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Matt Lowden's Win


New member
Feb 22, 2009
I was just watching the interview with him on RX after his overall win. He actually genuinely seemed surprised to come out on top over dusty (i wont beat a dead horse and say how how i too thought dusty had him beat, shape or not. I mean, it shoulda been over when they turned around....anyways..).

What WAS nice though was how humble he also seemed to be. Its a well documented fact that dusty is a super nice guy with only good things to say and a great role model for younger guys(although at 29 hes really young too) that are still new, like myself, in this sport. Its nice to see the top two guys at a big competition both seem well grounded. In a sport that sadly IMHO has too many egocentric asses, its great to have two champs like the ones we witnessed at the jr nats.

Good luck at the USA's to both of them!

I watched that earlier, and thought the same thing as well. He was surprised and really didn't have anything to say.

He was peeled, but so was Dusty. I'm not sure what the judges saw?
Yeah, Matt seemed like a great guy. We talked for a bit backstage in the morning and like the rest of us he is just doing what he can to improve. It really came down to apples and oranges in this show and he came out on top. No worries, win or lose I have a lot of work to do on my physique and I will just keep plugging away and so will Matt.

If I were going to say why I think they gave him the nod I would assume it was how crisp he looked and his classic lines from both the front and the side. I would love to have some of his shape and I am sure he would gladly take some of my size.

As I have said before we play the hand we are dealt.
Matt was a real nice guy backstage...I agree with Dusty...this being my first national show, but everyone there were all very nice, down to earth and just getting better and better. There was a lot of talk and good times had...definatley different from other shows I have been in where people sit all quiet with headphones in their ears in complete misery...I hope this is the new direction we all go in general backstage and with the crowd. I know when I was walking around I enjoyed just chatting with people and having a good time. I got a lot of wow your walking around and smiling that is odd, in fact Flex Lewis was laughing cuz he was like Jeff go lay down and sleep, but I told him too much to take in and too much energy not to take advantage of it..he just laughed and said he would see me next Sunday when I make my trip to his gym...but anyway enough of that ramble...overall, Matt, Dusty, Shelby, John (who won my class the welter's) some of the middleweight people I met were all just cool people. Definatley a great first impression I got for my first national show.

But as Dusty said, time to go back to the gym and make some changes..but I can tell you that Dusty will look insane here very soon..his body just looks impressive in the flesh..and not often will you get that when you see people.
Yeah, Matt seemed like a great guy. We talked for a bit backstage in the morning and like the rest of us he is just doing what he can to improve. It really came down to apples and oranges in this show and he came out on top. No worries, win or lose I have a lot of work to do on my physique and I will just keep plugging away and so will Matt.

If I were going to say why I think they gave him the nod I would assume it was how crisp he looked and his classic lines from both the front and the side. I would love to have some of his shape and I am sure he would gladly take some of my size.

As I have said before we play the hand we are dealt.

It's quite a humbling statement to hear you say you have a lot of work to do on your physique. I mean damn, ur 5'11, 267lbs peeled to the bone. It's scary to imagine ur physique with "a lot of improvement!"

and to echo the above statement, as well as beat a dead horse: The show should've been over as soon as you two turned around.

It's quite a humbling statement to hear you say you have a lot of work to do on your physique. I mean damn, ur 5'11, 267lbs peeled to the bone. It's scary to imagine ur physique with "a lot of improvement!"

and to echo the above statement, as well as beat a dead horse: The show should've been over as soon as you two turned around.

The gave it to Matt because of the gluts and hams and calvs..........wide enough back ,good size arms..........apples and oranges
I was very happy to hear of Matt's win, he has been a good friend of mine for years. He always comes in ripped and he has made fantastic progress on his symmetry in the last few years.
yeah, like PHIL said, his glutes and hams were good. decent calves too.
anyone know how tall he is?
dusty u looked great bro! could have went either way two different packages thats all..matt did look sweet.

His hams were insane. Split vertically 100 times standing 'relaxed'! Of course theres always people that have it 'worse' then you, but nevertheless, when you see that it still makes you shake your head when you look in the mirror :(
yeah, like PHIL said, his glutes and hams were good. decent calves too.
anyone know how tall he is?

5'10......I've seen him listed as anywhere from 204 to 220. So he's not a huge guy by any means..but he looked phenomal. Goes to show the scale doesn't tell the whole story.

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