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Phil..i am sick...again

Jun 24, 2003
I am sick again..sinus this time..sick for 2 weeks healthy for 2 ...you know the record..whats going on with me ??

bigbaldbulldog said:
I am sick again..sinus this time..sick for 2 weeks healthy for 2 ...you know the record..whats going on with me ??

What was your white blood cell count? You taking clove oil? I want you to go on the net to look up HULDA REGEHR CLARK. I want you to buy her ZAPPER. Call me after you do this. PLEASE

BBB, sounds like the Hivs to me :) hahaha
I hope you get to feeling better buddy.

What was your white blood cell count? You taking clove oil? I want you to go on the net to look up HULDA REGEHR CLARK. I want you to buy her ZAPPER. Call me after you do this. PLEASE
I do not remember what they count was..i think it is tiem to go back anyway. i looked in to this ZAPPER and what the hell is is this thing ?I eat great,train well take good supp's and still i get sick at the drop of a dime...i was never sick as a kid or even teenager..not till the last 6-8 years have i been all the time it seems..guess i will get blood work done ad see what the whites are ..Talk to you soon...

thanks rajjin ...be in touch with you soon as well
I read all the info on this Zapper chick and she seems very solid but i also read some very disturbing reviews on her from other Dr's...who do you believe..i want feedback from ppl who actually used her methods and gagets .. so fire away guys let me know what you had and what she did for you..

bigbaldbulldog said:
I read all the info on this Zapper chick and she seems very solid but i also read some very disturbing reviews on her from other Dr's...who do you believe..i want feedback from ppl who actually used her methods and gagets .. so fire away guys let me know what you had and what she did for you..

What disturbed you?
What disturbed you?
they said that they tested her theories and concepts and found them to be insane and unfounded....they saw no facts to support her claims and people who have used her products and ideas and got worse not better...i just want to be sure i am getting into some snake oil way of thinking..

I think and know there is natural ways of healing and meds are not the answer most of the time...i know there must be herbs,bark,roots and leaves that can cure anything it is just a matter of finding them..i truly believe that a cure for cancer is in the woods and fields..not a pill ,shot, radiation,kemo or anything like that...

Zapper might be one of those things pharmacy don't want you to know about.

bigbaldbulldog said:
they said that they tested her theories and concepts and found them to be insane and unfounded....they saw no facts to support her claims and people who have used her products and ideas and got worse not better...i just want to be sure i am getting into some snake oil way of thinking..

I think and know there is natural ways of healing and meds are not the answer most of the time...i know there must be herbs,bark,roots and leaves that can cure anything it is just a matter of finding them..i truly believe that a cure for cancer is in the woods and fields..not a pill ,shot, radiation,kemo or anything like that...

Zapper might be one of those things pharmacy don't want you to know about.

Then why not just try it and see for yourself? I told you what I did and how I felt. I am still alive. I think.
Then why not just try it and see for yourself? I told you what I did and how I felt. I am still alive. I think.
Well i can tell you ,you are alive and well and loooooking good..guess i got nothign to really lose..give me the info on where you got this zapper you ordered so i make sure i get the right one...thanks big guy
Go to google

bigbaldbulldog said:
Well i can tell you ,you are alive and well and loooooking good..guess i got nothign to really lose..give me the info on where you got this zapper you ordered so i make sure i get the right one...thanks big guy

Look up her name and order the 69 dollar one. Lets fight this thing BBB

I looked into this Zapper thing and it looks very interesting. What other things did you do besides using the Zapper?

I have this pump thingy here.................
you asked for that one PB :)
That damn pump just won't die! LOL.

I got

my zapper about 2 years ago from zapperguy.com

It does work and if you dont do it 3 times you do get cold sores like she says. Everything I have ever applied in her book has worked for me. Including killing the shigella and salmonella bacteria found in dairy products.

Buying the black walnut tincture from Self Health Resource Center or making your own from scratch works every time.

I will never forget the morning i was so damn sick, was about to puke, i laid down felt a little better, but still felt as if any second i was gonna hurl. I took 3 Tbsp of the black walnut i had made from scratch mixed in with a half cup of water.

After taking 3 sips, thats it, I felt awesome and all nausea was gone. I felt like going out and running a mile! I still think her liver flushes are the permanent cure to most every disease the body encounters.

Yes she has her critics but its amazing how many doctors are harshly criticized when they come up with ideas and new methods that challenge the billion dollar pharmaceutical industry. Just think of that collasping if everyone started taking supplements or zapping, or doing liver flushes.

Trust me, those Enrons will do or say anything to keep their businesses thriving. :mad:
I have been hearing alot of good feedback from peopel who have used the ZAPPER ..it's the people i want to hear from not some Dr that could loose 3/4 of his $100,000 a year practice if we all got healthier...Ant thoughts on what Zapper to get?
Phil how do you like yours ...Money got real tight and i could not afford to get one when we last talked..Real tight..infact i have no cash flow the last 3 weeks since they cut hours at work and supplement sales are down 80% right now..with an income of $150 a week and $1925 a month in bills i am depleting my savings to survive..Ahhhh HELP !!!

mark86 said:
my zapper about 2 years ago from zapperguy.com

It does work and if you dont do it 3 times you do get cold sores like she says. Everything I have ever applied in her book has worked for me. Including killing the shigella and salmonella bacteria found in dairy products.

Buying the black walnut tincture from Self Health Resource Center or making your own from scratch works every time.

I will never forget the morning i was so damn sick, was about to puke, i laid down felt a little better, but still felt as if any second i was gonna hurl. I took 3 Tbsp of the black walnut i had made from scratch mixed in with a half cup of water.

After taking 3 sips, thats it, I felt awesome and all nausea was gone. I felt like going out and running a mile! I still think her liver flushes are the permanent cure to most every disease the body encounters.

Yes she has her critics but its amazing how many doctors are harshly criticized when they come up with ideas and new methods that challenge the billion dollar pharmaceutical industry. Just think of that collasping if everyone started taking supplements or zapping, or doing liver flushes.

Trust me, those Enrons will do or say anything to keep their businesses thriving. :mad:

She has several books, i want to get her new one about preventing cancer, the others are about combatting cancer and aids as well as other diseases. Its just interesting to read and apply what she says. Of course the entire time your thinking "this wont work" and then when it does work you are a little bit stunned, lol. :D
running a health food store for 8 years I have seen some amazing thing happen. I have read thru a few of her books and the theory is sound, I have personally seen a handfull of people with serious shit( cancer, aids) follow her protocalls and they are still alive today. One guy has had full blown aids for 14 years, 11 of that without the drug cocktail.
some of the homeopathic remidies and just smart nutricudicals can do some great stuff, mike mooney has a great info source for all that. I havent been on antibiotics for over 7 years. Had colds dont get me wrong but alwyas can get a hold of um with my natural stuff.
just something to think about. the zapper for 70 bucks may be worth a try shit that is one doc visit and a prescription.

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