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OT: Law of Attraction stuff


Well-known member
May 3, 2016
Do you guys believe in Law of Attraction stuff?

I used to think it was all a bunch of bullshit but one time it hit me that since i was a kid, I have always got anything I kept imagining, impossibles became possible

Then I started to research it, believe it or not it's backed by science, mind over matter and etc. All the ancients talked about this, there are multiple verses in bible. All it comes down to is one's belief, their own image of themselves. Gospel of Thomas is all about this, which was taken out of bible

A lot of people say well if you don't take action then nothing will happen, well yea of course but based on my own experience, things just randomly happen through intuition and just life, so from outside it looks like I took actions but in reality I just went with the flow lol

Anyone into this stuff?
"The Gospel of Thomas" was never taken out of the Bible, because it isn't Scripture. It's one of several books which fraudulently claimed to be so, but which Christians realized wasn't actually so. That being said, as you said, I do think a few things in the actual Bible indicate that a positive outlook is beneficial. For one, those who see God as merciful, good, and loving, will find Him to be so. But when it comes to imagining your way into a Lamborghini, I don't think it works quite like that. Undoubtedly, believing you can accomplish something and focusing on doing so, is necessary to actually accomplishing it. I mean, telling yourself you can't do something, usually results in you not doing it.
I believed the fairytale part of it when I was younger, until I put it to the test and reality...

Sure you can get MOSTLY what you want out of life.. You can absolutely live the life you want....

But imagining it is only 1% of it.. That’s the bullshit Oprah Winfrey show nonsense that makes people feel better about it...

The REALITY is the HARD WORK and ENDLESS HOURS you have to put in to get the life you want... PERIOD...

Of course being positive and never giving up and constantly maintaining your vision is important... But it’s absolutely NOTHING compared to the 100+ hours a week and YEARS of consistency I’ve already put in and NEED TO CONTINUE to put in to achieve what I want out of life.. I’m still no where near where I want to be.. Am I closer than yesterday? Absolutely... But I didn’t get here and will never get to where I want by just being positive and imagining it...

That’s the hard truth people leave out when discussing this...

Ive talked about it with many people on multiple subjects and as soon as you bring up the endless hours and sometimes decades of those endless hours needed to achieve a certain goal, their demeanor changes almost immediately...

The reality is people want a magic pill and quick fix to their goals, they don’t want to hear the hard work it takes to achieve it..
Some things are looked at legally as " an act of God", like a tree branch falling on you and killing you. Being struck by lightning, or that poor lady up in Massachusetts that was killed by a great white.

However, I'd say my heart attack at at age 38 was not one. Some things that happen in our life are simply out of our control, but most of it is.
100% true for me personally.

Positive mindset = positive results. Ppl can say its anecdotal and yadda yadda. I've seen it work for me. Im a believer.
A large part of achieving your goals, whatever they may be is something called Metacognition. Essentially this means being aware of your own typical thought processes. You could also call it the ability to think about how you think. Most people who set and achieve their goals more regularly than others have a higher degree of this than the people who repeatedly fail to achieve what they set out to do. It makes sense, if you can analyze your own thinking impartially you can see if and where there might be a flaw or multiple flaws that are preventing you from succeeding.
I don’t know man. I use imagery and focused meditation every single day but none of the girls on the Ass Thread have manifested for me!
I don’t know man. I use imagery and focused meditation every single day but none of the girls on the Ass Thread have manifested for me!
I know your joking but the act of meditation is the polar opposite of metacognition. Meditation is centered around learning how not to actively think and to just "be" Not exactly what i was going for. But you got a good laugh out of me. As for the girls in the ass thread, I married a girl who could be in their and I made that happen, I didn't just wish and hope for it. :cool:
IMHO much of it is being able to see and accept the good things that the universe is giving us all the time. I think we all know people who are so negative they can't see good things even when those things walk up and bite them on the ass.

The trick here is realizing that you never are in full control. You get what you need, not necessarily exactly what you want.
"The Gospel of Thomas" was never taken out of the Bible, because it isn't Scripture. It's one of several books which fraudulently claimed to be so, but which Christians realized wasn't actually so. That being said, as you said, I do think a few things in the actual Bible indicate that a positive outlook is beneficial. For one, those who see God as merciful, good, and loving, will find Him to be so. But when it comes to imagining your way into a Lamborghini, I don't think it works quite like that. Undoubtedly, believing you can accomplish something and focusing on doing so, is necessary to actually accomplishing it. I mean, telling yourself you can't do something, usually results in you not doing it.
Great advice. I have done things, gone places, forged brother hoods, that seemed impossible at 17. I saw myself as this man i wanted to be. Its the same as BBing, you see yourself as what you want to be and struggle to become that vision. Through the process, you learn about yourself. Pain before beauty Always
If anyone's ever seen the documovie "what the bleep do we know", its about this subject and how our thoughts can physically change things on a quantum level. Its also about how consistent thoughts and intentions INFLUENCE outcomes.

Google "Water crystals by Masuru Emoto". Water on three different slides. Different thoughts and prayers went were focused on each of them. The one that had hate and negative energy focused on it looked all malignant and jacked up under a microscope. The one with love and positivity looked like this beautiful snowflakes.
The point is that if our thoughts can change the shape of water on a microscopic level what can it to do our bodies and everything around us.

Definitely a video worth watching if you like this topic.
Believed in a lot of things when younger

Reality smacked me straight many times

Used to think I was fast; until the Nigerian kid in my class blew past me in a track meet in middle school
Used to think I was smart; until I took organic chemistry in college
Used to think I was strong; until I saw a guy who works construction come in wearing his neon vest and incline 405 for smooth reps on his lunch break.

I think it's better to be a rational optimist. Know your strengths, and strengthen those. Peter Drucker has a really good book on this called "Managing Oneself"; the effort it takes to bring up your weaknesses to normalcy is better off spent focusing on things you have a natural aptitude towards.

P.S- Pretty at this point if I imagined myself sitting inside a lambo, I would end up getting hit by one instead
Managing Oneself was indeed a good book. I also enjoyed The Effective Executive since I work in product management.
Believed in a lot of things when younger

Reality smacked me straight many times

Used to think I was fast; until the Nigerian kid in my class blew past me in a track meet in middle school
Used to think I was smart; until I took organic chemistry in college
Used to think I was strong; until I saw a guy who works construction come in wearing his neon vest and incline 405 for smooth reps on his lunch break.

I think it's better to be a rational optimist. Know your strengths, and strengthen those. Peter Drucker has a really good book on this called "Managing Oneself"; the effort it takes to bring up your weaknesses to normalcy is better off spent focusing on things you have a natural aptitude towards.

P.S- Pretty at this point if I imagined myself sitting inside a lambo, I would end up getting hit by one instead

You never will in a million years

The whole thing is based on your beliefs, you already have shit beliefs. Look at the technology today and compare it to 500 years ago, all done by .001% who believed things are possible, literally. How many Elon musks or jeff bezos are out there, then ppl complain why these men are billionaires

If this was 500 years ago and they told you about the technology today, you won't believe any of it

Again, it's all science. Failure and not giving up are a huge part of it
If anyone's ever seen the documovie "what the bleep do we know", its about this subject and how our thoughts can physically change things on a quantum level. Its also about how consistent thoughts and intentions INFLUENCE outcomes.

Google "Water crystals by Masuru Emoto". Water on three different slides. Different thoughts and prayers went were focused on each of them. The one that had hate and negative energy focused on it looked all malignant and jacked up under a microscope. The one with love and positivity looked like this beautiful snowflakes.
The point is that if our thoughts can change the shape of water on a microscopic level what can it to do our bodies and everything around us.

Definitely a video worth watching if you like this topic.

FYI, This isn't directed at you Cv215 -

That's quantum mysticism pseudoscience, which isn't what its advocates wish it was.
Deepak Chopra is a big advocate of this way of thinking and quotes a lot of research that either doesn't exist or is misrepresented.

It sounds interesting, and appeals to a lot of people, but it is fantasy.
All things, material and immaterial start with a thought, a vision. Einstein dreamed up E=MC squared which created the Atomic bomb. Started with a thought. (probably a bad example lol!)
You never will in a million years

The whole thing is based on your beliefs, you already have shit beliefs. Look at the technology today and compare it to 500 years ago, all done by .001% who believed things are possible, literally. How many Elon musks or jeff bezos are out there, then ppl complain why these men are billionaires

If this was 500 years ago and they told you about the technology today, you won't believe any of it

Again, it's all science. Failure and not giving up are a huge part of it

I’m not sure I’m understanding what you’re saying here, but are you saying as long as you believe and work hard you can achieve absolutely anything and that applies to absolutely any human being??

If so, sorry, but you’re wrong... And that’s the Oprah Winfrey bullshit part that just sounds nice when you’re talking to a group of people but the reality is WE’RE NOT ALL CREATED EQUAL..

I mean, if bodybuilding doesn’t show you that I don’t know what else will... How many guys believed their ass off and worked their asses off for DECADES and still never won an Olympia? I can think of a couple off the top of my head who should’ve won and didn’t. Was it they didn’t believe enough? Work hard enough? Lol

No matter how hard I try, even if my parents would’ve put in basketball at 4 years old, I would NEVER be or beat a Lebron James, sorry, but it ain’t happening no matter how much I believe or how hard I work.. I’m 5’8 and 175lbs and those were the genetics I was given...

Same goes for most athletics.. Ask ANY COACH worth a shit and they’ll tell you, they can tell when a kids are 5-6 years old, who’s going to be a great QB, who’s got what it takes to be a pitcher and who he’s going to put in the outfield, where the kids don’t even hit that far but they’re not a liability and they feel like they’re doing something...

We see it in martial arts all the time, I know kids that started young and never made anything if themselves and tried their asses off, put in endless hours, then you have guys like Jorge Masvidal (we’re from the same area) and I met him back when he first turned pro when he was 18-20 years old, and he would eat McDonald’s and party during training camp, STILL DOES (he trains with my BJJ coach) and look at him, some guys have full blown nutritionists, are super strict and can’t crack the top 10 in the UFC to save their life, Jorge Masvidal eats whatever he wants, just decided “eh I’m gona be a little more serious about this” and he’s arguably one of the best to ever be in the sport and he’s PEAKING AT 35 YEARS OLD AFTER 17 YEARS OF FIGHTING WHEN MOST GUYS ARE RETIRED BY THAT AGE...

I’ve personally seen kids go from white belt to black belt in BJJ in a matter of 5-6 years (which is exceptionally fast) and kids that started around the same time put in equal or more hours of training and it took them that long to go from white belt to blue belt... They just didn’t have it, and that’s the reality...

Oh anybody can be a Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk? All we have to do is believe and work hard? Pft Lol C’mon Bro. You have to be realistic.. There’s a reason why people in those categories only make up 0.001% of the population throughout all of human history, and I promise it’s not the law of attraction, it’s they’re exceptionally intelligent and gifted human beings who ALSO put in a crazy work ethic...

You have people in this world who have talent (meaning they’re gifted with certain attributes) and you have people in this world who have skill (the product of hours upon hours of beating on their craft) and those 2 things separate, can compete with each other, a lazy business man who has talent can be outworked by a guy who just won’t stop hitting the books and work ethic etc. If Lebron James was a lazy guy who barely went to practice etc more guys would probably have a chance at competing with him...

But mix TALENT AND SKILL and you’re pretty fucked.. Those people shine through every single time.. No amount of positive thinking is going to turn the average Joe into an Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Conor McGregor, Lebron James etc etc.. That’s reality...
You never will in a million years

The whole thing is based on your beliefs, you already have shit beliefs. Look at the technology today and compare it to 500 years ago, all done by .001% who believed things are possible, literally. How many Elon musks or jeff bezos are out there, then ppl complain why these men are billionaires

If this was 500 years ago and they told you about the technology today, you won't believe any of it

Again, it's all science. Failure and not giving up are a huge part of it



Let's just agree to disagree
I’m not sure I’m understanding what you’re saying here, but are you saying as long as you believe and work hard you can achieve absolutely anything and that applies to absolutely any human being??

If so, sorry, but you’re wrong... And that’s the Oprah Winfrey bullshit part that just sounds nice when you’re talking to a group of people but the reality is WE’RE NOT ALL CREATED EQUAL..

I mean, if bodybuilding doesn’t show you that I don’t know what else will... How many guys believed their ass off and worked their asses off for DECADES and still never won an Olympia? I can think of a couple off the top of my head who should’ve won and didn’t. Was it they didn’t believe enough? Work hard enough? Lol

No matter how hard I try, even if my parents would’ve put in basketball at 4 years old, I would NEVER be or beat a Lebron James, sorry, but it ain’t happening no matter how much I believe or how hard I work.. I’m 5’8 and 175lbs and those were the genetics I was given...

Same goes for most athletics.. Ask ANY COACH worth a shit and they’ll tell you, they can tell when a kids are 5-6 years old, who’s going to be a great QB, who’s got what it takes to be a pitcher and who he’s going to put in the outfield, where the kids don’t even hit that far but they’re not a liability and they feel like they’re doing something...

We see it in martial arts all the time, I know kids that started young and never made anything if themselves and tried their asses off, put in endless hours, then you have guys like Jorge Masvidal (we’re from the same area) and I met him back when he first turned pro when he was 18-20 years old, and he would eat McDonald’s and party during training camp, STILL DOES (he trains with my BJJ coach) and look at him, some guys have full blown nutritionists, are super strict and can’t crack the top 10 in the UFC to save their life, Jorge Masvidal eats whatever he wants, just decided “eh I’m gona be a little more serious about this” and he’s arguably one of the best to ever be in the sport and he’s PEAKING AT 35 YEARS OLD AFTER 17 YEARS OF FIGHTING WHEN MOST GUYS ARE RETIRED BY THAT AGE...

I’ve personally seen kids go from white belt to black belt in BJJ in a matter of 5-6 years (which is exceptionally fast) and kids that started around the same time put in equal or more hours of training and it took them that long to go from white belt to blue belt... They just didn’t have it, and that’s the reality...

Oh anybody can be a Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk? All we have to do is believe and work hard? Pft Lol C’mon Bro. You have to be realistic.. There’s a reason why people in those categories only make up 0.001% of the population throughout all of human history, and I promise it’s not the law of attraction, it’s they’re exceptionally intelligent and gifted human beings who ALSO put in a crazy work ethic...

You have people in this world who have talent (meaning they’re gifted with certain attributes) and you have people in this world who have skill (the product of hours upon hours of beating on their craft) and those 2 things separate, can compete with each other, a lazy business man who has talent can be outworked by a guy who just won’t stop hitting the books and work ethic etc. If Lebron James was a lazy guy who barely went to practice etc more guys would probably have a chance at competing with him...

But mix TALENT AND SKILL and you’re pretty fucked.. Those people shine through every single time.. No amount of positive thinking is going to turn the average Joe into an Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Conor McGregor, Lebron James etc etc.. That’s reality...
Academics are much like athletics. As a high school science teacher I had some students that seemed to be born with natural intelligence in science. They would barely do homework and didn't really study for my tests but managed to earn an 80% or higher. Most of the students put in their work and would earn between a 70 to 80%, worked hard to do it. Then I had some that were born smart and did some hard work, they would earn 90% or more. There were students that could work as hard as humanly possible and they still couldn't earn an A.
Academics are much like athletics. As a high school science teacher I had some students that seemed to be born with natural intelligence in science. They would barely do homework and didn't really study for my tests but managed to earn an 80% or higher. Most of the students put in their work and would earn between a 70 to 80%, worked hard to do it. Then I had some that were born smart and did some hard work, they would earn 90% or more. There were students that could work as hard as humanly possible and they still couldn't earn an A.

Honestly, to me this is more remarkable than athletic gifts.

Watching the Bill Gates docu series on Netflix, Bill describes as a child answering math questions played on a record in class. Blowing though it with ease, he looked around at his peers and realized he was different.

He reads 100 pages an hour with full comprehension, on almost any subject.

No amount of will can replicate that.

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