on and on....thats just off the top of my head.....and they all lift differently (full, partial)....but one thing is for sure, virtually all of those tears are from the flat bench bench press and even Gordo and Dave Smith did theirs on the Flat bench reverse grip bench press....its a tough line to ride, tough decision to make....some guys can go flat bench press their whole careers and escape injury....but if you look at the number of guys (especially on this board) who have torn their pecs from that exercise.....its enough to scare you off of it to be honest. I was just speculating about MMA and bodybuilding previously....got no idea but I saw a rash of injuries of late with those athletes locally....most likely it has nothing to do with it....but I would think its a very personal decision for every bodybuilder whether they want to get on the flat bench or not with a barbell as that seems like a "not if but when" kind of thing over the long term.

5) Im shocked Gordo tore his pec, heck the guy did everything right.....ass off the bench, chest high, and he was working in a high rep range of 20-30rp....hell he took every single precaution and it still happened.....scary shit....and i feel for him.
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as somone who tore the pec minor doing flat bench i always hate to see these kind of threads.

i do rvgbp as one of my three tricep exercises but might switch it out seeing that there are a couple guys who have had problems.

anyone ever hear of torn pecs with close grip bench press?

best of luck bro i feel for you. i have no doubt though that in time you will be in better shape then ever before. it is just frustrating, but my torn pec kind of opened my eyes and got me reading the boards and made me revaluate everything from my diet, to my training, to the type of physique i wanted, to my health.
I really dont know.....here are some fact though.

1) Ever hear of a natural bodybuilder tearing a muscle? Very very very rare....but nobody is going to stop hitting the sauce so lets X out that solution...LOL ( i have a theory though via joints/tendons with juicers when their own endogenous test levels are shot to hell though and everything is coming from exogenous test...but thats a theory for another day )

2) Its kind of like the fight game....sometimes you get hurt and knocked out......lifting weights for 2 to 22 years...sometimes things can go wrong no matter what precautions you take.

3) Ronnie did partial movements and has torn a quad and a lat, Branch Warren has torn a bicep and a tricep (im only counting one tricep tear as he fell on his steps that other time) and Branch does partial movements also

4) So many bodybuilders have torn their pecs...Shane Dimora, Rick Valente, Berry Demey, Tony Freeman, Markus Ruhl, Matt Burzacott, Johnny Fuller, AD Cherry, Kevin Levrone, Andreas Frey, Alex Federov, the list could go on and on and on....thats just off the top of my head.....and they all lift differently (full, partial)....but one thing is for sure, virtually all of those tears are from the flat bench bench press and even Gordo and Dave Smith did theirs on the Flat bench reverse grip bench press....its a tough line to ride, tough decision to make....some guys can go flat bench press their whole careers and escape injury....but if you look at the number of guys (especially on this board) who have torn their pecs from that exercise.....its enough to scare you off of it to be honest. I was just speculating about MMA and bodybuilding previously....got no idea but I saw a rash of injuries of late with those athletes locally....most likely it has nothing to do with it....but I would think its a very personal decision for every bodybuilder whether they want to get on the flat bench or not with a barbell as that seems like a "not if but when" kind of thing over the long term.

5) Im shocked Gordo tore his pec, heck the guy did everything right.....ass off the bench, chest high, and he was working in a high rep range of 20-30rp....hell he took every single precaution and it still happened.....scary shit....and i feel for him.

Have you heard of guys tearing a pec on inclines or declines? Or is this isolated to only flat bench movements for the most part.

Do you think hand placement may have something to do with it, how wide someoen goes on the bar. I know for me i can't have my elbows to wide and need to have them more tucked in (45degrees).

I really dont know.....here are some fact though.

1) Ever hear of a natural bodybuilder tearing a muscle? Very very very rare....but nobody is going to stop hitting the sauce so lets X out that solution...LOL ( i have a theory though via joints/tendons with juicers when their own endogenous test levels are shot to hell though and everything is coming from exogenous test...but thats a theory for another day )
I find this interesting........and comical at the same time. Who in there right mind would do such a thing. LOL!!!!

Just a quick update. Still no bruising. Still in pain. I think it is the most minor of the three tears possible. Possibly just a small tear to the muscle belly.

As far as rom is concerned i don't touch my chest or fully lock out on any pressing movement. Time under tension builds muscle.

My injury occurred at the very bottom of the movement in a stretched position just as i started to press up. Luckily i was in a smith and could rack it immediately or else it may have been much worse had i finished pressing it up to rack it alone.

I use close grip and rgbp for triceps. And i do no flat bb pressing for chest. Who knows? Its a fluke. When i did DC training in the lower rep ranges 11-15 i was using 350 pounds and never felt vulnerable.

I am scared to lift again though.

What about training other body parts? Or is cardio the way to go until it feels 100 % again? Obviously it would hurt to recruit the pec. So training seems out completely.
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I think I might stop the rgbp two inches from my chest...

Thats a good idea. Thats about where i stop as well. But watch how wide your grip gets. Replaying the lift through my head i gripped wider than normally. And that causes more of a stretch in the chest at the bottom of the movement.

I want to say thanks to everyone who has had kind words to say. I appreciate the positive comments. Thanks again guys.
Almost anything done on a flat bench feels unnatural to me...rgbp...cgbp...skull crushers...throw me on a incline or decline and those same movements feel fine.
I find this interesting........and comical at the same time. Who in there right mind would do such a thing. LOL!!!!

Just a quick update. Still no bruising. Still in pain. I think it is the most minor of the three tears possible. Possibly just a small tear to the muscle belly.

As far as rom is concerned i don't touch my chest or fully lock out on any pressing movement. Time under tension builds muscle.

My injury occurred at the very bottom of the movement in a stretched position just as i started to press up. Luckily i was in a smith and could rack it immediately or else it may have been much worse had i finished pressing it up to rack it alone.

I use close grip and rgbp for triceps. And i do no flat bb pressing for chest. Who knows? Its a fluke. When i did DC training in the lower rep ranges 11-15 i was using 350 pounds and never felt vulnerable.

I am scared to lift again though.

What about training other body parts? Or is cardio the way to go until it feels 100 % again? Obviously it would hurt to recruit the pec. So training seems out completely.

As far as training other body parts...Just make certain that you are not affecting the pec that is injured. You may be able to do a few things this week but, you will be able to do more and more each following week. You may be able to do overhead presses next week for instance. Just don't do anything to stretch that arm back to far into the feeling of discomfort.

Keep your head up,
wishing you the best gordo.
hope u get better.

I had a complete pec tear when i was 19, Bruised up big area of my chest was black not purple. i was maxing out at 475 ( no juice at the time) didnt get surgery just let it heal on its own for about 2 months. then i slowly started back up and within a year i was maxing out at 520 so their is hope. as the years went by i hurt it 3 more times but it was more like i pulled it or strained it and each time it would take a week or two to heal back. i dont powerlift anymore to many fng injuries just bodybuild. If u feel like ud rather get it looked at go to ur local government hospital i dont know what their called but these are for the people without insurance. find one each state has them. since u have kids and are both laid off i suggest u go to the ER and just say ur in pain. U should qualify for a gold card ( government insurance). This should pay for everything.

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