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O/T Mayan Prophecy 2012

I don't know, but I'm hoping that this is a bunch of bullshit. I guess we'll see.
personally i think its a load of crap. there is NO ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE to back it at all...besides with that calender they had 3000 years to make a new one. do you think people that primitave really thought 3000 years ahead, or could actually truly grasp the concept? 3000 years might as well have been forever. besides if you go back and look at doomsday prophecy's there were more made that the world would end in year 1000, 1973, 1882,2000, 1956, 1237, 1390, and 1438.
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The mayan calander ends simply because it was an end of an era.
another good article


"For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle," says Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies in Crystal River, Fla. To render Dec. 21, 2012, as a doomsday or moment of cosmic shifting, she says, is "a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in."
The end of the calendar corilated with the astronomical event that occurs in 2012.. The lining up of the sun and earth with the black whole in the milky way galaxy in the winter soltice... I think that is an accurate date of December 21st, 2012.. Some people say it will cause the poles to shift.. causing major devistation in climate.. We'll see what happens.. The history channel had specials on this for a week straight about two weeks ago.. Interesting stuff..
So I only have three years left to bang hot Mayan chicks?
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The mayan calander ends simply because it was an end of an era.

I was gonna say the same.
The Mayans weren't the only ones who thought of "ages". For example, according to esoteric Christian thinking, we're in the age of Pisces right now, going for the age of Aquarius. (also called astrological ages)
People didn't see time as a flat line back then, more like a round clock, and one "hour" = one age.
another good article


"For the ancient Maya, it was a huge celebration to make it to the end of a whole cycle," says Sandra Noble, executive director of the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies in Crystal River, Fla. To render Dec. 21, 2012, as a doomsday or moment of cosmic shifting, she says, is "a complete fabrication and a chance for a lot of people to cash in."

Translation: Lets' have a big ass party in 2012!!! Who's place?
I've been watching a ton of history channel lately about all this and the Nostradamus prophecies.. It's really up to the individual to believe what they want and to interpret these all too often vague prophecies.. some really are seemingly so accurate you almost cant chaulk it up as coincidence.. who really knows? it seems with enough time, you can mix and match the prophecies of the past with events that have transpired.. I mean if I say in the future a four legged horned animal is going to take a dump on a park bench.. I'm betting someday something matching that description will take a dump on a park bench..

A big part of me wants to believe that we are on the brink of a new world.. I cant even read the paper or watch the news without becoming disgusted with how full of shit everyone is.. the world needs a metaphorical galactic sized colon cleansing..
Part of the 2012 mystique stems from the stars. On the winter solstice in 2012, the sun will be aligned with the center of the Milky Way for the first time in about 26,000 years. This means that "whatever energy typically streams to Earth from the center of the Milky Way will indeed be disrupted on 12/21/12 at 11:11 p.m. Universal Time," Joseph writes

What will happen when this day comes? When all of this is aligned what will happen?
JAG is correct, it is simply the day the Mayan Calendar ends and/or starts over.

It should be noted that Einstein, and that Chinese thingamajig also predicted 2012 as the year that could bring the start of new world change due to the 1 degree change in the earths axis, etc. This has occured before and is cyclic.

It should also be noted that even if the world underwent mass destruction, it would not happen over night, it would take many years to occur....from what I have read at least....definately not an expert here.

Heck who knows really. I must admit, i'll probably get a little nervous as December 21, 2012 nears...lol.

I guess a person would have to have alot of faith in astrology to buy into this.

I guess I am going to go ahead and start my bucket list, at the age of young 29.

Ouch , I might see you in South America buddy.
Correct me if I wrong but weren't the Mayans the civilization that believed in human sacrifices? As depicted in Mel Gibson's Apacalypto movie? Seems a little crazy to me? Anyone remember Y2K?
I did not expect to see anything like this here. I am an Orthodox Roman Catholic, which means I am a Conservative. I have studied prophecy for over 17 years. It is a long story. I travelled with visionaries, mystics, prophets etc., most of them being Roman Catholic, some Orthodox. I have investigated weeping statues, icons (blood/oil) and bleeding hosts. I have some of these religious articles here in my private chapel. Although many do not believe this to be true, I would have to say that we are living in the end times. The visionaries I spoke with and met personally were from Africa, Russia, Spain, USA, Venezualea, Canada, Austraila, Italy and maybe a few other countries as well. I also met JPII in 1995 and had connections with two Arcbishops from the Vatican. I am now in contact with many clergy from all over the world. I have also written articles on this subject. The Mayan prophecy is only a piece of a very big puzzle. I would read up more on Garabandal and Catholic Prophecy. I also believe in an anti-christ figure, Lord Maitreya, who will most likely reveal himself around this 2012 period. If anyone wants to go further on this topic just let me know. However, I do nt think this is the place for this.
First and foremost I personally hope the end is near. To quote a Tool song, "I wanna see it all go down". Here's the deal, it will all end one day, life that is, for every one of us. Wether or not we get to actually see the end time is up to the Man upstairs. Get to know the one that made you...

I did not expect to see anything like this here. I am an Orthodox Roman Catholic, which means I am a Conservative. I have studied prophecy for over 17 years. It is a long story. I travelled with visionaries, mystics, prophets etc., most of them being Roman Catholic, some Orthodox. I have investigated weeping statues, icons (blood/oil) and bleeding hosts. I have some of these religious articles here in my private chapel. Although many do not believe this to be true, I would have to say that we are living in the end times. The visionaries I spoke with and met personally were from Africa, Russia, Spain, USA, Venezualea, Canada, Austraila, Italy and maybe a few other countries as well. I also met JPII in 1995 and had connections with two Arcbishops from the Vatican. I am now in contact with many clergy from all over the world. I have also written articles on this subject. The Mayan prophecy is only a piece of a very big puzzle. I would read up more on Garabandal and Catholic Prophecy. I also believe in an anti-christ figure, Lord Maitreya, who will most likely reveal himself around this 2012 period. If anyone wants to go further on this topic just let me know. However, I do nt think this is the place for this.

Wow! This was a very interesting post. You must have seen some really incredible things. I myself am not a religous man. I am more of a skeptic, i believe in science, and evolution. It is always interesting to hear others opinions and see what i can take from them.....if anything. As far as the mayan caleder is concerned....well every religion, and or culture, and or prophet has there own idea of when it will all end, why, and how. We won't really know until we see it all happen. Which i hope isn't in my life nor my childs liftime.
If it happens,Awesome. The way I see it is..If I wasnt able to see the beginning, I would be most honored to witness the end. And what greater truth than to see these revelations being fulfilled.
Wow! This was a very interesting post. You must have seen some really incredible things. I myself am not a religous man. I am more of a skeptic, i believe in science, and evolution. It is always interesting to hear others opinions and see what i can take from them.....if anything. As far as the mayan caleder is concerned....well every religion, and or culture, and or prophet has there own idea of when it will all end, why, and how. We won't really know until we see it all happen. Which i hope isn't in my life nor my childs liftime.

I have seen some awsome things. I was with Paola Albertini who was the instrument used in healing Mother Angelica. I think it was in 1996 when Mother Angelica was healed. You would have to visit the ewtn web site and search the archvies. I work with a Bishop from India who has a gift of healing. He lives in New York now. I have nothing against science. I believe these are gifted men who work to build up the kingdom of God on earth. When any of these visionaries are being investigated science is used in order to prove if they are authentic or not. I have researched many seers, such as Edgar Casey, Nostradamus, Mayans and others. All I can say is it is better to prepare yourself now, just in case.
I have seen some awsome things. I was with Paola Albertini who was the instrument used in healing Mother Angelica. I think it was in 1996 when Mother Angelica was healed. You would have to visit the ewtn web site and search the archvies. I work with a Bishop from India who has a gift of healing. He lives in New York now. I have nothing against science. I believe these are gifted men who work to build up the kingdom of God on earth. When any of these visionaries are being investigated science is used in order to prove if they are authentic or not. I have researched many seers, such as Edgar Casey, Nostradamus, Mayans and others. All I can say is it is better to prepare yourself now, just in case.
Do you mind if I ask you a few questions? I followed much of that and there have been many alleged visionaries for many years all over the world. I was particularly interested and followed closely the messages from the visionaries at Medjugorje. I guess what I'm saying is most of the items you mentioned are not recognized by the Magesterium at all or classified as natural events and not supernatural.

I don't know what an Orthodox Roman Catholic is. I know what a Roman Catholic is and of course Russian and Greek Orthodox but those are not under the authority of the Pope like the Roman and Byzantine churches are. And how have these religious items or relics come into your possession? You should be careful putting a date on certain religious events, many of which have been prophesied for maaaany years and none of which have come to fruition. I just assume you mean orthodox as in extremely faithful to Catholic doctrine which don't get me wrong, I think is a wonderful thing.

I hope you don't take this as a flame but I have also traveled to some of these sites and have seen nothing of consequence. Most cases from what I see are what I might call religious sensationalism - dancing sun, rosary beads turning to gold... nonsense. That's not a valid message to me. These calamities and judgments are not to be the center of our lives or change our behavior getting prepared for the end times. If you take away all that, you are left with messages that are nothing more than a call to prayer. If you live a prayerful life and you are aware of His presence, you have nothing to worry about if you have faith anyway - not exactly new news. What can they take from you that you are not already willing to give if you were forced to? Creating a sense of urgency has no point because if these things are to happen according to His divine will, then we have to control over it anyway. You can't "change God's mind".

I'm sorry but it just seems to me like your heart is seated in the right place but your interests are in the wrong direction. It could be that angels appeared to children or Joe sees Jesus in a bowl of cornflakes but what's the point? There's no message there.

There is nothing to be revealed that hasn't already been revealed. I still would like to further discuss this so be happy to PM you an email address where we can take it off this board (which makes me wonder why you are here to begin with). Probably be my first question.



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