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New Divisions at NPC Shows

Alex A

Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Nov 1, 2007
Men’s Physique will begin in 2011 with an IFBB Professional League division in 2012.

Men wear Shorts, are barefoot & will have some posting criteria & will come on stage individually & then brought out in groups.

Women’s Physique will also begin in 2011
please tell me your joking

april fools??? something!!!!!!!!

I couldn't believe it myself..... when i heard this.. but its confirmed!
Jesus!!! Next thing will be a stripper pole where you will do the mandatories!!!:ac:ion-sm
So what are they looking for in the mens physique? Less muscle?

And I read over on Rx muscle that the womens bodybuilding division is being changed/replaced with the women wearing high heels and posing differently. Is womens physique what is replacing it?
Alex, I saw that on musclecontest.com yesterday for 2011.WTF? More or less fitness model types? Gonna make the shows a hell of a lot longer. Gonna have to do two day shows!
Say what you want.. but if they turn it into a 2 day show there will be a much bigger turnout for the figure/bikini physique than for the BB side of the fence. Eventually, the NPC will realize they don't want or need us.
it sounds like they are trying to draw the mainstream into this sport as much as they possibly can:headbang:
Read this on im. I don't get how it can be a physique contest with half the physique covered.
Alex, I saw that on musclecontest.com yesterday for 2011.WTF? More or less fitness model types? Gonna make the shows a hell of a lot longer. Gonna have to do two day shows!

I agree and pay more money too!
I think... not sure... but think the mens division is like a model search type thing...
what's next?? then they take the winner of each division and put them on a reality show?! or instead of trophys you get a gift card for j. crew......
LOL, this sounds like an epic failure waiting to happen:confused:

....unless somebody has some thoughts to the contrary that make sense?

LOL, are they gonna have regulated shorts length? Well shoot, why not just have them just come out fully clothed, then strip down to their shorts for fun....Phidias and rAJJIN would like that especially!

heh heh heh!:D

The womens physique will be a cross between bodybuilding and figure.. Feminine bodybuilding poses, in heels, 2 piece suits.. But it will only be available to nationally qualified girls in 2011 and it will start at NPC Jr nationals.

I believe they have something like this available in canada?
i personally favor this, not all guys want to be like ronnie, its like a mens figure (sounds gay) but it will draw more people into the sport...if any class should be taken out, it should be bikini
i personally favor this, not all guys want to be like ronnie, its like a mens figure (sounds gay) but it will draw more people into the sport...if any class should be taken out, it should be bikini

This is like the crap they do at some of the natural shows around here. "Male Physique" is like a men's version of figure. :banghead:
Apparently these will only be at the National shows, not all NPC contests.

Ive heard two stories, that FBB will now be this Physique thing and also heard that there will be this new division but FBB will remain, so not too sure whats going on right now.

Paul Dillets WBFF has the male fagness division as well...its painful to watch, very painful indeed.
The more people that show up, the more prize money there will be for everyone.

PLUS, the more skinny dudes that get to walk onstage will make all the bodybuilders look BIGGER.

...but to say that a new division is 'stupid' is pretty close-minded when you consider the characteristics of our own competition. I mean, we wear little posing trunks and show each other how big our muscles are...c'mon guys, can we really be THAT serious?

I think the thing that gets us all off is the TRAINING. I fucking LOVE to train. ...and i can understand the frustration in letting a bunch of 165lb dudes on stage who will never know what it feels like under a 600lbs of pure FEAR squatting till the blood vessels in your eyes pop! In a way, i think the intensity of true, hardcore bodybuilding training may JUSTIFY the little posing trunks...and it will probably piss me off too when the 165lb'er walks home with his little trophy and girlfriend. BUT, he will never be called a BODYBUILDER or HARDCORE.

IDK...mixed feelings i guess.

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