I know Enry from some other boards, and we are two VERY different persons.
And I find it peculiar that we have the same IP, as we write from to different european country, very far from eachother (as far as I know).
My doubts about the use of syntherol where true ones.
A friend wanted to use it but was concerned about possible damages/sides.
I am in the medical field and in the bb so and he asked my advice.
Silica – following what synthetek wrote to me, silica is not added to soften the fascia (as somebody write in this board) but is present in the coconut oil from which syntherol is made, and it has not been possible to avoid small amounts in the synt.
They wrote it is present in very small amounts, with no clinical significance, still they had to list it in the ingredients by law.
Acidity of the free fatty acids – free fatty acids (ffa) are pretty acid compounds, comparable to ascorbic acid and alike.
So the synth is not “oil” but is an acid oil, which probably reacts with the living muscle tissue and irritates it.
I have no idea whether this could be an issue for long term and big amount use.
Lidocain – I thought I read the name in the ingredient list, yet I could be wrong. If this is the case I apologize.
Having said that, my friend is trying the syntherol.
He’s doing forearms, his weakest part.
First we studies the fascial compartment of the forearm.
There are some 22 muscles, and everyone is enveloped in a fascia.
Still, when after a trauma, a man get what is called “compartment syndrome” to the forearm (meaning a too big increase in the pressure due to bleeding under the fascia within the muscles, and subsequent ischemia of the muscle, nerves and all other structures lying under the fascia), surgeons do split only 3 main compartments: the anterior one, the posterior one and the deep one (between the to bones).
So, if the aim is to stretch the “main” fascia to reduce the pressure against muscles and allow them more room to growth, it would be enough to inject into the anterior AND the posterior compartment, no matter which muscle one injects.
The deep compartment was regarded as too dangerous, due to the great number of nerves and blood vessels to avoid to get to it.
Still, to rotate the injection points targeting different muscles is going to be used, just in case the effect is gonna be more “local”, to maintain the origianl and natural shape of the forearm.
The amount of oil to be used was calculated in about 200ml PER SIDE to have an increase in girth of about 3 cm, supposing the oil is staying in place long enough to have a “sum effect”.
We use 25g needles, 5/8 long.
Small multiple slow injections, not more than 0,5 – 0,75 ml per site.
We just started a week ago and we have already some probs to solve.
Injecting in the “posterior” compartment (the extensor of the wrist and the brachio radialis) is no problem at all.
Some light pain, sth like doms, which goes away in about 24 hours.
Injecting in the “anterior” compartment is much more painful during the injection but, MOST IMPORTANT, my friend develops (we have tried 2 times so far) a sort of acute inflammation of the whole compartment, from the wrist to the elbow (the injections where made about 5 cm below the elbow level).
Redness, swollen, pain, expecially when extending the wrist and fingers.
Pain and the rest disappear in about 3-5 days….
We don’t really know what to do now.
May be we should try to inject a little more deeper, maybe we could try to evaporate the benzilyc alcohol before injecting.
It looks like, in the anterior compartment, the tissues are very “soft” and the oil can spread pretty musch up and down, and possibly irritating some structures in some (to me) unknown ways.
My friend had a similar situation when he injected a 2 ml test prop in the forearm, and this leads us think is may be the alcohol and not other components of the synth.
Any sensible advice is welcome!
PS – People writing that injecting something, and in big amounts, in the muscles should be regarded as possibly dangerous as breathing I HOPE were joking.
Ps n 2 – people who does not care about what they are injecting provided it works are invited NOT to reply. Thank you.
And I find it peculiar that we have the same IP, as we write from to different european country, very far from eachother (as far as I know).
My doubts about the use of syntherol where true ones.
A friend wanted to use it but was concerned about possible damages/sides.
I am in the medical field and in the bb so and he asked my advice.
Silica – following what synthetek wrote to me, silica is not added to soften the fascia (as somebody write in this board) but is present in the coconut oil from which syntherol is made, and it has not been possible to avoid small amounts in the synt.
They wrote it is present in very small amounts, with no clinical significance, still they had to list it in the ingredients by law.
Acidity of the free fatty acids – free fatty acids (ffa) are pretty acid compounds, comparable to ascorbic acid and alike.
So the synth is not “oil” but is an acid oil, which probably reacts with the living muscle tissue and irritates it.
I have no idea whether this could be an issue for long term and big amount use.
Lidocain – I thought I read the name in the ingredient list, yet I could be wrong. If this is the case I apologize.
Having said that, my friend is trying the syntherol.
He’s doing forearms, his weakest part.
First we studies the fascial compartment of the forearm.
There are some 22 muscles, and everyone is enveloped in a fascia.
Still, when after a trauma, a man get what is called “compartment syndrome” to the forearm (meaning a too big increase in the pressure due to bleeding under the fascia within the muscles, and subsequent ischemia of the muscle, nerves and all other structures lying under the fascia), surgeons do split only 3 main compartments: the anterior one, the posterior one and the deep one (between the to bones).
So, if the aim is to stretch the “main” fascia to reduce the pressure against muscles and allow them more room to growth, it would be enough to inject into the anterior AND the posterior compartment, no matter which muscle one injects.
The deep compartment was regarded as too dangerous, due to the great number of nerves and blood vessels to avoid to get to it.
Still, to rotate the injection points targeting different muscles is going to be used, just in case the effect is gonna be more “local”, to maintain the origianl and natural shape of the forearm.
The amount of oil to be used was calculated in about 200ml PER SIDE to have an increase in girth of about 3 cm, supposing the oil is staying in place long enough to have a “sum effect”.
We use 25g needles, 5/8 long.
Small multiple slow injections, not more than 0,5 – 0,75 ml per site.
We just started a week ago and we have already some probs to solve.
Injecting in the “posterior” compartment (the extensor of the wrist and the brachio radialis) is no problem at all.
Some light pain, sth like doms, which goes away in about 24 hours.
Injecting in the “anterior” compartment is much more painful during the injection but, MOST IMPORTANT, my friend develops (we have tried 2 times so far) a sort of acute inflammation of the whole compartment, from the wrist to the elbow (the injections where made about 5 cm below the elbow level).
Redness, swollen, pain, expecially when extending the wrist and fingers.
Pain and the rest disappear in about 3-5 days….
We don’t really know what to do now.
May be we should try to inject a little more deeper, maybe we could try to evaporate the benzilyc alcohol before injecting.
It looks like, in the anterior compartment, the tissues are very “soft” and the oil can spread pretty musch up and down, and possibly irritating some structures in some (to me) unknown ways.
My friend had a similar situation when he injected a 2 ml test prop in the forearm, and this leads us think is may be the alcohol and not other components of the synth.
Any sensible advice is welcome!
PS – People writing that injecting something, and in big amounts, in the muscles should be regarded as possibly dangerous as breathing I HOPE were joking.
Ps n 2 – people who does not care about what they are injecting provided it works are invited NOT to reply. Thank you.
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