Bump to that, although one should take a good look at the nutritional analysis, most contains lots of glucose-fructose syrup, which not only dissolves your pancreas, but kills small babies and fluffy kittens whenever you drink it.
Saying that the diet stuff usually tastes like ass, but cranberries by themselves i'm developing a taste for. Dried they have a texture like cherries just with a bit more bite.
Lots of water is the best thing IMO, just keep sipping (and pissing) throughout the day to feel great, like tony the tiger.
sorry, i just finished a hard workout and i'm feeling all giggly
check out Sonne's #7, just google it. I have used this product for many years. Works very fast. It has bentonite in it. Is a great way to detox. Just follow the label directions. I use to use 1,4 butanediol and that shit is dangerous on kidneys, however Sonnes would give relief
If you happen to live in a warm climate or where they sell fresh coconut water that has been used for ages to help with the kidney stones and the urinary tract.
However most stores nowadays carry the milk, that is not a good option for many reasons.
if ya have a health food storee close they usually sell the whole coconut, if you do buy one make sure to get an immature coconut or a baby coconut. the fully matured ones are hard as hell and very difficult to open.... the ones i buy you can get about 12-16 oz water out of 1, it is also loaded with electrolytes... it tastes good too... i will have about 6 oz befor i train and another 6 after and it makes the workouts good...
also works great for carbing up the days befor a show!