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Only Fans and the top fitness girls

5.99 per month with exclusive girlfriend experience and limitless dm's.

all for a newer car
nicer phone
designer clothes

so you can take selfies and present a lifestyle on social media that you cannot afford or apparently fund your 4 tier ifbb pro lifestyle
fkn’ A+ I accept those terms!
I find a lot of this conversation intriguing. Like if you are discussing previous sexual history with a chick you are interested in, would you rather hear her say I’ve slept with 10 guys each one time and they all had a 4” peanut. Or I slept with 1 guy 100 times and he had a 9” hammer?
Man 10-15 years ago when I was 19-26 years old I used to date a LOT. Tinder was just starting up and prime meat market for a young ripped dude with a Ferrari lol the number of hot stupid personality-less girls I dated hurt my fucking head. I was very social and charming and could keep a conversation going but Jesus Christ sometimes by the end of the night I’d be so exhausted from carrying all the weight of keeping the convo/evening exciting that I wouldn’t even want to fuck them at the end when they tried. I usually still would lol but they’d get a few extra aggressive hate thrusts in there lmao.

“That was the best date I’ve ever been on!” Ya bitch no thanks to you and your dry paint personality lol I had a system lmao same fancy restaurant where they’d valet out front and treat me like royalty and then same swanky hard to get into lounge/club where I knew everyone and we’d skip the line and be VIP mingling with the celts/bruins/patriots players. Almost 100% success rate of hooking up at the end.

… seems like a lifetime ago and I don’t think I’d do it again. Now I’m a crabby hermit and enjoy my peace (minus my fiance and 8lb dog). My fiance isn’t on social media and is adamant about paying for her own shit. So much less stress and added peace. Most of those hot young girls in that lifestyle don’t realize the attention and high value they hold when they’re young and hot is fleeting and if they aren’t smart they’re going to end up on the wrong side of their 30’s washed up with nobody interested in what they can offer. Waitressing at a Denny’s. (No hate just saying).
You had a Ferrari at 19? What kind a Mondial? lol jk bro but please tell us.
Imagine losing money doing this shit vs. Making a lot of money!! Everyone has a price!!
You had a Ferrari at 19? What kind a Mondial? lol jk bro but please tell us.
Haha no I had a bright red f430. Straight piped and sport cats thing sounded so fucking glorious pure ear sex. I still have some fun cars and motorcycles but i am 34 now and don’t drive them often … the noise scares my little dog and I don’t always care for the attention they attract.
Can you imagine how swole some of these girls heads must be. Like if they are decent I'd imagine they get some pretty crazy offers. Think if you got 50k people that follow your OF. You're going to get some pretty wild things offered to you. With 50k subscribers you got 500 people that are in the top %1. And if you take care of yourself, it can probably be a 20-25year gig. You could retire from or as mentioned in this thread use the money to buy other business/real estate. Of course this is IF you are actually good at it/treat it like a job.

I remember when I was younger this dude got outed as he had been doing gay porn, One of his buddies actually saw him on a website. Like dude what were you doing watching gay porn??? I personally have never just stumbled upon gay porn. Like oh a bunch of gay shit popped up...like yea never happens. I remember when he came to the gym and was like dude I saw Scott doing a bunch of gay porn on the net last night. I didn't know the gay porn guy personally. so I was like who cares. I guess after his buddy spread it around to everyone that would listen, the guy said he made 300k a year doing it, don't know if that figure is true but he would have to go out of town to expos and sign photos and shit. I know folks made jokes about the guy for a year at least and I would frequently see the dude at walmart always with a girl. My gf brother was gay and said the shit he would do he'd have to be gay...whatever that means.

I also knew a of a girl that did porn as well. I had talked to her once at the gym and she was totally full of herself. A buddy and myself were out and saw her and I was like dude that chick think she has the golden pussy every man wants. He's like that chick did one scene in porn and she thinks she is like some big time porn star now. The girl was not the prettiest girl you ever seen, not ugly but not someone you'd really even bother looking up to see how she looks naked.
a young ripped dude with a Ferrari
same fancy restaurant where they’d valet out front and treat me like royalty and then same swanky hard to get into lounge/club where I knew everyone and we’d skip the line and be VIP mingling with the celts/bruins/patriots players.

good on you for blowing their expectations into the stratosphere lol..
the guy said he made 300k a year doing it

Gay porn pays more than straight porn, that's what porn actors who refuse to do gay porn say. I don't know if it's true or maybe they say that to make themselves look more respectable or something.
You can say all you want but for me onlyfan girls scream : red flag - do not date and stay away from her. People will
Say of she is such a good girl and so on but let me tell you something- you dont know her , just like ted bundy girlfriend tought he is a such a nice man. Actions not words- always.
That’s pretty absurd lol
Well yeah, but that's what they all say whether it's an exaggeration or not. I could also claim the audience is 95% friends and family and it would be true of some shows like a pro qualifier in Europe. Palumbo has said the fans are homo, Tom Prince used to say it all the time, but maybe he was deflecting criticism of his own homoerotic photoshoots. They are often seen as the financiers of bodybuilding, and the schmoes finance female bodybuilding almost entirely. I can imagine the backlash if a pro said something negative about gays, so no one does it. Don't forget Weider started out as a gay pornographer, was sued over it etc. I didn't see the gay in bodybuillding photography when I was 8-9 but only decades later when it was
pointed out for me.

I love bodybuilding but I would feel pretty gay if I had to sit through a Kain Greene routine.
I've seen several IG clips of pornstars crying about how they for some reason aren't seen as viable in the normal dating market. That's not fair. Neighbors and people in public hurling abuse at them. One was crying because she got no sympathy when she told the story of being gang-buttbanged so fiercely she had to have anal surgery before the scene was finished. But she came back and finished the scene. Inspirational. So all in all it's pretty tragic to say the least.
Gay porn pays more than straight porn, that's what porn actors who refuse to do gay porn say. I don't know if it's true or maybe they say that to make themselves look more respectable or something.
Yea there are actually 2 guys.that do or have done qay porn locally. Or at least.2 that I have heard of. Both have gfs/wife that to my understanding know what they do or have done, I actually know.people that know both. One did it briefly have made over a 100k and my buddy who is neighbors with him said.he.had got back into it. The 300k year guy was always out of.town doing something. I haven't heard anything about him in years so dunno what ever happened with him. My buddy who is neighbors with the 100k guy has.him over.frequetly.and.says he.is qreally cool. The other one I just here.disparaging remarks about probably from people who make less money than him. They both keep their physique on point at all times. Not big but.athletic looking with clearly.visible.abs.

I had a.buddy actually go on a date with the.girl that did porn and he.got.a.call during their dinner and had to go to his folks like right then. I guess she.didn't understand.that now is.not.a.time.for meeting new people and.never.returned.his.calls after because she took offense.to.not being invited.over.too his.folks. Like I said she was not worth even putting her name in a porn engine.search. to my knowledge. She has.just done that one scene but my buddy said that was all she.talked about. He's the type of guy that will listen to bullshit.until he gets laid and will continue.based on how.good the sex.is. Said she made.3k

This.is all 2nd.and 3rd Hand information so take that for what's its.worth
3000 for one scene seems too much unless you are a superstar.

In an interview with a porn actor he said that in Europe girls get paid $700 per scene on average, $1,500 in the US.
Yea bitch was probably lying

I was in Vegas at the MGM and had just.come.from the.gym and went.to the.bar. Basketball shorts,.t-shirt, hat and gym shoes. The only table open was one with 6 chairs.on it. So I just sat down ordered a.drink. After about a.half hour these.4 chicks.come and ask if they can join me. Of course I don't mind one bit. Now three of the these girls.are solid.10s Like hottest chicks.i ever seen in person, one.was probably an 8. Anyway we.all start doing.shots they liked shots.of whiskey so we do them and a lot. I.dont drink often so I am fucked up, I keep telling these.girls.that they're to.hot to me talking.to me. And.they are like.your.a.total stripper.and whats.your stage name. We had a lot.of fun bullshitting and they had.to leave to go to the tiesto concert and.were.like you want to go we.can get you in free. I.think we.chatted over.3 hours. I was like I am too drunk i.am.going sit here and I really didnt.want to go change.into something more.formal. One girl was like what's your.number we.can get together later.tonight so I was like.this chick is.never.going to.call so who cares. Gave her my number and.forgot about it.

So i.just sit there.and slow.the.drinking down a.bit.to.sober up a.little This.chick comes along and just asks.if i.can get my dick hard since I am still drunk as.shit. I am like yea i.took a Viagra I am good! She is.like.lets.go to my room, I am like.cool. So we get to.the elevator.and go up to her.floor, one we arrive.at her.floor there.is a.guy there.and he.is.like "dude how do you know.those.pornstars August.Ames, Kennedy Leigh.and rattled.on two more names I cannot.remember. so I was just like oh I thought they were.hookers. but I creaped em.out on like FB or Insta the next day and they checked in to the MGM pool earlier that day. So I text August and asked.if she wanted.to get together that night but no response. So.now.I am always.dressed.appropriately at all times in vegas!
There was.this.black girl in their group and I really wish i.remembered her name as.she was the hottest.black chick I had.ever seen. Like I would have picked her after august.

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