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New coach Cornelius Parkin

I understood your statement so thoroughly - and believe me that it is possible to do a dhb that does not cause inflammation - I currently take it myself
ah, that was the question.
in the past ive thought about purchasing raws and mixing them with DMSO to use as a transdermal. I think this should also work and since it is not the compound itself that causes the inflammation it should be somewhat good to go, or what do you think? (not that i intend to do it now in my condition, just out of interest)
of course the net quantity ur body absorbs is lower with transdermal, i would guess with DMSO around 50%
ah, that was the question.
in the past ive thought about purchasing raws and mixing them with DMSO to use as a transdermal. I think this should also work and since it is not the compound itself that causes the inflammation it should be somewhat good to go, or what do you think? (not that i intend to do it now in my condition, just out of interest)
of course the net quantity ur body absorbs is lower with transdermal, i would guess with DMSO around 50%
I do agree with Luki,i have no inflamation still and also never had pip. I will again check everything after 8 weeks in.
I bought some DHB raws, anyone knows which recipe to use?

I was thinking that usual 2% BA 20% BB rest MCT oil, maybe with a less acid oil...
When i used Guiacoil in the past my C-Reactive protein skyrocketed.
maybe also interesting to check CRP in the next BW. Ive read that DHB is notorious for inflammatory in the body.

Interesting that you mentioned this. I was running DHB last summer and my CRP was 2.3 It's always below 1 Had it re-checked in Nov and it was back down to .33
I bought some DHB raws, anyone knows which recipe to use?

I was thinking that usual 2% BA 20% BB rest MCT oil, maybe with a less acid oil...
When i used Guiacoil in the past my C-Reactive protein skyrocketed.
Maybe @Mr.Pharmaqo can help u there,his DHB is top
Sorry guys forget to update.
So my blast is 4 weeks in ,and i must say DHB is becoming one of my favorite AAS to use in off season, strenght is up and also my weight i am now 112kg.
Also i am using 5iu HGH daily with 100mcg LR3
carbs are every day 780g ,same on rest days.
Training is legs,pull,push..i usually take rest day every 3-4 days.
Awesome progress man! What dose of aas are you using along with the peptides? How long will you leave in the LR3. I only ask that because it was (at least once) conventional wisdom that it should not be used for more than a month before a break.
Awesome progress man! What dose of aas are you using along with the peptides? How long will you leave in the LR3. I only ask that because it was (at least once) conventional wisdom that it should not be used for more than a month before a break.
Thanks man!!
I am on 250 susta EOD
150mg DHB
5iu HGH
100mcg lr3
Last time i have used it for 30 days and had results all the way ,now will try 40 days without a break and see
Thanks man!!
I am on 250 susta EOD
150mg DHB
5iu HGH
100mcg lr3
Last time i have used it for 30 days and had results all the way ,now will try 40 days without a break and see
150mg DHB/week??? That’s it?
Thanks man!!
I am on 250 susta EOD
150mg DHB
5iu HGH
100mcg lr3
Last time i have used it for 30 days and had results all the way ,now will try 40 days without a break and see
Is that 150mg. DHB for the week Or EOD?
Is that 150mg. DHB for the week Or EOD?
don't joke you really think i would be taking 150mg dhb a week lol

He takes steroids to have effects, not to say I take - but in doses such that they will not give virtually any effects, unless cosmetic changes on a scale of 5-10% are enough for him
I guess that DHB is EOD, 150mg ew is a low dose imho.

I noticed changes in body composition from 300mg+, the more the better.

I use LR3 just on workout days at 100mcg for 2 weeks on 1 week off.
Noticed that some advises ED protocols for more weeks....
don't joke you really think i would be taking 150mg dhb a week lol

He takes steroids to have effects, not to say I take - but in doses such that they will not give virtually any effects, unless cosmetic changes on a scale of 5-10% are enough for him
That's why I was confused, it didn't make sense to me. Also, it's past 3 AM in the morning here, I'm starting to dose off and on.
That's why I was confused, it didn't make sense to me. Also, it's past 3 AM in the morning here, I'm starting to dose off and on.
Yeah @luki7788 said it all guys haha it is 150mg every day,i want too see what DHB can do on higher dosages and also how will my Bloodwork look...so far for me DHB is great muscle builder, gives me similar vascularity as EQ but more muscle gain and strenght but EQ does make me look more full ,my muscle have more volume
Still on DHB, weight is up, strentgh is up and overall more vascular fuller look.
Diet 780g carbs
400g protein
Trace fats
Workout legs/pull/push

Yeah @luki7788 said it all guys haha it is 150mg every day,i want too see what DHB can do on higher dosages and also how will my Bloodwork look...so far for me DHB is great muscle builder, gives me similar vascularity as EQ but more muscle gain and strenght but EQ does make me look more full ,my muscle have more volume
150mg/day DHB so 1050mg/week?

Will you get bloods on this?
I’m curious in DHB’s effects on blood work specifically liver values and inflammation.
Some guys say it has elevated theirs. Others say it hasn’t.

Either way you look great brother. Nice and fuml
150mg/day DHB so 1050mg/week?

Will you get bloods on this?
I’m curious in DHB’s effects on blood work specifically liver values and inflammation.
Some guys say it has elevated theirs. Others say it hasn’t.

Either way you look great brother. Nice and fuml
Correct bro!

Yes i will do Bloodwork later next month so we can see the effects

Thanks man!
Brother are u doing 780 carbs on off days too?
For the most part,if i feel like i need it...most times i do train 6 times per week so i need those carbs even on rest days.

If i lower my intensity or frequency,i know to cut the carbs by half on rest day but still keep protein high.

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