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Maybe Super ow Dose Trenbolone is Effective???


Active member
Dec 23, 2007
Just met a fascinating dude in the gym and had a funny conversation. Guy is like 45 and in excellent shape. He says he will soon start his TRT protocol and plans on being on forever thereafter. Interesting thing is that he is a Professor of Veterinary Medicine and has studied anabolic hormones given to cattle for the last like 2 decades. He says that Trenbolone is extremely well suited for TRT if taken at extremely low doses and makes for the best possible add-on to Testosterone. His theory is that the best use of Tren in TRT is for the enhancement of Oxytocin. Now I have been fascinated with Oxytocin myself and actually the whole conversation started with Oxytocin and from there on branched into Tren.

I pushed him to tell me what dose he has in mind as his weekly Tren and he goes "Listen, I cannot prescribe doses". Anyway, can't blame the guy; If I were a Professor too, maybe I'd act the same way and he was being very respectful. He had me pull up my phone and go to the research study he wanted me to read. Here it is

He goes (paraphrasing): "I don't think a moderate dose of Tren in a 10 week cycle is going to do much harm to most guys, but even then if you have a high degree of genetic predisposition, a few of these cycles may result in problems. Absolutely no way to declare Tren a safe drug at bodybuilding doses". Then he says "Read the study and then think about how much Tren a human would need if the drug is having such huge potency. Bodybuilding doses may be completely unnecessary for some possible applications."

Here is the study's highlight
Yearling steers, 39 Friesians on an 18-month beef production system (group 1) and 38 Hereford × Friesians on a 20-month beef production system (group 2), were weighed, blood sampled and then half of them were implanted subcutaneously with 300 mg trenbolone acetate and 30 mg hexoestrol. All steers were then weighed and blood sampled at 1-month intervals for a further 3 (group 1) or 4 (group 2) months.
Steroid treatment increased daily live-weight gain by 28 to 37% over the experimental period and the proportional response appeared to be correlated with the plane of nutrition. Neither prolactin nor glucose concentrations were affected by the treatment. However, in both groups 1 and 2, growth hormone concentrations were significantly higher in implanted steers, whilst urea-nitrogen concentrations were significantly lower.

That really is like WTF....

I do not know how much a Yearling Steer weighs but I am looking at pictures and these are like a year and half old animals. They definitely weigh a lot. They are given just one slow-release 300 mg Trenbolone Ace Implant and even after 4 months, there are significant effects. WTF. So 4 months is 16 weeks. For an animal of this size, comes out to less than 20 mg Tren Ace per week, does it not?

Could it be that those guys who add miniscule amounts of Tren to their TRT, like 10 mg - 20 mg every week or so are not out of their minds? Could even less than that do something? And on top, such a very small dose added to your fast acting testosterone injection will come out to a miniscule amount of oil.

Am I totally off base? What do you think?

EDIT: The above study shows the impact of Tren on many parameters, but the effect of Tren on Oxytocin is a different study altogether. I can post that too.... The above is just to show how small a dose of Tren may be needed.
I love stuff like this!

I don’t know if it would work, and won’t ever try it...but it’s still a cool theory
Interesting and agree with the effect on humans vs cattle, but I wouldn't exactly compare the two. How good is a steers genetic drug response relative to a gym rat?

Lol besides, who on this forum is gonna take 10mg of tren a WEEK? 😅 I will say that at 10mg a day, the aesthetic changes are still profound, but tren would never be what I used for size or strength. 1-2mg a DAY seems a waste of time, at first glance, but my intellectual curiosity wants to see someone do it. I can't guinea pig, unfortunately, tren fucks my head up, no matter the dose.
Just met a fascinating dude in the gym and had a funny conversation. Guy is like 45 and in excellent shape. He says he will soon start his TRT protocol and plans on being on forever thereafter. Interesting thing is that he is a Professor of Veterinary Medicine and has studied anabolic hormones given to cattle for the last like 2 decades. He says that Trenbolone is extremely well suited for TRT if taken at extremely low doses and makes for the best possible add-on to Testosterone. His theory is that the best use of Tren in TRT is for the enhancement of Oxytocin. Now I have been fascinated with Oxytocin myself and actually the whole conversation started with Oxytocin and from there on branched into Tren.

I pushed him to tell me what dose he has in mind as his weekly Tren and he goes "Listen, I cannot prescribe doses". Anyway, can't blame the guy; If I were a Professor too, maybe I'd act the same way and he was being very respectful. He had me pull up my phone and go to the research study he wanted me to read. Here it is

He goes (paraphrasing): "I don't think a moderate dose of Tren in a 10 week cycle is going to do much harm to most guys, but even then if you have a high degree of genetic predisposition, a few of these cycles may result in problems. Absolutely no way to declare Tren a safe drug at bodybuilding doses". Then he says "Read the study and then think about how much Tren a human would need if the drug is having such huge potency. Bodybuilding doses may be completely unnecessary for some possible applications."

Here is the study's highlight
Yearling steers, 39 Friesians on an 18-month beef production system (group 1) and 38 Hereford × Friesians on a 20-month beef production system (group 2), were weighed, blood sampled and then half of them were implanted subcutaneously with 300 mg trenbolone acetate and 30 mg hexoestrol. All steers were then weighed and blood sampled at 1-month intervals for a further 3 (group 1) or 4 (group 2) months.
Steroid treatment increased daily live-weight gain by 28 to 37% over the experimental period and the proportional response appeared to be correlated with the plane of nutrition. Neither prolactin nor glucose concentrations were affected by the treatment. However, in both groups 1 and 2, growth hormone concentrations were significantly higher in implanted steers, whilst urea-nitrogen concentrations were significantly lower.

That really is like WTF....

I do not know how much a Yearling Steer weighs but I am looking at pictures and these are like a year and half old animals. They definitely weigh a lot. They are given just one slow-release 300 mg Trenbolone Ace Implant and even after 4 months, there are significant effects. WTF. So 4 months is 16 weeks. For an animal of this size, comes out to less than 20 mg Tren Ace per week, does it not?

Could it be that those guys who add miniscule amounts of Tren to their TRT, like 10 mg - 20 mg every week or so are not out of their minds? Could even less than that do something? And on top, such a very small dose added to your fast acting testosterone injection will come out to a miniscule amount of oil.

Am I totally off base? What do you think?

EDIT: The above study shows the impact of Tren on many parameters, but the effect of Tren on Oxytocin is a different study altogether. I can post that too.... The above is just to show how small a dose of Tren may be needed.

A yearling Hereford steer will run around 600-800lb (steer=no testicles) , a yearling bull will weigh near 1000lbs (bull=has testicles)

So say a 700lb steer gets 300mg that equals .428mg per pound , a 200lb guy would need 85mg total which would be 5.35 mg a week , .765mg a day.!!
A yearling Hereford steer will run around 600-800lb (steer=no testicles) , a yearling bull will weigh near 1000lbs (bull=has testicles)

So say a 700lb steer gets 300mg that equals .428mg per pound , a 200lb guy would need 85mg total which would be 5.35 mg a week , .765mg a day.!!

I know this is speculation anyways. You can't just take the dose from cattle and apply it on humans, there are formulas you must use according to the animal to convert dosages to human equivalency dose.
I know this is speculation anyways. You can't just take the dose from cattle and apply it on humans, there are formulas you must use according to the animal to convert dosages to human equivalency dose.
Oh absolutely , I'm certain we metabolise things much much faster than a cow , macro nutritient intake is COMPLETELY different so the Protein synthesis would be totally different.
I seriously doubt a human would see much of anything less than 5mg a day.
I've considered taking 10mg a day with my TRT just to see how it works and what effect it has on blood work
You can't just take the dose from cattle and apply it on humans
This. A cow is an herbivore and its nutrient absorption is way different than that of a human. It's an herbivore that eats grass for god sakes and through a four chambered stomach breaks down the plant material into proteins, amino acids and peptides becoming a 1000lb beast.
Absolutely agree with all of the above.

Gunsmith, you know your cattle far as I can see. Am I reading this stuff correctly at all?
For example, take a look at this product:
On the above link it says:
Only one implant containing 140 mg of trenbolone acetate and 14 mg of estradiol should be administered to each heifer

So would one be administering a total of 140 mg of Tren plus 14 mg Estradiol to the animal and leave it at that? (or does a dose consist of a number of such doses? That is not how I am reading the above).
As I understand it, you are giving the animal a total of 140 mg of Tren + 14 mgEstradiol and then you leave him untouched for several weeks -this is a slow release formulation. WTF??????

Sure, the Cow probably has Ronnie Coleman level of response to Tren if not way more. Sure, we cannot make a direct dose comparison. But 140 mg for an animal weighing way over 500 lbs over the course of several weeks? If that is so, it's just insane really.....

I have a lot to say about very low doses of gear but guys would call me insane and throw tomatoes at me if I speak out.
Will just say one thing: please guys, for the sake of your health, do not be so quick to diss the very low dose TRT-like protocols too quickly. If you tried em and lost size, just know that probably your size would have stabilized at a lower but still impressive level after a few months. Can you be a big and strong on very low doses? No. But almost certainly, you would not shrink down to the size you fear.
Absolutely agree with all of the above.

Gunsmith, you know your cattle far as I can see. Am I reading this stuff correctly at all?
For example, take a look at this product:
On the above link it says:
Only one implant containing 140 mg of trenbolone acetate and 14 mg of estradiol should be administered to each heifer

So would one be administering a total of 140 mg of Tren plus 14 mg Estradiol to the animal and leave it at that? (or does a dose consist of a number of such doses? That is not how I am reading the above).
As I understand it, you are giving the animal a total of 140 mg of Tren + 14 mgEstradiol and then you leave him untouched for several weeks -this is a slow release formulation. WTF??????

Sure, the Cow probably has Ronnie Coleman level of response to Tren if not way more. Sure, we cannot make a direct dose comparison. But 140 mg for an animal weighing way over 500 lbs over the course of several weeks? If that is so, it's just insane really.....

I have a lot to say about very low doses of gear but guys would call me insane and throw tomatoes at me if I speak out.
Will just say one thing: please guys, for the sake of your health, do not be so quick to diss the very low dose TRT-like protocols too quickly. If you tried em and lost size, just know that probably your size would have stabilized at a lower but still impressive level after a few months. Can you be a big and strong on very low doses? No. But almost certainly, you would not shrink down to the size you fear.

Please feel free to share your low doses gear protocols. It's always enriching to hear other people's experiences.
The human equivalent dose (HED) is best translated using body surface area (BSA) normalisation not bodyweight from animals to humans.

theres more then one problem when we use studies done on mice and think its the same as studies in people.
cows id venture to say even more so. how many stomachs do you guys have?

i have tried oxytocin in more then one form. yes, there is some interesting reading on it but in real world none of those words on paper really amount to shit.

drug taking is much more complicated then the newbie thinks.
there are also plenty of people have used tren for years non stop.
all this info yet daily we seem further from the truth.
whers alanis when you need her?
Does anyone else remember when that Dr (was it Dr.G?) was on here and he basically loved the idea of something like 100mg Test + 100mg Tren as a TRT dosage?

It was 5+ years ago i think. But even then I ran that during a cruise period and it had very limited impact on my bloodwork. ONLY thing that was a little out of off was my lipids. And it wasn't crazy at all. If one were to look at it, no one would've guessed i was was on Tren. Im sure they would've assumed I was predisposed to bad wonky cholesterol from my parents. And once again, this was 90-100mg of Tren E per week.

In my eyes, it did have a visual impact on body composition. I also think Big A's recent thread about him being on a decent dose of Tren E (i believe) for a long time, showed it caannnn work. Once again, this is highly individual with one's own bloodwork. Some guys are blessed in this category. I would assume that most successful pros with amazing genetics ALSO have the genetics to run some dosages that don't touch their bloodwork at all.
I've gotten decent cosmetic results from as low as 10 mg/day tren. That dose still gives me side effects, unfortunately. I've given up on running it at any dose.

I started 5 mg/day trestolone recently. So far I'm really happy with the results. I knew it was strong, but I didn't expect it to work this well at 5 mg.
Does anyone else remember when that Dr (was it Dr.G?) was on here and he basically loved the idea of something like 100mg Test + 100mg Tren as a TRT dosage?

It was 5+ years ago i think. But even then I ran that during a cruise period and it had very limited impact on my bloodwork. ONLY thing that was a little out of off was my lipids. And it wasn't crazy at all. If one were to look at it, no one would've guessed i was was on Tren. Im sure they would've assumed I was predisposed to bad wonky cholesterol from my parents. And once again, this was 90-100mg of Tren E per week.

In my eyes, it did have a visual impact on body composition. I also think Big A's recent thread about him being on a decent dose of Tren E (i believe) for a long time, showed it caannnn work. Once again, this is highly individual with one's own bloodwork. Some guys are blessed in this category. I would assume that most successful pros with amazing genetics ALSO have the genetics to run some dosages that don't touch their bloodwork at all.

How long did you run for? How did you feel mentally, etc?

Yes I believe he said he was on for a year or more and posted all his blood work and stuff.
I've gotten decent cosmetic results from as low as 10 mg/day tren. That dose still gives me side effects, unfortunately. I've given up on running it at any dose.

I started 5 mg/day trestolone recently. So far I'm really happy with the results. I knew it was strong, but I didn't expect it to work this well at 5 mg.

I believe nothuman recently posted he's currently running 5mg trest/day on top of his TRT and was actually pleased with the results. I would have never thought 5mg could actually yield noticeable results.
Just met a fascinating dude in the gym and had a funny conversation. Guy is like 45 and in excellent shape. He says he will soon start his TRT protocol and plans on being on forever thereafter. Interesting thing is that he is a Professor of Veterinary Medicine and has studied anabolic hormones given to cattle for the last like 2 decades. He says that Trenbolone is extremely well suited for TRT if taken at extremely low doses and makes for the best possible add-on to Testosterone. His theory is that the best use of Tren in TRT is for the enhancement of Oxytocin. Now I have been fascinated with Oxytocin myself and actually the whole conversation started with Oxytocin and from there on branched into Tren.

I pushed him to tell me what dose he has in mind as his weekly Tren and he goes "Listen, I cannot prescribe doses". Anyway, can't blame the guy; If I were a Professor too, maybe I'd act the same way and he was being very respectful. He had me pull up my phone and go to the research study he wanted me to read. Here it is

He goes (paraphrasing): "I don't think a moderate dose of Tren in a 10 week cycle is going to do much harm to most guys, but even then if you have a high degree of genetic predisposition, a few of these cycles may result in problems. Absolutely no way to declare Tren a safe drug at bodybuilding doses". Then he says "Read the study and then think about how much Tren a human would need if the drug is having such huge potency. Bodybuilding doses may be completely unnecessary for some possible applications."

Here is the study's highlight
Yearling steers, 39 Friesians on an 18-month beef production system (group 1) and 38 Hereford × Friesians on a 20-month beef production system (group 2), were weighed, blood sampled and then half of them were implanted subcutaneously with 300 mg trenbolone acetate and 30 mg hexoestrol. All steers were then weighed and blood sampled at 1-month intervals for a further 3 (group 1) or 4 (group 2) months.
Steroid treatment increased daily live-weight gain by 28 to 37% over the experimental period and the proportional response appeared to be correlated with the plane of nutrition. Neither prolactin nor glucose concentrations were affected by the treatment. However, in both groups 1 and 2, growth hormone concentrations were significantly higher in implanted steers, whilst urea-nitrogen concentrations were significantly lower.

That really is like WTF....

I do not know how much a Yearling Steer weighs but I am looking at pictures and these are like a year and half old animals. They definitely weigh a lot. They are given just one slow-release 300 mg Trenbolone Ace Implant and even after 4 months, there are significant effects. WTF. So 4 months is 16 weeks. For an animal of this size, comes out to less than 20 mg Tren Ace per week, does it not?

Could it be that those guys who add miniscule amounts of Tren to their TRT, like 10 mg - 20 mg every week or so are not out of their minds? Could even less than that do something? And on top, such a very small dose added to your fast acting testosterone injection will come out to a miniscule amount of oil.

Am I totally off base? What do you think?

EDIT: The above study shows the impact of Tren on many parameters, but the effect of Tren on Oxytocin is a different study altogether. I can post that too.... The above is just to show how small a dose of Tren may be needed.
I did 50 mg tren a week years ago on top of 150 mg test and remember it being amazing. But in 30 years i have never gone above 250 total combined mg of anything. Total amateur here.
Adding 10mg tren to my daily TRT dose it yields real results. I am actually doing it now. Playa Del Carman in 2 weeks. I just had bloods last week. Everything in range and HDL at 61.
Excellent! Not far behind you.

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