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Krizo looking like shit oh


Sponsor / Kilo Club
Jan 20, 2003
Anybody watch Krizo go to shit during prejudging in Prague? I try not to hate on dudes in general but he talks a lot of shit about IFBB guys and he’s huge yea but that’s it tall and big and now he just melted on stage. If he wins it’s rigged, he should be 3rd or worse.
He needs to:

1. Correct his posing.
2. Correct his tanning.
3. Nail his conditioning.

All three of the main drawbacks he has at the moment can be 100% fixed. I maintain he has potential for sure and will reserve final judgement after he does more shows. Took Ramy almost a decade to get it right so lets not throw the guy to the curb quite yet.
He needs to:

1. Correct his posing.
2. Correct his tanning.
3. Nail his conditioning.

All three of the main drawbacks he has at the moment can be 100% fixed. I maintain he has potential for sure and will reserve final judgement after he does more shows. Took Ramy almost a decade to get it right so lets not throw the guy to the curb quite yet.
I agree with all you say, now I don’t like his physique in general except his pecs. But for all of us those 3 equal success on stage equal to ur genetics so he can come up for sure. It’s all the shit talking proven dudes and then coming out and falling on his face that is my problem with him. If he had come out awesome then the trash talk ok but failing that badly on stage is a sign of laziness, bad posing is one thing, not being able to pose with the guys next to you bailing it with ease shows discipline failure. And bring that wet to where your dripping sweat also shows a lack of commitment to water discipline I mean that’s not just not taking diuretics, that’s imo eating salt week of and not cutting water which an NPC novice lightweight is expected to nail.
Seems to need more ab work and control his midsection better. Conditioning does not seem up to par.
I think people are being over critical of the guy. Akeem beat a detailed Kamal, Andrew Jacked won two shows at 70% but Krizo gets so much criticism for winning at 80%? Lol
I was there and saw everything live. Personally, I was disappointed by his performance. Jan Turek should have won.
I have to look over some more pics but he has a great physique. He could use a little more lower lats. He definitely ran out of gas and it effected his tan. If he polishes up overall he will be a contender for sure.
We have to understand that he won a third teir show. . Not trying to degrade the achievement but too many are stating his greatness on the web . He won against other competitors that are third and forth teir pro that we rarely hear about.. its a bit early to think he's a threat to anyone at the o..
The tan was rough.


  • B7B3ECFF-E4AA-446E-95C9-47C1284E3B7A.jpeg
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I agree with all you say, now I don’t like his physique in general except his pecs. But for all of us those 3 equal success on stage equal to ur genetics so he can come up for sure. It’s all the shit talking proven dudes and then coming out and falling on his face that is my problem with him. If he had come out awesome then the trash talk ok but failing that badly on stage is a sign of laziness, bad posing is one thing, not being able to pose with the guys next to you bailing it with ease shows discipline failure. And bring that wet to where your dripping sweat also shows a lack of commitment to water discipline I mean that’s not just not taking diuretics, that’s imo eating salt week of and not cutting water which an NPC novice lightweight is expected to nail.
100 percent agree!!!
It’s all the shit talking proven dudes and then coming out and falling on his face that is my problem with him.

i think it was a good call from a PR perspective
just checked it out on YouTube. Wasn’t impressed.

Then I looked down and saw a picture of Bumstead and that stupid fucking mustache. Damn it I hate that thing
And that triggers you why??? Has zero to do w/ you...
he won lol
I know lol and he so was not the best guy on stage but the Pro Leaague needs a guy big enough to try the IFBB so he’s the next failure. Yes Iran and Spain have put out talent but sans Dorian the US lands this game. How many big Russians have they sent over with crazy hype in the last 20 only to be decimated 3-5. Even the UK is pretty weak outside the 212. I did really like Silvio Samuel he was a great guy to me and I have some pics backstage at shows I won with him and he made me look small.
He looked good. He obviously doesn't look as good as some people make out online but he could get there. He has to improve various areas including conditioning, posing and overall presentation. Obviously his back is weak if you are comparing him to the best as well and that will take time to improve. Guys saying he can win the O this year are just deluded. He has loads of potential but top 10 Olympia will be a struggle but he is not too far away. If he improves his back and learns how to pose and present himself he could be a big threat in the next few years. He is also only 31 so he has time to do everything he needs to be 1st call out at the O one day. For the Olympia this year he needs to pose pose pose and get more conditioned and he can definitely finish quite high just nowhere near the top 5 because of his back.
just checked it out on YouTube. Wasn’t impressed.

Then I looked down and saw a picture of Bumstead and that stupid fucking mustache. Damn it I hate that thing
typical hipster white boy out here in san diego, with exception to his awesome physique

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