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Phil's eyes only


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Kilo Klub Member
Verified Customer
Dec 20, 2007
Thought I would send a pic of a better hair day. LOL

This was taken at my last show. I'm a LHW. I know I need more of everything. I'm just doing the best I can and having fun. I would be a little bigger if I didn't keep getting these diverticulitis bouts. I wouldnt even wish them on Phil:)
My goal is to make it to the Masters Nats in the over 50 class next year and not just get slotted. I didn't want to go this year. I think I would have been a one legged man at an asskicking party.
I plan to work my ass off, eat, eat, eat and then eat.


  • 001.jpg
    251 KB · Views: 1,215

Great build, regardless of age :cool:

That's a good picture of you, CG! :)
Great shot! You look like you are chiseled out of stone!
whats your BP out of curiosity?

great work!

stay safe
Great shot bro. You should smile more often :D
phil can i borrow your eyes?i wanna see too!!!:D

CG you look great. i remember seeing you backstage at the lehigh now. keep up the great work!!
I have only a respect to you old man....keep up the great work....
Concrete is what your made of my friend

John... You worked your ass off......This pic says a lot... Anyways.. really proud of the hard work and effort, it payed off..

I know your going to have a good season this year.. and looking forward to seeing more pics of you smiling..

trophies in hand..
Impressive CG! Shredded and ripped! Great job mate.
You have improved alot over the previous year, keep it up.
So do you!

Great shot! You look like you are chiseled out of stone!

I look at your pics and feel your pain. At our age pounding and pounding at the gym to get what you have hurts. I know you must have the same passion for the sport looking at your pics. Keep up the good work. We can give these kids a look into there future.LOL
Your the best!

John... You worked your ass off......This pic says a lot... Anyways.. really proud of the hard work and effort, it payed off..

I know your going to have a good season this year.. and looking forward to seeing more pics of you smiling..

trophies in hand..

It's so true you guys. No matter who you train with (the personality fit and how well you communicate is what matters) Bullshit on long or short e-mail replies! The message in the e-mail is what counts.
I could tell Alex about some fucked up thing that happened in my training and some how he would turn it around into a positive and get me pumped back up and back to the grind. He would keep reminding me that "conditioning demands respect". That made the prep/hunger pains a little less painful. All I kept thinking about was the end game. Alex, kept me focused on that. Some times the hunger even felt good because I new I was like an engine cleaning up. I know it sound nuts but thats what was going though my mind. Alex, was the one that programed me to that mind set. You guys saw the rediculous mess I was at the BillGrant last year. Alex did this to me this year.
Phil said I made no improvements from last year. Sad thing is he is probably correct. He has an eye for this and alot of what makes him piss us off is he tells you the way he see's it. He may be absolutly correct. But my presentation is a thousand times improved. Thats what counts, isn't it? Alex got me to the best I could be that day. What the hell else can you ask for?

Again, Thank you Alex!
CG, very impressive my friend. I think I need to change jobs here. :D
impressive CG. I can see why you have the smile on your face. You look great.
Keep smiling and you'll go far...
can you share your blood pressure? It looks like its kicking very high in you likely your RBC count is extremely high also (and hematocrit). This could lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Hopefully Im just an overly cautious cat and there's no problem and your BP is awesome. But for anybody let alone somebody over 50 I would worry when I saw a picture like that (your temple veins look like they exploding out your head!).

You mentioned in another thread that you injected 2cc's of prop into your tricep. If thats 100mg/ml and you're doing EOD dosing that equals 700mg of steroid per week. Thats enough to push anybody into dangerous levels.

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