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My CNS Is Fucked !!!


New member
Sep 1, 2010
Hey guys, do you guys know of any supps etc i can take to boost or strengthen my Central nervous system.

The reason im asking is because my CNS appears to be shot to bits everytime i deadlift i shake like a shitting dog after seriously and after ONE set of squats or leg press my legs literally are shaking and in pain :banghead:

I dont know whats up with me i know this isnt normal.

Any help will be greatly appreciated, thanks :headbang:
take 7-10 days...eat what you want...don't lift...bang the ol' lady...sleep more...etc...
how much training? how many days off? last extended break form the gym? how many stimulants r u taking? how much sleep? good sleep? etc...
so many questions first b4 you get a response that will help you
The problem is most likely NOT a failure of your central nervous system. Are you dieting? Diabetic? Hypoglycemic? You should probably see a Dr.

Do a search here on Humanaforte- it helped my CNS recovery.
The problem is most likely NOT a failure of your central nervous system. Are you dieting? Diabetic? Hypoglycemic? You should probably see a Dr.

My thoughts exactly.
yeah, sounds to me like overtraining/underrecuperation. I would take a big break. if that doesn't work (i've known top level gymnasts who've needed month-long rest periods to recover from phases of intense training)
(sorry got cut off)
IF REST DOESN'T WORK, then you should see a doc...that could be some serious damage that you may need to get taken care of. Doubtful, but possible.

Also, you may want to consider getting off of all stimulants (caffeine, pre-workout, coffee, ephedrine, clen, etc....) if you haven't already.
Thanks for the responses guys.

I dont think its overtraining or rest related because i had around 3 months off at one point and it still happened :banghead:

One thing that i think could be to blame is possible adrenal fatigue as i think i may be suffering from it.

rippedyearround: what serious damage do you think it could possibly be bro ???
Thanks for the responses guys.

I dont think its overtraining or rest related because i had around 3 months off at one point and it still happened :banghead:

One thing that i think could be to blame is possible adrenal fatigue as i think i may be suffering from it.

rippedyearround: what serious damage do you think it could possibly be bro ???

If that's the case then you need to go see a doctor.
What do i say to the doctor though guys ???

"When i go to the gym my legs hurt"

hell think im taking the piss.
Just tell them EXACTLY how you feel and everything, like how you took a break and you are back in the gym and still shaking etc. That is how they make a diagnosis.
What do i say to the doctor though guys ???

"When i go to the gym my legs hurt"

hell think im taking the piss.

bro you tell him exactly as you told us.tell him everything you feel and when you feel it and what makes it better or worse.

if they think like you say about you then move on to the next doctor.and keep doing that if you have too untill you find one that tells you what it is.
the important question is... how long has it been like this?
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Just tell them EXACTLY how you feel and everything, like how you took a break and you are back in the gym and still shaking etc. That is how they make a diagnosis.

bro you tell him exactly as you told us.tell him everything you feel and when you feel it and what makes it better or worse.

if they think like you say about you then move on to the next doctor.and keep doing that if you have too untill you find one that tells you what it is.

Thanks for the responses guys.

I dont think its overtraining or rest related because i had around 3 months off at one point and it still happened :banghead:

One thing that i think could be to blame is possible adrenal fatigue as i think i may be suffering from it.

rippedyearround: what serious damage do you think it could possibly be bro ???

Humanofort is for people suffering with adrenal fatigue.
I would not try to make a self diagnosis. I would go to a doctor. If it was a patient in my rehab department I would hold all exercises until cleared by a physician, preferrably a neurologist.

Good luck bro!
I'm also gonna be on the GO SEE A DOCTOR bandwagon. but i found this article interesting about nervous system recovery

**broken link removed**

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