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Never thought id say this but I kinda feel Bad for Aaron Singerman of Redcon1 during his divorce

I thought he was selling a pre-WO drink with banned stimulant DMBA in it? And it's been illegal for a damn decade. This kind of thing pisses me off. It's why I don't even buy OTC supps targeted to bodybuilders anymore. Can't trust the label and the FDA is such an understaffed POS operation.

And I never take anything bought at Walmart or Costco. Sounds like they're all getting what they deserve. Besides, how stupid are you when you continue selling something after you get a letter from the FDA? Idiots. And since they have zero integrity, they all rat and steal from each other when it blows up. You couldn't give me enough money to live like that.
@totalrecomp he was selling an OTC prohormone that he labeled with herbs and all the other Nugenix type bullshit ingredients except him and Singerfuck were putting Methyl-Test in the capsules.

We've had this discussion a hundred times on this board. Blows my mind that so many members come to defend these guys saying the consumer should take more responsibility. Fucking laughable lol. What's the point of a fucking label? Should we all have to invest tens of thousands of dollars in a mass spec so we can test every supplement we purchase?
@totalrecomp he was selling an OTC prohormone that he labeled with herbs and all the other Nugenix type bullshit ingredients except him and Singerfuck were putting Methyl-Test in the capsules.

We've had this discussion a hundred times on this board. Blows my mind that so many members come to defend these guys saying the consumer should take more responsibility. Fucking laughable lol. What's the point of a fucking label? Should we all have to invest tens of thousands of dollars in a mass spec so we can test every supplement we purchase?
Exactly. $200+ dollars to test a $75 bucket of whatever-the-fuck. Yeah...
@totalrecomp he was selling an OTC prohormone that he labeled with herbs and all the other Nugenix type bullshit ingredients except him and Singerfuck were putting Methyl-Test in the capsules.

We've had this discussion a hundred times on this board. Blows my mind that so many members come to defend these guys saying the consumer should take more responsibility. Fucking laughable lol. What's the point of a fucking label? Should we all have to invest tens of thousands of dollars in a mass spec so we can test every supplement we purchase?
I don't give a shit about singerman I do care about people getting details wrong because of who knows why.

"The defendants specifically admitted that, from 2012 through 2017, they conspired to sell products that were unapproved new drugs and/or illegal controlled substances under the Designer Anabolic Steroid Control Act. The defendants admitted that they falsely characterized their products as safe and legal dietary supplements. In addition, they falsely represented that the products were made in “FDA approved” registered facilities that followed all required regulations, when in fact they were not. The defendants also admitted to controlling a supplement manufacturer that fraudulently imported raw ingredients for their products from China. Braun and Singerman both admitted to selling many other products in violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, including synthetic stimulants DMAA and DMBA, and the “nootropic” chemical picamilon. The defendants ignored injury complaints from consumers and did not notify the FDA of complaints, even when required by law. As part of their plea agreements, the defendants also agreed to forfeit all proceeds of these crimes, with Braun forfeiting $3 million, Singerman forfeiting $2.9 million and Blackstone forfeiting $1 million."

The PH/DS that they sold were clearly labeled with the correct chemical on the facts panel but were ILLEGAL to sell as supplements. Regarding the DMAA/DMBA we have about a thousand page thread on here with people looking for the next pre that gets them basically high and "picamilon" being illegal is a joke.

Their mistake was not stopping but NO ONE was complaining when they were able to legally purchase M1A, SD, Hdrol and dymethazine, NO ONE.

The self righteousness around here is comical considering the setting and the law breaking most are participating in daily.

I know I am a hypocrite but I wonder about some.............
I don't give a shit about singerman I do care about people getting details wrong because of who knows why.

"The defendants specifically admitted that, from 2012 through 2017, they conspired to sell products that were unapproved new drugs and/or illegal controlled substances under the Designer Anabolic Steroid Control Act. The defendants admitted that they falsely characterized their products as safe and legal dietary supplements. In addition, they falsely represented that the products were made in “FDA approved” registered facilities that followed all required regulations, when in fact they were not. The defendants also admitted to controlling a supplement manufacturer that fraudulently imported raw ingredients for their products from China. Braun and Singerman both admitted to selling many other products in violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, including synthetic stimulants DMAA and DMBA, and the “nootropic” chemical picamilon. The defendants ignored injury complaints from consumers and did not notify the FDA of complaints, even when required by law. As part of their plea agreements, the defendants also agreed to forfeit all proceeds of these crimes, with Braun forfeiting $3 million, Singerman forfeiting $2.9 million and Blackstone forfeiting $1 million."

The PH/DS that they sold were clearly labeled with the correct chemical on the facts panel but were ILLEGAL to sell as supplements. Regarding the DMAA/DMBA we have about a thousand page thread on here with people looking for the next pre that gets them basically high and "picamilon" being illegal is a joke.

Their mistake was not stopping but NO ONE was complaining when they were able to legally purchase M1A, SD, Hdrol and dymethazine, NO ONE.

The self righteousness around here is comical considering the setting and the law breaking most are participating in daily.

I know I am a hypocrite but I wonder about some.............

We’re self righteous for calling out these scumbags? Lol are you really making this insane false equivalency that the members on this board are the same as Singerman and PJ because we buy anabolics over the internet and that’s breaking the law? I’m starting to think you’re a RedCon employee shilling for those fucks…
We’re self righteous for calling out these scumbags? Lol are you really making this insane false equivalency that the members on this board are the same as Singerman and PJ because we buy anabolics over the internet and that’s breaking the law? I’m starting to think you’re a RedCon employee shilling for those fucks…
No, I don't work for him, never met him or even anyone who has met him. Take care, I'm done.
We’re self righteous for calling out these scumbags? Lol are you really making this insane false equivalency that the members on this board are the same as Singerman and PJ because we buy anabolics over the internet and that’s breaking the law? I’m starting to think you’re a RedCon employee shilling for those fucks…
Totalrecomp's point was that they weren't tricking the customers, it was all labeled. Well, to be sure some wouldn't necessarily understand they were buying an actual anabolic steroid but the compounds were listed on the label. I don't know about these fellas but many sellers used to call the designer steroids "pro-steroids" Lol, basically inventing a new bullshit category.

Hiding substances in products would be immoral IMO. Like Craze containing a designer stimulant not listed.
No, I don't work for him, never met him or even anyone who has met him. Take care, I'm done.
My bad dude. I know what you mean now with the mislabeling. They did include the true ingredients but what they were busted for was the “FDA approved” and “Perfectly Safe” marketing they were doing.
My bad dude. I know what you mean now with the mislabeling. They did include the true ingredients but what they were busted for was the “FDA approved” and “Perfectly Safe” marketing they were doing.
Thank you, that is all I take issue with. I DO THINK he should be in jail for being REALLY REALLY STUPID.

Say you and I run a business that we KNOW is, at minimum, pushing the limits of legallity. We have made money hand over fist and the gravy train hit's it's first big snag....................................... the .gov shows up and says, nicely I may add, STOP.
I don't know about you but I'm taking my gold plated ball and going home. AS? not so much...................

I am all for the incarceration of fools, its good for society.
Thank you, that is all I take issue with. I DO THINK he should be in jail for being REALLY REALLY STUPID.

Say you and I run a business that we KNOW is, at minimum, pushing the limits of legallity. We have made money hand over fist and the gravy train hit's it's first big snag....................................... the .gov shows up and says, nicely I may add, STOP.
I don't know about you but I'm taking my gold plated ball and going home. AS? not so much...................

I am all for the incarceration of fools, its good for society.
100% dude - and again my apologies for not fully comprehending your original point.
100% dude - and again my apologies for not fully comprehending your original point.
All good brother, I also should have worded better.

Of all the things in the world for us to argue about Arron Singerman should not be on the list lol.
I once heard years ago, your business hasn't really gotten off the ground until someone filed a lawsuit against it. Older I get, the more true this seems to become. And none of this could have even been pulled off to begin with if the FDA wasn't a complete joke.
Singerman seems to pay some of the top people in bodybuilding to wear his merch. How much do you think he paid Bob Cicherillo to wear that Redcon1 shirt while talking to Phil Heath?

You guys are also forgetting the guy that suggested those two do what they did (clue, he runs ASF). IMO its a pretty shitty thing they did. Guy runs a board full of UGLs and he is part of an operation that's puts stuff in an OTC supplement that is not legal?

Its all about greed.

I mean people would take it and think hey this stuff is pretty good without even realizing what they are taking and potential consequences.
You guys are also forgetting the guy that suggested those two do what they did (clue, he runs ASF). IMO its a pretty shitty thing they did. Guy runs a board full of UGLs and he is part of an operation that's puts stuff in an OTC supplement that is not legal?

Its all about greed.

I mean people would take it and think hey this stuff is pretty good without even realizing what they are taking and potential consequences.

Did someone fail a steroid test when blackstone labs was busted? How did they know they had steroids in there?
Did someone fail a steroid test when blackstone labs was busted? How did they know they had steroids in there?
Quite possible. Wouldn't you be pissed if you failed a test and had only taken OTC supplements?
I'm sort of surprised of the complaints to government agencies.

@slesh any trends on what complaints were and how people knew what was in there? Someone had to do some testing on the supplements.

I suspect people had side effects they didn't see coming or they did indeed fail a drug test.
Quite possible. Wouldn't you be pissed if you failed a test and had only taken OTC supplements?
I'm sort of surprised of the complaints to government agencies.

@slesh any trends on what complaints were and how people knew what was in there? Someone had to do some testing on the supplements.

I suspect people had side effects they didn't see coming or they did indeed fail a drug test.
If you read the federal indictment it mentions a few customer complaints - I believe things like vomit and diareah. Unsure of reports of people failing drug tests.

My beef, one of many lol, with Singerman and PJ isn’t because they took advantage of people like us. If one of us went out and bought that crap and failed a drug test or got sick - shame on us - we should know better. Maybe I’m sounding too altruistic but my issue is the kids - lol which is ironic because I hate kids. But at the same time I obviously was a kid once. And to me they preyed on them. Whether they listed the ingredients or not - no 17 year old knows what the fuck methyl-1-etiocholenolol is lol. Trust me - I very much appreciate the concept of personal responsibility - I’m a libertarian at heart. But when it comes to supplements and insecure uneducated kids is where I draw the line. I was these kids - chubby, stupid and just looking to improve my physique and be a happy high schooler - I know what that pressure feels like. And when you walk into a local supplement shop and there’s obscure ingredients that you don’t understand and the label says “safe” “FDA approved” “made in America” “gain up to 15 of muscle and lose fat” - well that’s where I draw the line…

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