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(Kinda O/T) Why this country SUCKS part 2

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New member
May 6, 2003
I have to put my two cents in about this simply because after what happened to me over the Christmas holidays, I feel as though I have a right to bitch! Bear with me here cause I have to explain what happened first.

I was laid-off from my job as a Network Engineer on CHRISTMAS FUCKING EVE! Yep thats right!! The Motherfuckers had the nerve to lay me off on December 24th. Then they proceed to change there policies just prior to laying me off to say that they only pay 1 week of severance for every five years of employment. I had only been there 3 years so I get a measly 1 week. Not enough to even pay my house note. Being that it was Christmas and that I have a wife and child, naturally I am always broke around this time of the year. Moving on.....The next day (Christmas Day) I was scheduled to take a trip to my sisters. I should have cancelled the trip cause on the way up there I get sick as a rabid dog. I contracted strep throat, 2 ear infections, a sinus infection and conjuctivitis (pink eye). Needless to say this Christmas has been the worst experience I have ever had. If I owned a gun I probably wouldn't be typing this right now. Luckily my health insurance didn't expire till December 31st so when I got back from my sisters, I was able to go to the doctor and get all kinds of good drugs.

Back to the subject at hand! The reason why I think this country sucks is because of several points. After applying for Unemployment Insurance benefits, I soon discover that the maximum amount of money a person can get is $300 a week. Well, this doesn't even pay half of my bills. Of course, it is nice to get some assistance from the government no matter how little it is, so really I am not complaining about that. My biggest complaint is this. I called to try and get Medicare for myself and my wife, because now my wife is sick and we don't have medical insurance. Get this, they tell me that I make too much money to qualify!!! WTF!! I am unemployed only getting $300 a week and I can't claim benefits for which I have been paying thousands of dollars into for the past 10 years??? I have come to this conclusion, and this may offend quite a few! You have to be very poor, elderly, rich or a minority in order to reside within the group of people who the government are willing to provide assistance to when needed. Yet EVERYBODY, excluding welfare recipients, are REQUIRED to pay into that very same system. Well excuse the fuck out of me for being an average white male!!

Really though, in my opinion, I don't blame the crooked, overzealous politicians. They are not the ones who run this country. It is the corporate entity that run this country. I could go into details, but that would make this post even longer and more drawn out than it is.

In conclusion I would like to say that yes our country is alot better than many countries, but there are too many smoke and mirrors being used by our government to just let things be. I used to have alot of faith in our government until I came to depend on them and they were nowhere to be found. Before I get reamed by everyone, let me say this. If I could afford to leave this country, I would do it in a heartbeat. If I am going to be oppressed by my government I would rather do it in a country that has culture and is not such a melting pot of greed, laziness and flat-out political correctness!

Oh and by the way, BALDNAZI, I salute you!!:D
yeah, that blows infected cow udders

fuck smoke and mirrors

its fucking ridiculous
Hey bro...sorry to hear about things. I do not know if this is too late, but I just got out of the military and I have yet to start my my new job, however I have picked some relatively cheap medical coverage for the family. I dont know if this will help, but heres a link what I chose. Take care, bro..

**broken link removed**

mammoth said:
If I am going to be oppressed by my government I would rather do it in a country that has culture and is not such a melting pot of greed, laziness and flat-out political correctness!


I've been thinking of relocating for some time. Would miss the family, but they can always come visit.

A guy thats born here,busts his ass,pays his taxes,never in trouble with the law gets it right up his ASS.Yet if he just got off the boat from some flea ridden,disease infected 3rd world slum country he would have medicare and whatever else he needed provided to him.

Dont believe me?Run a search on Lewiston Maine,and read the government sponsored invasion of 1000's of somali refugees,to a small 99.999% white town,and how crime has risen and the people cannot believe the changes to their community.These dirtbags may have new homes,but they live just like they did in Somalia,filth.And this piss ass government talks about terrorism,and homeland security?????BULLSHIT motherfuckers.You want to protect our country?Don't let this third world immigration run rampant.Close the borders,and IMMEDIATELY start sending people back.Its the only way.We need to take care of our own.

This is just one example.Here in Brooklyn you will see Russian Jew immigrants(claiming religious persecution) flooding our welfare rolls.Food stamps,medicare,the whole 9.Yet,you will see them driving new Mercedes,wearing fur coats.Its amazing.Anyone who challenges me on this,must live in a closet.Its here,and I see it every fucking day......

Mammoth,I feel for you brother.Things can only get better for you......

Fuck it,now Im pissed........
But... wait!

Today Mr BUSH is going to ask us ALL to pitch in with tax payer money to buy him self a new 5 BILLION dollar space program... and why? Oh..... just to get to mars?
WTF? Could we not use 5 BILLION somewhere else? Hmmmm... lets say maybe to FEED OUR OWN COUNTRY?
To those who disagree : Have you ever walked down the street in Ny, Chi-town, Detroit, Charlotte, L.A.? Smaller towns and cities even…? Did you notice those people who where asleep on the ground, the ones living in cardboard boxes? The women who where nasty and dirty but walked around with 2 children begging for food?
YES…. That is the HOMELESS AND FOODLESS people of America (the land of the free…hahahaha). Imagine what 5 billion more dollars could do for these people?
Imagine If we SHUT THE BORDERS like Nazi said and started deporting everyone who is not suppose to be here and used all that money for OUR OWN HOMELESS?
We feed illegal immigrants and there children like kings and queens so WHY the hell would they stop trying to escape to the USA? For them, yes… this is truly the “land of the free”. For you and I… ITS BULLSHIT.
Everything Nazi said is true and i can KEEP adding things as long as i sit here typing.
This country is F-U-C-K-E-D.

I swear to God if it wasnt so fucking cold in Canada i would have already moved my ass out of here.

"Gay rights".... You punch a gay man and you are a felon, even if you do not know he is actually gay. Gay man punches you... no felony, just a simple assault.
5 black guys beat your ass... still, simple assault. 5 white guys beat a black man.... "racial discrimination" ... ie, Felony, and Cnn is there in 5 minutes.
George Bush... our "fearless" leader! Bahahahaha.. if you remember his piss ass father is who made us (steroid users) into felons... he signed the bill in 1990.
Now is son is here to grudge fuck us after his dad primed us up.
Hey... at least all Clinton wanted to do was get some pussy.. not kill everyone for oil and take over the world!
Reason for invading Iraq... Weapons of mass destruction. Did they find any...HELL NO.
Saddam was "linked with proof" to Bin Laden and the so called "terrorist" activity..... now what? Proof of that? HELL NO.
Hmmmmm lets see what other excuses he used... oh, how about this one in an attempt to "dig" for reasons other then the real one, he said he needed to "rid the world of ruthless tyrants"! Hahaha... the truth? HELL NO.
Saddam didn’t fly those planes into the trade centers... Bin Laden "supposedly" did. So why blow Iraq all to hell? OIL & MONEY & POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Iraq has basically nothing but rocks to fight back with so why not go in and take everything they have? If your going to bully, then bully the weakest ya know?

I can rant for fucking days on this subject. The government has the "general tv watching" public so brain washed its pathetic.
Our media is always censored... except the internet.

Howard Dean!!!!! DEMOCRAT!

FUCK WAR... FUCK "RIGHTS ACTIVIST" AND FUCK COMMUNISM.... (and yes we are headed toward full blow communism)

BTW... Mammoth, i feel for you bro... sorry you had such a hard time, hang in there.

JJ Insane1
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Hmm Very Very Interesting,

I personally am a Die Hard Conservative Republican, for the most part, I Love president bush. I have met him twice. I think the major problems we have in this country is "PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY" it is non existant.

Mammoth, Im a very sad for you losing your job and lack of help you are recieving from the govt. But I have to ask you this question, what were your plans for the future, did you have any money saved up, do you have an emergency plan. I hope all is well with you and your family because that is what matters.

Your example really hit home to me because of two close friends of mine. I graduated with a COMP science degree, I currently dont use it as I hate the COMP industry as a whole. My dad owns a large software company and I know how boring and crappy it can be. ANyway two close buddys of mine were working for large network companys and they both got fired. Very similar situations, they both just bought homes and cars and were living very comfortably. Now my first friend looked for a job for a bit then stopped and went to collect money for the GOVT. Buddy 2 who I admire alot looked for a job for a week or so then went and started delivering pizza's for Papa Johns. Buddy 2 went from making 70,000 to 500$ a week. He didnt complain he just kept working looking for jobs and finally got one. My first buddy collected money from the govt for 5 months then he got a job. My point is What Can you do to make your situation better.

You are a Highly educated family man , who I bet can be quite resourceful. Please dont take this as a flame but more of a Life Handed you a shitty hand last month, now its time for you to take it back.

If there is anything I can do to help let me know,

Now My personal accountability agenda. I have lived quite a spoiled life when I was young. But when I turned 18 I was let loose, barely getting help from mom and pop even though they could. IF I wanted to succeed I had to go out and get it. I graduated from UMD, student loans and working, started 2 small companys, and im a reservist for the Core. I decided that I choose my own destiny and nothing can stop me.

I just find that everyone from that kid living in the Ghetto with his crack mom and 8 brothers and sisters can succeed and excel in this country if they have a burning desire to do so. God doesnt want you to be poor or unhappy it is ourselves who do this.

Some great books Think and Grow Rich, and Success through a postive mental attitude will really help anyone. The storys alone are motivating enough. One of My favorites talks about a Young Black boy whos parents were poor share cropers. All of his brothers and sisters decided that they were going to be poor but him. He someone went out and got a job selling soap door to door making extra money, helping his family and saving it. 10 years later the soap company was for sale for 100,000$ and he wanted to buy it. He took the 15,000 he had saved and put it towards a down payment. HE had 1 week to come up with the diffrience. He went to everyhome in his area offering anyone who gave him 10,000 that he would give them 11,000 in one month. He had everything but 10000 to finsh the deal the night before his deadline. He prayed to god and said I really need this money, Please god help me, and he sat there and thought hard about it, finally he decided to go through town one more time. He came across someone who had just moved in, he made them an offer, they accepted and on the last day he got his money.

Here is some Broke Share cropper selling soap part time making more money this his entire family, he had nothing, no education, just a burning desire to succeed.

More PErsonal accountability

Sueing MCdonalds for making me fat. (Your the fat ass that choose to eat here everyday, we didnt beg you to eat here, nor did we hinder you from exercising)

Sueing the Tobacco companys (they have had the cancer warnings on for almost 30 years now) so if your not 65 or older shut the fuck up

Sueing the gun makers (You made the gun, and somehow Bill got it and shot my son) Get the fuck outta here


This Immigration thing is real hot in the news today. It is somehow America's problem that Mexico doesnt have any good jobs, or that their econmy sucks. We have plenty of unemployed americans that could do these jobs, It is quite simple supply and demand. Lets use Lettuce as an example.

Labor is 5% of the cost for a head of lettuce at the local supermarket. The reason is we can pay an illegal alien 20$ a day plus a good lunch and he will work hard, wont complain and we dont give him any benefits.

Now if we were to say No to illegal aliens working the cost of Lettuce would go up, and the labor would now be 15-20%, what is 15-20% of $1.50, will you pay 20 cents extra so an american can have a job. I know I will .

In california, an illegal alien can goto their public schools, get healthcare, socical security, and use all of our public programs. Do these people pay taxes or give their fair share back ??? NO they dont. In Califorina, I believe they are a Billion dollar drain on the econmy each year. Last time I checked USA wasnt partisipating in the Adopt a Poor Country PROGRAM .

This new bill in congress is going to reward these people who violated 4 laws by entering this country illegally by giving them citizenship and free reign to work or go where they please. This bothers me alot. There is a right way to do things, and become a citizen. I feel very sorry for other people who are on the waitlist to come here and then these illegals just run accros the border and take there place.

OK thats enough of my rant, I cant wait to see what replys I get.
libertarian party
I know if most of you were to look at your core beliefs would realize you are libertarian. Then we could really change things. Until then the two evils will battle for power and keep fucking us.

My wife thinks the $5 billion on the space program is a good thing. I think it is another big f-u to the hard working tax paying American.

I worked last weekend at a food pantry. Many of these people are just regular people down on their luck. This pantry gets all of its funding from private donations. Not one penny from the govt. I don't necessarily think its the govt's job to feed everyone, that should be kept private. If we did not have 25% of our incomes stolen from us each payday, we could choose who we could give charity to. For damn sure Mammot would be able to get the meds and treatment he needed.

I know the founding fathers welcomed open borders and all and if things were like they were back then, it would be just fine. Instead of being leaches sucking on our welfare system, they should come here and work for everything they get. We wouldn't be in the mess we are today. Since the government aid will not cease, we need to put a tighter grip on our borders. If the people in Mexico are forced to stay in Mexico and live with a corrupt government that does dick for them, then soon enough there will be a revolution. Then the people can get control of their country and turn that place around. Instead of creating jobs in their own country they come here.

If the minimum wage was eliminated, employers could hire more "legal" workers and prices on goods would drop. Then we would see a long period of deflation. Low and middle income people could more easily afford to make a living and things would shape up around here. But the world is not perfect, lawmakers don't really give a shit, and most people will not stand up and shout loud enough to be heard.
Vitor...for the most part...

Well, for the most part i agree with you.

One thing i cant change my thinking on is,
"everyone can make something out of there self if they have the burning desire"
Well... i can understand why you say this. Technically it should be true.... BUT, our government is letting all the foreigners take the place of what should be home grown American opportunities to work. I know a bro who was actually fired from a hard labor job of working for only 4.00 and hour (to get his children some toys for Christmas) in my HOME town (little town btw) because he could not speak Spanish! All the rest of the workers could.
That shit aint right bro.
So... i can see your point but when your own government holds you back, you will never have a legit chance at being anything.

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Re: But... wait!

JJ INSANE1 said:
Today Mr BUSH is going to ask us ALL to pitch in with tax payer money to buy him self a new 5 BILLION dollar space program... and why? Oh..... just to get to mars?
WTF? Could we not use 5 BILLION somewhere else? Hmmmm... lets say maybe to FEED OUR OWN COUNTRY?
JJ Insane1
Not to mention the 94 billion the war with Iraq will end up costing us.
lets buy an island where juice is legal and nude dancers too!!!!

and phil can have is penis pump

The Space Program is a great idea. Space is unowned uncharted terrority. IF we were to build bases, set stuff up then THE US can then use mars or other planets to colonize or mine for resources. Star Trek type shit.

I think the biggest and I mean biggest Misconception people have about GOVT spending is that there is no national Defecit. IT is money we loaned to ourselves that we dont have to pay back. Sure the dollar is a tad weaker but overall it is still strong.

I think JJ was dead on about foreign workers. Did you know that the top Compute companys sponsor and outsource majority of their work to indians and india. They work harder cheaper, and will put up with whatever we give them. It is a shame the we continue to support IBM, Oracle and these other companys who need american consumers but screw american workers.

What do you all think of taxation or more so the tax rates. I find it very unfair and punishiable. Let me explain, if you work hard start a company and make lots of money why is it that you have to pay some 40% to the government. Where someone who says Im gonna be poor forever makes 12$ an hour at some Fastfood place gets a 10% tax rate. I find it to be a shame that we punish people who go out and get theres and we reward people who sit around and dont get their peice of the pie.
Mr Pickels said:
lets buy an island where juice is legal and nude dancers too!!!!

and phil can have is penis pump

No fucking kidding bro... legal juice, fully nude (female) dancers ONLY. Legal prostitution!

Cigarettes are a felony.
94 billion would just about cut it.

4 Million for the island and 90 million to get the bill passed (in other words, in there pockets) to allow us to do it!

Re: Hmm Very Very Interesting,

vitor said:
I personally am a Die Hard Conservative Republican, for the most part, I Love president bush. I have met him twice. I think the major problems we have in this country is "PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY" it is non existant.

I couldn't agree more with this statement. I used to be a staunch republican, but now I am simply non-partisan. I got sick of having to pick the lesser of all evils, so now I just leave it up to the believers of our system. PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY is a extremely gray area these days. There simply is no personal accountability in the private sector, for example, Enron, WorldCom..etc.

Mammoth, Im a very sad for you losing your job and lack of help you are recieving from the govt. But I have to ask you this question, what were your plans for the future, did you have any money saved up, do you have an emergency plan. I hope all is well with you and your family because that is what matters.

Thanks for the kind words. I usually do have a small cash fund available, but coupled with recent car repair and christmas, that fund is drained. With a family I don't have the ability to build large sums of cash assets simply for emergency use. I could if I wanted to but I would have to give up every hobby and every non-essential expense in order to do so. Personally I would never want to live that way. I like to enjoy my hard earned money when I make it. I like many people out there have made the mistake of falling into the rat race.

Your example really hit home to me because of two close friends of mine. I graduated with a COMP science degree, I currently dont use it as I hate the COMP industry as a whole.

Funny you should say that because that happens to be my specialty, hence the reason why I was one of the first to go at this company.

Now my first friend looked for a job for a bit then stopped and went to collect money for the GOVT. Buddy 2 who I admire alot looked for a job for a week or so then went and started delivering pizza's for Papa Johns. Buddy 2 went from making 70,000 to 500$ a week. He didnt complain he just kept working looking for jobs and finally got one. My first buddy collected money from the govt for 5 months then he got a job. My point is What Can you do to make your situation better.

The only thing that I can do and am currently in the process of doing is exactly like Buddy 2. Income really isn't the problem. It's the amount of income. The problem is that I have no medical insurance and I can't afford to get my own policy. I am trying to keep from ruining my credit and no pizza delivery job can do that for me right now.

You are a Highly educated family man , who I bet can be quite resourceful. Please dont take this as a flame but more of a Life Handed you a shitty hand last month, now its time for you to take it back.

If there is anything I can do to help let me know,

I don't see your post as a flame at all but more of a educated debate.
Sometimes in life you are simply at the mercy of fate. There are only certain things that people can do and sometimes that simply just isn't enough. I can remember having this same conversation with a friend of mine who was fired and had trouble finding a job and he was in danger of having his car repo'ed. I argued with him that he has to take more initiative and bust his balls to find a job quick. He pleaded that he had been doing just that and that things just weren't panning out. I now understand what he was talking about. The job market at the moment is shit. Especially for my line of work. Believe it or not there is competition for the pizza delivery jobs. Alot and I mean ALOT of people are looking for work right now.

I just find that everyone from that kid living in the Ghetto with his crack mom and 8 brothers and sisters can succeed and excel in this country if they have a burning desire to do so. God doesnt want you to be poor or unhappy it is ourselves who do this.

It is not that easy!! I can garauntee that!! I can't comment on the God issue because I am agnostic.

All of his brothers and sisters decided that they were going to be poor but him.

Who the hell decides to be poor?!
10 years later the soap company was for sale for 100,000$ and he wanted to buy it. He took the 15,000 he had saved and put it towards a down payment. HE had 1 week to come up with the diffrience. He went to everyhome in his area offering anyone who gave him 10,000 that he would give them 11,000 in one month. He had everything but 10000 to finsh the deal the night before his deadline.

This is a fairy tale that no way in hell would work in todays economy!!

All these get self-motivation and get-rich books are a scam in my opinion. I read the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and it was the biggest crock of shit that I had ever read. The only thing it does is give the author motivation and makes them more money. It is no different than those "Work from home and make $1000 a week" BS network marketing schemes that only makes the originators rich.

Thanks to everyone for the kind words. I am a positive person (somewhat) and I know that things will work out. It is just a matter of how much damage I will incur before things get back on track.
Mammoth-god I have to agree. I have just been layed off again after 10yrs of loyalty to my company. 10yrs before that I was layed off after 10yrs with THAT company. Downsizing victims were our facless names. Im am now in limbo, trying to start a new career, because my old career is mostly dead in the water after 9-11. I spent 6mo on an intense jobsearch to be turned away at every opportunity, despite have great experience and sparkling
work history.
Year back you worked for the same company all your life. A man could raise his family and retire with dignity. Im 45YO and struggling for my life. Yes I have some backup funds or Id be on skid row. Thats thanks to my lucky ng and noone elses.
Something is terribly wrong when I guy does nothing but the right thing-gives years and years to hoping to have some security, only to be kicked aside like yesterdays garbage. Something has gone terribly wrong over the last 20-30yrs.
Nothing is getting better, its getting worse. Alot worse.
Im not trying to disagree with anyones right to speak as they wish. Just telling the facts about my sad story.
Re: Re: Hmm Very Very Interesting,

mammoth said:
All these get self-motivation and get-rich books are a scam in my opinion. I read the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and it was the biggest crock of shit that I had ever read. [/B]

I think that that was one of the best books written on the subject. I recomend it to anyone that is 'lost' in life.
I personally didn't learn from it, as all in there I already knew, all it did was to confirm that what I am doing in my life is the right thing, and I am not complaining about my financial stability!

Earlier in the thread it was said that the US is heading towards communism - did you guys just realise that???
I am in Aust and in some ways it's already worse than the US. I am heading out of here by the end of the year. I lived in communism in the past, there is no way I will again.
MikeS said:
Downsizing victims were our facless names.

One of my ex-coworkers from the company that I just got laid off from recently got his MBA. I can remember us having a discussion about employees being faceless names. The one thing that struck me, and made me hate corporate america even more was a comment he made about what he was learning in business school (Georgia Tech). He said that one thing that they stressed was that employees are simply commodities and not to be seen as humans. You calculate them within your business structure as assets, liabilities, investments and so forth. While I know that this is a necessary tactic to strive in our economy, I still feel it is imperative to take into consideration that we are dealing with peoples lives. Needless to say it sickened me to know that the business practices of corporate america are no longer seedy schemes devised by immoral CEO's and board members. It is now a common business practice, that is being taught within our "wonderful" educational system, to view employees as numbers and not human beings.

To Big A,

I guess the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" could very well cause inspiration in some peoples lives, but for some people so does seeing the virgin mary in a used diaper. I am just saying that, in my opinion, the motivation behind the publishing of those books is the same as all these quick fat loss programs that crackpot "dieticians" come up with. If I wrote a book on how to enrich your life by rubbing toothpaste on your genitals, It would probably sell and I would make money, therefore enriching my own life. I don't believe in any quick fix, or sure fire way to do anything. My personal belief is that you prosper through your own blood, sweat and tears. No book out there is going to do that for you. Its the same as bodybuilding. It doesn't matter how much gear you are on, or what kind of new fangled supplements you take. If you don't bust your ass and run with it then you will be sub-par and behind the pack. If it was an exact science then there wouldn't be such a thing as economic diversity. Just my .02!!
This is why as a self employeed man I choose not to pay all the taxes I should.......It is rediculous to see all the programs that we pay for goto those that do not really deserve it or are trying to make a life.......This deal about Bush giving illegal aliens social security benefits is a bunch of bullshit when my fellow Americans cant even get help from the same people that they fund.......Bullshit.......It has nothing to do with what is right, but instead politics........
Bush giving illegal aliens social security benefits
Is that true?!!! I thought the government was fucked up as is but I didnt think they would do something like that!!! I find it kinda hard to belive with Bush being conservative and all. And of course, who gonna end up paying for this shit....US, and in more ways than one!
mammoth said:

To Big A,

I guess the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" could very well cause inspiration in some peoples lives, but for some people so does seeing the virgin mary in a used diaper. I am just saying that, in my opinion, the motivation behind the publishing of those books is the same as all these quick fat loss programs that crackpot "dieticians" come up with. If I wrote a book on how to enrich your life by rubbing toothpaste on your genitals, It would probably sell and I would make money, therefore enriching my own life. I don't believe in any quick fix, or sure fire way to do anything. My personal belief is that you prosper through your own blood, sweat and tears. No book out there is going to do that for you. Its the same as bodybuilding. It doesn't matter how much gear you are on, or what kind of new fangled supplements you take. If you don't bust your ass and run with it then you will be sub-par and behind the pack. If it was an exact science then there wouldn't be such a thing as economic diversity. Just my .02!!

You're missing the point of that book. It's not a get quick rich book. It's a book in educating people in having a financial mindset.

If you want to compare it in bodybuilding terms, it's the book that teaches you to have the mindset to train day in day out, to eat every two hours, etc. It is not the book that guarantees you 50lbs of mucle in 4 weeks.
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