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Next cycle, your input please!


New member
Jul 6, 2002
Phenyl- prop 1000mg weeks 1-8 (mwf 2cc, Tues,Thurs,sat,sun 1cc)
russian dbol 50mg weeks 1-6
eq 600mg weeks 1-10
Clomid therapy week 11-14
arimidex 1mg ed

Im training for a national qualifier next June, so my offseason starts now.
Your thoughts please???
regardless of wether this is ur off season or pre contest i see no reason why not to use fina, i mean u want to win right?
Don't you take a liverprotector?
Why not do 150mg phenylprop ED? 1000mg vs. 1050
A little estrogen is needed to reep full gain from test and dbol, and you're using under 1500mg of heavy androgen/ week, I'd drop the Arimidex to .5mg EOD or .5 ED if you really need it. I'm with Magoo, where's the tren? Drop the EQ and add tren, or drop the d-bol and add tren.
Everything looks good dosage wise. As for dropping the EQ for Fina, screw that! Use them both!!!
I feel that liver protectors are a given, so I dont post that.
As for the fina, I guess I better make some. I have never come into contact with people that love it sooooo much. May I ask why?
I loved Parabolan when it was available to me. That died, so along comes Fina/Tren.

Excellent for both bulking and cutting. Hell, I'm almost gunna have to "mandate" it to every cycle just like i do for Test.

All the mass gained is lean. No gyno for me. No water weight. No bloat. Very little sides (unless you count extra aggression a side, but i'm aggressive anyhow).

BTW- I'm in the chat room if you care to chat. Don't see guys in there too often. Nice to see a new "face" in there.
td24 said:
I feel that liver protectors are a given, so I dont post that.
As for the fina, I guess I better make some. I have never come into contact with people that love it sooooo much. May I ask why?
when you make it yourself you simply cannot get any more bang for your buck. it's stronger than test on a milligram bases, which means that not as much test is needed and hence less of the more common negative sides associated with heavy doses of test.
Everything looks good dosage wise. As for dropping the EQ for Fina, screw that! Use them both!!!
Ditto. Tren is cheap and powerful, with few sides.

Just as a side note/question, why not cut the d-bols in half? Just use them for the first three weeks to get things going, then save the other half for a jumpstart at the beginning of the next cycle? After all, at the three week point everything will be either kicking in or already kicked in. What does everyone think about that, is it just a nitpicking waste of time?
stevehnsn said:

Ditto. Tren is cheap and powerful, with few sides.

Just as a side note/question, why not cut the d-bols in half? Just use them for the first three weeks to get things going, then save the other half for a jumpstart at the beginning of the next cycle? After all, at the three week point everything will be either kicking in or already kicked in. What does everyone think about that, is it just a nitpicking waste of time?

i've never really understood this principle and here is why. it's my understanding that the stacking of different drugs produces a synergistic effect example;1+1=3 so by ending that drug half way through a cycle could limit the synergist effect hence limiting gains. i know that running dbol or abombs for the first 4 weeks to "jumpstart" the cycle is a very, very common recomendation on the bb discusion boards. but just because it's popular doesn't necessarily make it the most effective.
just my 2cc's
synergism does exist there is no doubt but i believe the combinations are rare and few i dont buy for a minute that 500 mgs deca and 500 mgs test is more effective then 1 gram test a week, on the other hand with test and tren, tren is one of the best drugs at stopping protein degredationand test is one of the best at accelerating protein synthesis, so synergism exists here
oh and if ur thinkig is at all related to class 1 and class 2 andrigens that theory while having good intentions and giving a few new insights is crap, the only way i c it applicable is that they show certain androgens that they call class 2 exert most of their effect through non-ar mediated pathways allows us to explore just what these pathways are, but they still exert some of their effect through the ar
I like the tren but just hate having to do ED injections.MM
I guess I will put it in there 75mg ed. Thanks for your help fellas!

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