A BIG second to that!
Go to the red cross. If your hemaglobin is too high to donate, your doctor can write a script for phlebotomy with disposal. Donating double cells & platelets is a good idea as they re-infuse your plasma.
Best of luck with your project.
Its really not that big of a deal to draw your own blood. Half the people at the blood bank dont even know what they are doing. If you have the right butterfly and sterilize your vein its very easy to just let the blood flow out. You just want to make sure you dont go over 400-500ml. Only problem is its impossible to find 14-16gauge butterflys on the internet. They biggest ive seen is 19 and that would require drawing the blood out with a syringe which would probably take 2 people and more effort and danger than needed. I once had a 16gauge butterfly with a tube and it worked great but i cant find them anywhere.