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our boy homonunculus is gonna pull off the heavies at the jr usa..


Moderator / FOUNDING Member / NPC Judge
Staff member
Jun 5, 2002
justsaw the pics at md and rxmuscle.. looks like the heavies will be his..;) in my humble opinion..
Judging by the call outs no...he was in the second call out...I think top 5 or 6 yes....they narrowed the heavys seeminly down to 2 guys....he looked great nonetheless...I'd be estatic to hit top 5 at the jrs....
2ND CALL OUT? man.. looking at the photos i wonder what the judges are seeing.. ill have to look again.. but it looked like he had the best conditioning and size combo there in that class..
They were only doing 3 per call out...first call out was Charles horn (won his class at the Europa recently) bekin something (I think he posts on intensemuscle sometimes) and some other guy (black guy)....then they narrowed it to Charles and bekin, than they had the next call out with homonuc

I just caught myself laughing out loud! It just came off funny. :D

They were only doing 3 per call out...first call out was Charles horn (won his class at the Europa recently) bekin something (I think he posts on intensemuscle sometimes) and some other guy (black guy)....then they narrowed it to Charles and bekin, than they had the next call out with homonuc
3rd through 6th.

He could be as high as 3rd and maybe 4th or 5th. One of the guys cramped badly on stage and had to exit so I'm assuming he's going to be DQ'd. That sucks btw. As hard as these guys work and then that has to happen. Regardless, Scott looked great. Dry, hard, grainy as usual. I think the one thing about Scott that I think in terms of bodybuilding that is VERY impressive is his consistency. That just proves he knows what the heck he is doing. Once again, great job as always.
They were only doing 3 per call out...first call out was Charles horn (won his class at the Europa recently) bekin something (I think he posts on intensemuscle sometimes) and some other guy (black guy)....then they narrowed it to Charles and bekin, than they had the next call out with homonuc

I don't think they narrowed it down to those two, the black guy, Antonio, started cramping and left the stage.
Bekim's a really cool guy, it would be great to see him take it.

Congrats to Scott too, on another great showing. I had to laugh a bit when whoever is doing the play-by-play for MD called you an "older competitor". I guess it's the gray ;)
I cant even get on to MD or Rx on my labtop...not sure what is wrong with the labtop...:eek:
Well I dont know what is up with my labtop ....but I went to flexonline to look at pics...

Joe Thomas and scott to me are the front runners along with Belkim...(RX muscle, Intense Muscle member)
Yeah he did look pretty awesome in the pics on flexonline.
Shawn Ray talked about somone else. He does think the overall will come from the heavies.

**broken link removed**
Bekim took 1st in the heavies
Scott took 4th

I think the LHW winner (Lorenzo Jones) will take the overall.
yeah.. just saw the pics of bekim.. he had that one.. did not see the pics of him before.. very thick guy.. as for scott.. i could see an easy 3rd and no one would question it.. scott looked awesome..
Bekim took 1st in the heavies
Scott took 4th

I think the LHW winner (Lorenzo Jones) will take the overall.

Lorenzo is on a roll 6 for 6 this year. He is going for 7 at the NA's.
Damn - THANKS, GUYS!!!

Wow - I'm flattered (seriously) that you guys are paying this much attention. Really...

No, I don't think I should have won by far. I think Bekim deserved the win. Great guy - very laid back (at least not in the gym, where I think he's prob. an ANIMAL) and humble. Looked like he was WORN out from a serious prep, too (and running his restaurant).

Yeah, the 3rd place finisher was not able to finish the PJ, but his physique was deserving, I think. (TBH, I really can't tell shit and everyone looks good to me backstage... Also, we all know that online pics don't tell the truth 100%.)

I think Bekim's conditioning was very good and I got a lot of comment from fellow competitors, expeditors, folks from the audience, people in the parking lot,, a guy in the shitter, etc...(LOL) that I was well conditioned.

I do think Shawn Ray called me an older competitor - I'm cool with that. I'll be 40 in a couple weeks (missed being 40 for the NA's Master's by just 3 days or I'd have done that show), so I'll take it.

JOE THOMAS should have been higher, IMO. I told him before the night show (after looking at the Rx pics, TBH) that I think he won that 2nd call-out, and beat me (on size, although I think I outconditioned him JUST a tad, maybe). The guy who took 5th was VERY cool, but I don't know about that call. I'd have put Joe in 4th, me in 5th and the 5th place finisher in 6th (given that the 3rd place finisher was allowed to finish in 3rd even though he couldn't finish the pre-judging...).

I told Joe I was confused, too, so he knows that... He was a good sport about it, but was surprised when he wasn't held near the stage to do his routine along with the other top 5 guys... I dunno, but the judges certainly have their reasons and even though I was there... I WAS NOT sitting where the judges were and can't judge for shit when I'm backstage (prob. worse than trying to judge from online photos, which I think really are good just to get you within a place or two in MOST cases)...

Thanks, again, LATS for starting this thread and for the compliments. That means a lot. Again, thanks fellas.

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Damn what a great sport you are. Congrats on bringing a good package.

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