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FOUNDING Member / Featured Member/ Kilo Klub
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Kilo Klub Member
Jul 7, 2002
i am really curious to know which guys here besides big A stay on year round. i don't care about the doses, just how many here never come off. it's something i'm considering. i don't care if it takes a few years off my life. i'm more concerned that if i stay on for say a year will i be impotent for months and months if i was to come off.
When I do come off every now and then, last times it was after a 4.5 year straight use, my HPTA was back to normal in 6 weeks. But I did come off properly and while I was on I was using HCG every 4 weeks.
I very rarely come off and when do would only be for couple weeks. my reasons for coming off sick needles and having no gear thats about it otherwise my cycles run high/ low androgens.
Big A said:
When I do come off every now and then, last times it was after a 4.5 year straight use, my HPTA was back to normal in 6 weeks. But I did come off properly and while I was on I was using HCG every 4 weeks.

Could you give some info as to how you come off and what amounts of HCG you recommend?

Or point me to where you might have posted this before?

I ust taper everything over a long period of time - 6 weeks, down to very small amounts. Then added Clomid at 100mg/day for 2 weeks, then 50mg/day for 2 weeks and 50mg EOD for 1 week.
I always use HCG every 4 weeks, using either 1,500 or 2,000IU (depends which one I get) on the M, W and F of that week.
very interresting, i'm 215, 1.80m, and i wanna use 500 mg of test cyp every week, during a year, is that ok??
I have been on for 16 weeks and plan on staying on for at least the next year.

I ran a long cycle and I liked the Doggcrap style of high doses for 4 weeks, then low doses for 2 weeks with clomid, and if you want to you can add hcg every now and then. I felt that I recovered very quickly off of this stack. Just watch the gyno on HCG, that shit will come if you are not careful.

Do you have a low test count, why 500mgs for a year eventully that 500mgs isnt going to have that same kick it gives you now??
Re: I

vitor said:

Do you have a low test count, why 500mgs for a year eventully that 500mgs isnt going to have that same kick it gives you now??

I want to try that. But not only the test. 500 mg test eevry week with 6 weeks 1500 mg test + some orals, then 6 weeks 500 mg and clomid + hcg, then again 6 weeks 1500 mg test + some orals.
MrJ said:
I want to try that. But not only the test. 500 mg test eevry week with 6 weeks 1500 mg test + some orals, then 6 weeks 500 mg and clomid + hcg, then again 6 weeks 1500 mg test + some orals.
Well - I'm no "expert" on this subject, only a decent mod :D

This is what I found from researching "short/interval" cycles and believe the theory behind them. I like dc's logic as it seemed to make the most sense - just remember, many people do not agree with this theory.

During the 4-week "on" period, you hit the system hard and fast - only using "fast-acting" gear (stuff that goes in & out quickly). Before your hpta shuts down "hard" as a result of this "hit," you're off and on Clomid/Arimidex. During the cruise, besides the Clomid/Arimidex therapy, you're also taking a "very low dose" steroid. He suggests testosterone (i do only 100mg of phenylprop 2x/wk) but I also alternate with 10mg "morning only" d-bol (which I currently just started). The theory here is that you don't take that big "drop" or loss that usually happens when you quit.

Now MANY will argue that your hpta shuts down as soon as you take "any" AAS. I believe that your system shuts down according to "how you're supplementing it" with hormones. Example: When you're on steroids for a "long time," you need to take a "long time" to recover, get your hpta back to functioning normally. If you're on for a "short period," your off time for recovery is "short."

On the other side of this, there are those that say you need a "certain" amount of time (relatively long time) to recover, ANYTIME you've taken ANY roids.

I'll be doing this dc-style cycle for about 1 year then hit a "serious" gainskeeper formula and see what happens for about 6 months clean. After being "off" for 6 weeks, I'll go in and get blood work done.

Last edited:
so i should use a short acting test like prop??

Thnx for the info anyway, and keep us informed about your progress!
MrJ said:
so i should use a short acting test like prop??

Thnx for the info anyway, and keep us informed about your progress!
"I believe" that prop is an xcelent choice.


I would think if all you had was eth, you could run 250mgs the first 2 weeks with clomid, get the test in the system then boom jump it up to a gram. Sounds logical to me, maybe im wrong.
xcelbeyond said:

Well - I'm no "expert" on this subject, only a decent mod :D

This is what I found from researching "short/interval" cycles and believe the theory behind them. I like dc's logic as it seemed to make the most sense - just remember, many people do not agree with this theory.

During the 4-week "on" period, you hit the system hard and fast - only using "fast-acting" gear (stuff that goes in & out quickly). Before your hpta shuts down "hard" as a result of this "hit," you're off and on Clomid/Arimidex. During the cruise, besides the Clomid/Arimidex therapy, you're also taking a "very low dose" steroid. He suggests testosterone (i do only 100mg of phenylprop 2x/wk) but I also alternate with 10mg "morning only" d-bol (which I currently just started). The theory here is that you don't take that big "drop" or loss that usually happens when you quit.

Now MANY will argue that your hpta shuts down as soon as you take "any" AAS. I believe that your system shuts down according to "how you're supplementing it" with hormones. Example: When you're on steroids for a "long time," you need to take a "long time" to recover, get your hpta back to functioning normally. If you're on for a "short period," your off time for recovery is "short."

On the other side of this, there are those that say you need a "certain" amount of time (relatively long time) to recover, ANYTIME you've taken ANY roids.

I'll be doing this dc-style cycle for about 1 year then hit a "serious" gainskeeper formula and see what happens for about 6 months clean. After being "off" for 6 weeks, I'll go in and get blood work done.


From what I have read DC said Test ent is fine.

Do you consider Enth a fast acting TEST?
Does this make sense?

Well here's my theory why not to use cyp, enanth or similar during cruise. Please feel free to correct me or explain different!
The following graph is NOT actual, just a way of illustrating my point due to ester of those tests.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . . X . . X . . X . . X
Amnt in Sys.: . X . . X . . X . . X . . X . . X . . X
. . . . . . Day: . 1 . . 2 . . 3 . . 4 . . 5 . . 6 . . 7

Because of this "timed" release and the fact that you're on cruise for a "short" period you want a short/no ester to keep what little test that you're providing at more "even" levels.

Re: Does this make sense?

xcelbeyond said:
Well here's my theory why not to use cyp, enanth or similar during cruise. Please feel free to correct me or explain different!
The following graph is NOT actual, just a way of illustrating my point due to ester of those tests.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X . . X . . X . . X . . X
Amnt in Sys.: . X . . X . . X . . X . . X . . X . . X
. . . . . . Day: . 1 . . 2 . . 3 . . 4 . . 5 . . 6 . . 7

Because of this "timed" release and the fact that you're on cruise for a "short" period you want a short/no ester to keep what little test that you're providing at more "even" levels.


Thanks for the info.

You have obviously researched this quite a bit. You probably know that DC recommends Test Enth on the cruise right?

This may be because prop is so much more exp but I do not know for sure.
Re: Re: Does this make sense?

Crowler said:
Thanks for the info.

You have obviously researched this quite a bit. You probably know that DC recommends Test Enth on the cruise right?

This may be because prop is so much more exp but I do not know for sure.
I believe he say this so you don't have to poke very often :D Really - it depends on when you take a shot of enanthate that when it will peak in your system and during a cruise your trying to "cruise" not elevate your test (just my opinion).

He also says to use 400mg/wk. Hell, he's a BIG guy. On that amount, I'd be on a cycle - I've grown on lesser amounts. Test seems to be very effective in me.

I notice in his recent posts, he admits that his recommended "training frequency" may be too much for some!

xcell I copied and pasted some of his stuff but I have now lost the link to his/the thread.

Could you post or PM me the link please?
His post is titled "cycles for pennies" and is located in Animal's Forum (it's usually on the first or second page) **broken link removed**


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