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Botox for Nick Walker's obliques...


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Kilo Klub Member
Verified Customer
Jan 15, 2012
Nick has a big problem here with his obliques...

I guarantee if he spread out 200 ius of Botox into each side, he would look 10x better come Olympia

Screenshot 2024-05-22 4.02.07 PM.png
Nick has a big problem here with his obliques...

I guarantee if he spread out 200 ius of Botox into each side, he would look 10x better come Olympia

View attachment 199313
I know nothing about Botox but you definitely have some outside the box ideas. Curious did the cool sculpting and/or lipo in Mexico give long term results? I remember those threads from a while back
I know nothing about Botox but you definitely have some outside the box ideas. Curious did the cool sculpting and/or lipo in Mexico give long term results? I remember those threads from a while back
Cool sculpting, no.

Liposuction, yes, though not as complete as I hoped. Stomach stays flat and hard even when big and bloated and the rest of me is fat and soft, but love handles came back, and defined abs still require a sustained serious diet.
I don't understand how Botox would fix his obliques
I guess the idea is that the muscles will atrophy because they can't contract?

First of all, I've gotten botox on my forehead and it barely works because the tiny muscles in my forehead are too strong for it. The obliques are way bigger and stronger muscles, I can't imagine how much botox you would need.

Also, it seems like you would kinda need your oblique muscles to function properly if you're weight training....
Cool sculpting, no.

Liposuction, yes, though not as complete as I hoped. Stomach stays flat and hard even when big and bloated and the rest of me is fat and soft, but love handles came back, and defined abs still require a sustained serious diet.
I remember a video by John Meadows describing his conundrum when dieting down. He'd get to like 2-3 weeks out and everything was ready, popping, lean, full etc. The tiniest liitle last bit to come off was his low back and glutes iirc. He often said how to diet to get those areas lean enough resulted in a stringier, over dieted, tired look for the rest of his body parts that were ready sooner. He ponde3red whether either one of these procedures could solve the problem. Just remove the fat cells from the super stubborn areas so when dieting down, those stubborn areas dont have enough fat cells to become "stubborn" again. I don't know if anyone outside of pros would pursue that. that said, there is no assurance that the area you are having the cells vacuumed out of could look properly lean again though right?
I did manufacture my own, and have coached some women on facebook groups how to do so themselves 😂
I have some Kybella myself, did you do the grid pattern like the insert suggests or?
I remember a video by John Meadows describing his conundrum when dieting down. He'd get to like 2-3 weeks out and everything was ready, popping, lean, full etc. The tiniest liitle last bit to come off was his low back and glutes iirc. He often said how to diet to get those areas lean enough resulted in a stringier, over dieted, tired look for the rest of his body parts that were ready sooner. He ponde3red whether either one of these procedures could solve the problem. Just remove the fat cells from the super stubborn areas so when dieting down, those stubborn areas dont have enough fat cells to become "stubborn" again. I don't know if anyone outside of pros would pursue that. that said, there is no assurance that the area you are having the cells vacuumed out of could look properly lean again though right?
Kybella actually will kill fat cells. Though Kybella is only fda approved for under the chin, like people who have a double chin. But I have seen videos of chicks just haphazardly just start grabbing a fat roll and inject away. Don't even look how much they are injecting. Afterwards you could tell as the midsection was lean but they still would have like fat on their arms. So personally I think what you're thinking is a good idea but using kybella instead of a costly liposuction.
Oh and Kybella takes a while to work like you can only do the same spot every 8 weeks so you would have to know what your trying to do pretty far out.

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