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Levitra experiences?


Active member
Mar 17, 2011
So it seems everyone always talks Cialis/viagra when it comes to dick pills but let’s talk levitra. I’ve never tried it but looking for something new.

Anyone with some experience please chime in on this stuff. Is it better/stronger than the others? Any weird side effects?
everyone I have known who has used it says the same thing, great pill, no sides...
So it seems everyone always talks Cialis/viagra when it comes to dick pills but let’s talk levitra. I’ve never tried it but looking for something new.

Anyone with some experience please chime in on this stuff. Is it better/stronger than the others? Any weird side effects?
It works. But I tried it and it made my ears ring and made me very congested. For me the side effects were too much. But it works as well as V or C
Finally tried it for myself a few months ago. Just wanted to try it and see if the sides (stuffy nose, headache) would be better than say Viagra or Cialis. Personally I didn’t notice any difference.

As to the sides I just keep nasal spray handy and pop some ibuprofen with the PDE5. Viagra by far hits the hardest, with the most sides for me. Levitra feels very similar to Cialis. All of em make my junk rock hard soooooo they all good in my book!

I am prescribed 5mg of Cialis for BPH. All good. Zero sides.

Cialis, when (was?) prescribed for bp, dosage is 40mg if memory serves.

I don’t have ED issues but was curious about the effects with higher doses so I experimented with Cialis for at > 5mg with zero effect; 20mg, same with 40 mg. And I have even taken more. No noticeable effect on my bd, workouts at the gym or in bed. Even the adverse side effects many complain about, nada.

Any ideas?
I have tried it, from MA, it works for me even at 5mgs but the sides for me are worth than cialis, congestion and my whole head just feels weird
It works. But I tried it and it made my ears ring and made me very congested. For me the side effects were too much. But it works as well as V or C
Same for me… all of them work equally well and I generally just use when I know me and my girl have a long free weekend but the Levitra headache is by far the worse. I also have nerve damage/sciatica and it oddly flares that up as well
10mg works great, 5mg works too. Kicks In around 90 mins, lasts for a few hours. Cialis screws me up. Horrid tension headaches, lightheaded, and stuffy nose for 2 days even at 5mg. I have to take 400mg ibuprofen with cialis, it drains my brain if not. But I love how long it lasts. I only use it for specific occasions.
As most have said, it has a greater effect than the other pde5 inhibitors but still gave me congestion and slight headache. 10mg is probably the best dosage with minimal congestion or headache and still pretty strong effect.
For heart health and gym pump 10 mg a day of cialis. If I’m wanting to impress my gf I’ll go 50 viagra, 20 mg cialis.

One of our sponsors has a 50mg/20mg Viagra/Cialis tab that is utmost excellent. Awesome combination!
FWIW: ..just about ALL feedback that we'v received on our VARDENAFIL (..aka LEVITRA/STAXYN)
has been that it is preferred over Cia or Via


^^^many have reported only using 5mg with great results
..with many saying that it does not cause acid reflux ..or congestion

BTW; ..i believe these sides are dose-dependent ..& that "full-doses" are not necessary for "full" effects (..no pun intended)

One of our sponsors has a 50mg/20mg Viagra/Cialis tab that is utmost excellent. Awesome combination!
^^^that's right ..sure do ..& it's been a BIG FAN FAVORITE with all ED med customers

100 COCKBOMBS Cialis/Viagra mix 20MG/50MG #GT17

^^^again with these ..most everybody reports only needing 1/2 a tab ..& some guys, even less (..1/4 tab)

Everyone reacts differently, so you will have to try it to find out how your body reacts to it.

As for me, All 3 of the pde-5 inhibitors work at the recommended dosages.......However, the main difference of importance to me are the side effects such as stuffy nose/headache/indigestion. In that light Viagra gives the most bad side effects, cialis about half as bad as Viagra, and livitra the least bad side effects of them all.

There is a 4th one called Avanafil (trade name Spedra) but i only used it once about 9 years ago and don't remember how bad the sides were, it did work but it can be hard to find and was quite expensive back then.

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