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Oral preferences for off-season

  • Thread starter Deleted member 226465
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I know this will sound crazy but I feel lethargic and just off after a few days on Anavar (I've used pharma and UGL) but tolerate Anadrol very well. You would think this would be the complete opposite.
Your username would have made it easy to guess 😝
I actually meant to say ditch the anadrol and give the *Anavar a run at 100mg 🤦‍♂️

But yeah I agree I’m not really sure what made 100mg the max dose of orals accepted within the general
Bodybuilding community

As a few people have mentioned above drol tends to be the one drug where I've seen more individual variance. I've seen guys get results on 25mg and I've seen guys need 100mg to move the needle. Some can't tolerate much, others can and do use big amounts ie 150-200+mg. You just don't see this to the same degree with dbol or winstrol etc...

Kind of a broader point to your original question. How do you respond to specific orals? For me, nothing hurts my appetite. Any dose that I would use barely moved my liver markers and if it's out of range it's a handful or less of pts. No joint pain from winny whatsoever. That's me though and there are lots of guys more resilient than me too, but plenty less.

You have competing desires driving this too. On one hand you want to maximize mass and minimize drain/drag/time on more toxic compounds saving them for competition time. On the other you want to hit PRs which is more strength performance. If you want to do both, my previous paragraph would be helpful in the decision tree as you'd avoid the orals that hit your appetite or blow out bloods badly on you. No getting around increasing time on orals during a year though if you go that route.

Your decision, life, health and priorities. There really isn't a wrong answer, just what you want. Though if orals killed my appetite and blew up my bloods...I'd personally err on the conservative side. I also limit time during a year or years on orals and tren regardless of how well I may tolerate them.
I imagine with pretty much everything individual response will play a big factor

There will be generic things across the board but they won’t always apply to everyone the same it seems

Touchwood the only thing that has caused me digestive issues is tren but then I’ve never used high amounts of orals
I've been bodybuilding for 30 yrs so I know how my body responds pretty well. I used to assume the reason I didn't do well on Anavar is because it was something else, however once I was able to obtain pharmacy grade Anavar from my TRT clinic my response was still the same. I've been saying it for years, we all can differ in response per the individual. This is a perfect example.
I've been bodybuilding for 30 yrs so I know how my body responds pretty well. I used to assume the reason I didn't do well on Anavar is because it was something else, however once I was able to obtain pharmacy grade Anavar from my TRT clinic my response was still the same. I've been saying it for years, we all can differ in response per the individual. This is a perfect example.

Not an issue when I was younger but in the last 15 years dbol at any dose (20-25mg or more, haven't used less during that period) makes me super tired within a few days. Has zero to do with liver values. Drol, winny, var, tren....multiple togther for months - no issues. No idea what it is. Doesn't seem to be estradiol or dbol's derivative of it either. Sucks because I loved dbol and it was a staple.

Similar to your exp with anavar. Listen to your body, know what works and doesn't for you. I tried a few times and finally figured it's just me now.
Your username would have made it easy to guess 😝
I've always had a love affair with Anadrol hence my handle. Those Syntex 2902 tabs is where it all started. Nothing puts size and strength on me in record time like Anadrol does. I rarely run it these days just do to my age and my current goals but it's still in my arsenal if I find a need.
I would say try different things. Try a anadrol only run see how it goes. Try anadrol with var and see how that goes. Breaks in between to get health recovery then try another oral. This is the best way to find out what is going to be a good fit for you and your goals. I do like orals if not just for the placebo and boost before workouts. U just have to watch for sides and such
Not an issue when I was younger but in the last 15 years dbol at any dose (20-25mg or more, haven't used less during that period) makes me super tired within a few days. Has zero to do with liver values. Drol, winny, var, tren....multiple togther for months - no issues. No idea what it is. Doesn't seem to be estradiol or dbol's derivative of it either. Sucks because I loved dbol and it was a staple.

Similar to your exp with anavar. Listen to your body, know what works and doesn't for you. I tried a few times and finally figured it's just me now.
To sum everything up I think u said it best:
'Listen to your body, know what works and doesn't for you'
I’ve ran Anavar at 100mg per day, and I’ll put it up there with tren-like changes at that dose.

Fucking retard strength, veins on top of veins on top of veins….fat falls off if you’re anywhere near isocaloric.

Anavar can jack up BP at that dose, and the calf cramps are for real. Waking up in the middle of the night, lower leg locked completely up. Not fun lol.

Taurine is your friend lol
So just to sum up so far

Orals offseason = anavar or stay away from them
Everyone is giving input myself included, but what does your coach say? Rule #1 when working with your coach- always tell your coach everything, good and bad. Which I’m sure you do.

He has a good gauge on you so far so float it by him and see what he says.

I’ll add because it sounds like I’m “anti-orals”, but I used the hell out of them in my 20’s when I was heavier. I think they have a time and place and the smarter move is what I said in my earlier post- use only going into a show at peak health. And maximize food and injectables off-season.

But if you do decide to use them- I used to have the stance based on science and half lives to use them every 8-12 hours or twice a day. Since working with my coach and “experience” I have changed my stance and would do them pre-workout only. Maximize their benefits and minimize their side effects.

But trust whatever your coach suggest as the come-back from over doing an oral can be tough on your body and we all like to find that line the hard way sometimes in bodybuilding. And don’t risk a tear for a PR. Nobody cares how strong you are on the stage. 😊
I'm a little guy and eat at matience but 50mg drol with 350 prop, it's really shining, full even on off days.

I think the Dr Nicholas Lee dude has a video about var and exactly what goes on with the liver and kidneys and why it's said to me metabolize by kidneys I forgot the exact reason
Everyone is giving input myself included, but what does your coach say? Rule #1 when working with your coach- always tell your coach everything, good and bad. Which I’m sure you do.

He has a good gauge on you so far so float it by him and see what he says.

I’ll add because it sounds like I’m “anti-orals”, but I used the hell out of them in my 20’s when I was heavier. I think they have a time and place and the smarter move is what I said in my earlier post- use only going into a show at peak health. And maximize food and injectables off-season.

But if you do decide to use them- I used to have the stance based on science and half lives to use them every 8-12 hours or twice a day. Since working with my coach and “experience” I have changed my stance and would do them pre-workout only. Maximize their benefits and minimize their side effects.

But trust whatever your coach suggest as the come-back from over doing an oral can be tough on your body and we all like to find that line the hard way sometimes in bodybuilding. And don’t risk a tear for a PR. Nobody cares how strong you are on the stage. 😊
Very good post mate!

Coach had me on anavar 50mg pre workout so very similar to what’s been advised.

I agree and it seems the trend of current (unlike some years ago) that orals off-season aren’t really often a thing for bodybuilding so it must still be the powerlifter in me wanting to use them 😂

Definitely makes sense prioritising digestion and food though but fortunately both are fine for me currently.

I think certainly off-season sticking to something that we believe to be less side effect heavy like anavar makes sense maybe just try upping it from 50mg run a few weeks and assess if it’s worth it or not

Getting a tear most definitely isn’t worth it but I try to do all I can to avoid this by going for rep pr’s that are 8 and above and trying to be smart about it but I totally agree in the bigger picture probably totally irrelevant
Anadrol is the shit bro. @SOUR DIESEL has the best anadrol I’ve ever tried. It never gave me digestive issues or heartburn even up to 3 tabs a day. It did cause me to bald rapidly, anadrol has a highly androgenic metabolite known as mestanolone. This is a reason why anadrol makes you so strong.

Orals used to be taken basically year round back in the day. Dorian Yates said he used dianabol every off season. Nasser used winstrol and anadrol at crazy dosages. If you can eat on orals, use them. They will only make you bigger and stronger.
Anadrol is the shit bro. @SOUR DIESEL has the best anadrol I’ve ever tried. It never gave me digestive issues or heartburn even up to 3 tabs a day. It did cause me to bald rapidly, anadrol has a highly androgenic metabolite known as mestanolone. This is a reason why anadrol makes you stronger.
Anadrol is Vlad's favorite drug for the offseason - generally in Oxygen Anadrol is used throughout the offseason if it doesn't cause you problems with eating.
Anadrol is Vlad's favorite drug for the offseason - generally in Oxygen Anadrol is used throughout the offseason if it doesn't cause you problems with eating.

Do you have problems eating on anadrol? If so, are you using pharmaceutical anadrol?

I personally think not all orals are created equally and some sources use fillers in orals that cause digestive issues which is the big problem.

I don’t know how sourcing works in Poland, but I know pharma anadrol is over the counter in Thailand and other places.
Do you have problems eating on anadrol? If so, are you using pharmaceutical anadrol?

I personally think not all orals are created equally and some sources use fillers in orals that cause digestive issues which is the big problem.

I don’t know how sourcing works in Poland, but I know pharma anadrol is over the counter in Thailand and other places.
I've actually never had any problems with eating orals, but their generally negative impact on many issues means that I'm not a fan of using them in the offseason.
To sum everything up I think u said it best:
'Listen to your body, know what works and doesn't for you'
Exactly. No frigggin' rule set in stone. Some (myself included) use orals in the off-season/gaining phase without curbing appetite nor concerning values in lipids and liver, some can't touch them with a pole.
As I’ve gotten older, orals have become less and less beneficial and caused more and more sides. Mainly GI issues and appetite suppression…2 killers in an off-season setting. In contest prep, bring it on.

These days when trying to gain, I let injectables, HGH and slin be the main drivers.
Everybody reacts differently especially with anadrol.

50mgs of Dbol and 100mgs of Adrol a day has always been the sweet spot for me.
So you stopped insulin because you were gaining too much too fast?

But now you want to take some high dosed orals to "gain" and break some PR's (hoping to get bigger)?

Everybody reacts differently especially with anadrol.

50mgs of Dbol and 100mgs of Adrol a day has always been the sweet spot for me.
Is an AI mandatory for this? I would be taking 1mg adex a day for that

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