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Maybe Super ow Dose Trenbolone is Effective???

Tren = the most abused drug dosage wise EVER!

Very hard to find human tren studies but the only ones I believe were at a dosage of 50mg/wk (clinical trials I think they were)
Come on bro! You can't leave us hanging with that shit!!?!

How did 50mgs a week do in the study?
I’m on my phone so I can’t dig it up but there was a study on rats having improved heart function using very low doses of tren.

Of course, we all WANT this to be safe so we have to keep that in mind when researching and not let biases get in the way.
Come on bro! You can't leave us hanging with that shit!!?!

How did 50mgs a week do in the study?
I've been looking and can't find the study, I found it listening to a podcast and them talking about tren dosages.
tren is super potent at even 50mg eod in my experience, I think the first real batches of tren I tried were from Karius a long time ago, besides homeys homebrew yuck. tren makes the shadow parts of me darker, meaner, grumpier, irritable, insomnia... it is an inadvisable drug if you have behavioral battles you are contending with, get lean and use winstrol instead, or masteron, actually stay away from dhts if youre a grump lol, but winny at 100mg wins masteron at 100mg away i always felt as its more multifaceted , I may be wrong
I think low dose tren is very useful. I did the 3 amps of parabolan thing back in 1989.

My current experimental cycle is 300mg test, 100mg mast, and 100mg tren.
Going to start low dose tren 50 per week soon. Lowering test to 100 per week. Have done this years ago as well.
If you check Mike Arnold's posts about Trestolone he says that his usual cycle is: 250 TestE 70 TRESTAce 70 TRENAce.
He wrote a lot of times that Tren in low doses... 70-140mg ew does a good job.

I tried 250 TestE 70 TrenA ew for 4w during this lockdown and was a cool experience, no sides, feeling really well, improved sexdrive from just Test overall it was cool...
Currently running 37.5mg eod of tren ace, working great 👍
do y’all use these 10mg doses subQ? Never used an oil based product subQ before.
do y’all use these 10mg doses subQ? Never used an oil based product subQ before.

everything sub q, some places I am lean enough to hit with a 5/8 29g but I ALWAYS take Epsom salt baths daily steaming hot ones bro and stretch a grip, so If I start to see any irritation on the epidermis it usually subsides overnight. If not I will ice and retard any "invader" organisms, potentially causing an immune system inflammatory response that one would have to worry about (cellulitis etc). This hardly ever happens, to be safer - use a 1/2 in slin pin every time it's flawless in my experience. 25g even suck nowadays after 13 years of pinning as an AAS user and class-elected guinea pig student in the medical "field" (phlebotomy, M.A and some x-ray tech). 10mg is very small in regard to volume, many even do 1cc
So if I'm understanding this correctly. It's orginal use came out to about 10mgs a day. Even in women.

MPMD Tren video
Back in 2019, I upped my TRT for a period by running 75mg test prop, 25mg tren A, 25mg mast prop per week. I loaded 0.5ml of test prop at 100mg/ml and 0.5ml of TTM 50/50/50mg/ml into a slin syringe and injected about 0.14ml/day. I had great results, I only stopped because of some family stuff and a bad injury.

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