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My Femara experiment results!


Dec 5, 2005
A little background information. I read a few articles on how 6-OXO is being used to increase natural testosterone by reducing the body’s estrogen thus causing the body to churn out more testosterone for aromatization to estradiol to put things back in balance. So I figured forget about the 6-OXO and go with Femara for various reasons. My results:

Before Femara
Testosterone, total: 220 ng/dL
Put on 200mg week of cypionate but stopped for fertility reasons.
That’s all that was tested for

Retested for urologist
6 weeks of 2.5mg femara 3x week.
Testosterone, total: 615 ng/dL (241-827 normal)
Estradiol: 20 (13-54 pg/mL normal)
Prolactin: 12.2 (2.0-18.0 ng/mL normal)
DHEA: 529 (142-1410 ng/dL normal)
FSH: 20.9 (1.6-8.0 mIU/mL normal) !!!!!!
LH: 16.4 (1.5-9.3 mIU/mL normal) !!!!!!
PSA: 0.3 (<4.0 normal)

By the LH numbers it's obvious my body is really in overdrive trying to get my estrogen levels back up.This proves that estrogen control is vital for PCT. Also, I am an idiot for blowing my numbers and no longer needing HRT. :)
were your cholesterol levels okay?
By the LH numbers it's obvious my body is really in overdrive trying to get my estrogen levels back up.This proves that estrogen control is vital for PCT.

How do you figure that? Of course an AI will increase LH and test but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's a good idea IMHO. Your LH is very high but your test is 'only' in normal range, which tells me, and I'm no endocrinologist, that your balls aren't that responsive. Did you use HCG when on HRT? If one does HCG during cycles, or after to 'blow them up', and follows that with a SERM you probably don't need an AI. AI's aren't that healthy.
How do you figure that? Of course an AI will increase LH and test but it doesn't necessarily mean that it's a good idea IMHO. Your LH is very high but your test is 'only' in normal range, which tells me, and I'm no endocrinologist, that your balls aren't that responsive. Did you use HCG when on HRT? If one does HCG during cycles, or after to 'blow them up', and follows that with a SERM you probably don't need an AI. AI's aren't that healthy.

The main reason I took an AI was to increase my sperm count. AI's can increase sperm count significantly. My wife has recently become pregnant.
My test was increased nearly 3x in 6 weeks. I find that significant considering I didn't take any exogenous LH.Yes it is in the mid-high normal range right now but what will it be in 12 weeks? With all that LH floating around It would probably be higher. My testes aren't that responsive? I can't see that considering the testosterone increase within 6 weeks. I could see that if my test levels remained unchanged. I didn't get a choloesterol test so I can't say what happened there. My estrogen is still in the normal range so I will see how that plays out.
Negative side effects: occasional headaches, zero sex drive although performance is ok (similar to deca/tren), slight acne
this how I figured that

How do you figure that?

Diabetes Obes Metab. 2005 May;7(3):211-5

Department of Internal Medicine, Ziekenhuis Rijnstate, Wagnerlaan 55, 6800 TA Arnhem, The Netherlands. [email protected]

BACKGROUND: Morbid obesity is associated with increased estradiol production as a result of aromatase-dependent conversion of testosterone to estradiol. The elevated serum estradiol levels may inhibit pituitary LH secretion to such extent that hypogonadotropic hypogonadism can result. Normalization of the disturbed estradiol-testosterone balance may be beneficial to reverse the adverse effects of hypogonadism. AIM: To examine whether aromatase inhibition with Letrozole can normalize serum testosterone levels in severely obese men with hypogonadotropic hypogonadism. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Ten severely obese men, mean age 48.2 +/- 2.3 (s.e.) years and body mass index 42.1 +/- 2.6 kg/m(2), were treated with Letrozole for 6 weeks in doses ranging from 7.5 to 17.5 mg per week. RESULTS: Six weeks of treatment decreased serum estradiol from 120 +/- 20 to 70 +/- 9 pmol/l (p = 0.006). None of the subjects developed an estradiol level of less than 40 pmol/l. LH increased from 4.5 +/- 0.8 to 14.8 +/- 2.3 U/l (p < 0.001). Total testosterone rose from 7.5 +/- 1.0 to 23.8 +/- 3.0 nmol/l (p < 0.001) without a concomitant change in sex hormone-binding globulin level. Those treated with Letrozole 17.5 mg per week had an excessive LH response. CONCLUSION: Short-term Letrozole treatment normalized serum testosterone levels in all obese men. The clinical significance of this intervention remains to be established in controlled, long-term studies
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Negative side effects: occasional headaches, zero sex drive although performance is ok (similar to deca/tren), slight acne

The zero sex drive is the killer for this stuff. I've been on for about a week at 2.5mg/eod and already it wouldn't even matter if my sperm count was up because I've lost all interest in sex.....which is kinda necessary for the whole makin' babies thing :eek: .

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