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Lowest effective dose thread

Swifto, have you run Masteron lower than 50mg EOD? Is it becoming much less effective for you at less than 350mg/week???

I was going to start mast at 150mg/week and see what the deal is with it.

mast is more potent then ppl give it credit for, 350-400 is as high as i have ever run it.
visual results at 100mgs wk for sure.
To clarify everything..when I say that low dose D-bol greatly compliments TRT I mean in the strict sense that as long as one is cycling it of course and not staying on year round (which I'm against on all orals). It's best to run orals (in my opinion) 5 days on..2 days off..up to 6 weeks and then take a few weeks off then repeat to keep the results fresh and strong like your first time without burning out. I personally myself never go above 350mg of total compounds no matter what and that's all I take (other than E3D 12.5mg aromas). I actually never cycle..just cruise in moderation and throw in d-bol every now and then.
Of course there is no bulletproof scientific way to do it right. Everybody has a different approach to this and different reasons and different chemistries and tolerance (some can tolerate things others can't)..thats just human nature..
To clarify everything..when I say that low dose D-bol greatly compliments TRT I mean in the strict sense that as long as one is cycling it of course and not staying on year round (which I'm against on all orals). It's best to run orals (in my opinion) 5 days on..2 days off..up to 6 weeks and then take a few weeks off then repeat to keep the results fresh and strong like your first time without burning out. I personally myself never go above 350mg of total compounds no matter what and that's all I take (other than E3D 12.5mg aromas). I actually never cycle..just cruise in moderation and throw in d-bol every now and then.
Of course there is no bulletproof scientific way to do it right. Everybody has a different approach to this and different reasons and different chemistries and tolerance (some can tolerate things others can't)..thats just human nature..
Im on trt currently, def consider trying the d bol pre work out cycle in. Has anyone else done this? Thanks in advance
Trenbolone, there is people running >600mg per week and obviously it is effective at high doeses but for me 150-175mg of tren DO A LOT.

Also fighting/wrestling/conditioning training adding 25mg of winstrol ED give a good boost (with 200mg Test E OR 125mf Test E and 100-150 Mast E, high doses when doing cardio or more athletics training hinder my performance)

MENT, superdrol and Mtren but people usually ran low doses...

Obviously high doses give more results (strength and hypertrophy) but we underestimate what low or moderate doses can achieve.
Many years ago I found same thing. I used very low dosages and got a lot out of them. Grappling can be grueling and the body really responds to low doses with it. You can literally use TRT or up to 300 mg/w of something, usually dry stuff, and really make a difference in recovery and physical appearance. Go higher in dose or wetter and it is counter productive like you say.
Many years ago I found same thing. I used very low dosages and got a lot out of them. Grappling can be grueling and the body really responds to low doses with it. You can literally use TRT or up to 300 mg/w of something, usually dry stuff, and really make a difference in recovery and physical appearance. Go higher in dose or wetter and it is counter productive like you say.

For sure... I never tried var or tbol along low dose Test o Test/Mast but I would like to. Running more 125mg Test E and 100-150mg Mast E and 25mg Winstrol ED here and there I recover better and keep improving my cardio/performance but when I did 300mg Test E, wetter compounds as you said or higher anabolics It worsen my performance... So in my experience not only not helpful but detrimental.
I think the internet has made people numb to the high dosing going on for the last 10-15 years (I'm guessing here).

Unless I was horribly naive in the early 90s everyone around me was at most using a gram. These were guys who won a lot of local shows (again the 90s...we had loads of good local shows) and were national AAU champions.

It would be good indeed if the trend goes lower, especially since 99.999% of the users never step on stage.
I think the internet has made people numb to the high dosing going on for the last 10-15 years (I'm guessing here).

Unless I was horribly naive in the early 90s everyone around me was at most using a gram. These were guys who won a lot of local shows (again the 90s...we had loads of good local shows) and were national AAU champions.

It would be good indeed if the trend goes lower, especially since 99.999% of the users never step on stage.

Just yesterday afternoon, I was listening to a good interview with the bodybuilder
Phil Williams, and steroids was voluntarily brought up (the interviewer rarely talks
about steroids, more's the pity). I don't like to talk about drugs . . . but 'he said'
he did about ~3 cycles a year, 2 - 3 months off, a month or two on. Test at 200mg,
primo about the same. And a small dose of Avavar (sp). That was all he ever used,
right up to and including the pro ranks. Of course nobody will believe that now.

And yes, I agree . . . "It would be good indeed if the trend goes lower, especially
since 99.999% of the users never step on stage." And especially since they call
themselves bodybuilders which is a misnomer since they have never stepped on
i think part of the trend is ppl think taking steroids turns you into a bb'er.
all the lies and mystery and bs make it all worse.
and it all goes hand in hand with the internet.

when i was young and things didnt have the instant effect i thought they should have i always figured more was the key and made every excuse for it. i have explored doses in depth from top to bottom and im shocked by the realities i see now.

i think my younger self would call me a liar. lol
i think part of the trend is ppl think taking steroids turns you into a bb'er.
all the lies and mystery and bs make it all worse.
and it all goes hand in hand with the internet.

when i was young and things didnt have the instant effect i thought they should have i always figured more was the key and made every excuse for it. i have explored doses in depth from top to bottom and im shocked by the realities i see now.

i think my younger self would call me a liar. lol
awesome post

honestly for some of us, I think if our younger self was able to meet our older self, they would have some shit to talk about us lol

And if our older selves hadn't grown, matured, wised up...we would be fighting our younger self.

As it stands hopefully most of us would just smile and nod at our younger self and tell them to hang on and enjoy the ride :)
In the spirit if this thread I decided to drop my 50mast/150primo/100test a week down to 15mgs test/10mgs mast/10mgs primo a day (5 days a week) which equates to 75mgs test, 50mgs mast, and 50mgs of primo a week = 175mgs of total compounds. I'm going to rock this the next 3 months and see how hard I can push training and dieting, get bloods and see what happens. Also taking 15mgs of mk677 5 days a week.
In the spirit if this thread I decided to drop my 50mast/150primo/100test a week down to 15mgs test/10mgs mast/10mgs primo a day (5 days a week) which equates to 75mgs test, 50mgs mast, and 50mgs of primo a week = 175mgs of total compounds. I'm going to rock this the next 3 months and see how hard I can push training and dieting, get bloods and see what happens. Also taking 15mgs of mk677 5 days a week.
lol damn you're really embracing the spirit of the thread. That's low as shit!!!
lol damn you're really embracing the spirit of the thread. That's low as shit!!!

lol yeah we'll see what happens. I've been my current weight and overall look so long I can maintain it (give or take a bit) on very little so we will see. I've really trained half assed for about 4-5 months so I'm hoping more focus on training and diet will give me a large boost on it's own.
lol yeah we'll see what happens. I've been my current weight and overall look so long I can maintain it (give or take a bit) on very little so we will see. I've really trained half assed for about 4-5 months so I'm hoping more focus on training and diet will give me a large boost on it's own.

I've found if you're weights truly stuck, dropping down the dose won't for a period won't make much of a negative impact. For me at least.
I've found if you're weights truly stuck, dropping down the dose won't for a period won't make much of a negative impact. For me at least.

Yeah I think you are right. I like my look and my current bodyweight and even training 1-3 times a week rather lazily on my standard trt I can keep it. But I mean it's been 22 years of training. I want to try to take basically microdoses but ramp up the training and focus on diet and see what happens.

Plus, even with microdoses I expect I"ll see a boost just from being consistent. Over the last 4-6 months I've also had times I've just skipped my trt. Actually I think I had about 6 weeks straight I just didn't feel like taking even my trt and much of the other time was only taking 120mgs of test every 10-14 days. I just didn't feel like it so I imagine all around consistency on training, diet, and microdoses will lead to an improvement.

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