I've been reading alot on your board lately 'cause of the great info on AS, diet and training, but I have never felt the urge to register, since I didn't feel that I had anything to ask og contibute - until now. I had to register, just so I could reply to this thread.
Judas stone-->
Ovliously you are an American, but how can you be sow narrowminded?
is people comparing the humiliation of the iraquee prisoners to a fking beheading. like there could be any comparison eh?
Why compare? They were both awful, inhumane sadistic acts. But if I were to compare: The difference however is that ONE American was a victim. There are 1200 pictures of Iraquee men and women beeing humiliated, tortured, raped ect. What's worse? Having a quick death, or a slow, painfull one? You decide...
(...) (a man who had nothing at all to do with the prison) because some far from innocent bastards got thier pride hurt?
According to recent investigations 90% of the prisoneers in that particular jail shouldn't even bee there. The america troops have no reason what so ever for the captivity. It's just random Far from innocent you say?..
oh, and before anyone comes on here whining and criticizing the war on terrorism. make sure you watch that video FIRST. and for that matter go dig up the vids of the planes hitting the towers. and the pics of the flattened corpses of those that jumped from the towers preffering a quick death to burning alive.
I've seen all the things you mention. They are still all very, very painfull to watch. And you probably have seen some pictures from the prison, but have you seen all of these?:
http://uhpdistro.webcindario.com/tortura irak.htm
If you can honestly tell me, that you don't get the slightest bit disguisted and angry over these pics, there is something mentally very wrong with you.
And another thing. Why are you talking about the war on terrorism? This is a war on the Iraquee population, not terrorism. If the war on terrorism was so God damn important to the US government, why the fuck haven't they done shit about the IRA or ETA? And where has the focus on Bin-Laden gone? They still havn't caught the SOB! But who cares, right? We couldn't catch him, so let's just find some other shit to do. Who's up for Iraq, guys? Then nobody will care about Bin-Laden.
ANd as for the the islamic religion? defend it if you feel you must but it sure is funny how even when its leaders condemn such acts...they do it so obviously begrudgingly
Where does Islam have anything to with this? What the "islamic leaders" and extreme groups like Al-Queda define as islam, has nothing to do with
real Islam. Read the Koran, and you will find out what islam really is...
Just to clear things up, I'm NOT a muslim and I do NOT support the Iraquee injustice to americans - neither do I support the american injustice to iraquee's.
As waht goes for my origin, I'm from Denmark, and yes, my country has a large number of troops in Iraq, but that does not mean that I applaude it. As long as they are ther for peacekeeping, I'm all for it, but if our troops behave as yours, I condemn it.