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Recovering from tricep tendon rupture


Active member
Dec 19, 2007
I tore my tricep tendon from my elbow three weeks ago, surgery was last week, I am in a locked brace until week 3 then start slow movement.
I am looking to start some IGF for recovery, obviously I am not doing upper body now (just leg, abs and cardio). I was wondering if I should chance injecting into my injured tricep muscle or should I go elsewhere or go SQ.
Any help is appreciated.
I tore my tricep tendon from my elbow three weeks ago, surgery was last week, I am in a locked brace until week 3 then start slow movement.
I am looking to start some IGF for recovery, obviously I am not doing upper body now (just leg, abs and cardio). I was wondering if I should chance injecting into my injured tricep muscle or should I go elsewhere or go SQ.
Any help is appreciated.

Having the same surgery monday morning on my right elbow, looking to do the same. Had a surgery 2 years ago on my other elbow where they had to butterfly the tendon to get a to a bone spur. I injected the IGF directly into the triceps(I was also told that using the delt would be fine). I really don't know whether it helped or not as I have nothing to compare it to.

One thing of note; I continued to work my right side following the surgery. People thought that I was some sore of wierdo coming in and doing things 1-armed with a brace on my other elbow; but I was able to maintain almost all my size and strength. I also was able to use my surgical arm for certain exercises such as machine side lats and machine flys where the elbow remained locked at 90 degrees of flexion so that I could at least get a decent chest and shoudler pump on occasion.
I tore my tricep tendon from my elbow three weeks ago, surgery was last week, I am in a locked brace until week 3 then start slow movement.
I am looking to start some IGF for recovery, obviously I am not doing upper body now (just leg, abs and cardio). I was wondering if I should chance injecting into my injured tricep muscle or should I go elsewhere or go SQ.
Any help is appreciated.

I am in the same boat as you are except mine was a quad/patella tendons. I waited until most of the pain was gone and the incision healed up. Then I started injecting IGF-1 as close to the injury as I could. I started off with 20mcg at night, 5 days on two days off. Once you get where you can do some rehab exercises with the tricep I might suggest you start adding MGF after you train. I use a insulin syringe and inject directly into the injury. I am at a little over 5 weeks now and have upped the IFG-1 dose to 40mcg.

Does it help? My doctor told me he had never seen an injury of my type heal so quickly. He has no idea what I am doing, but I am 8 weeks ahead of where I should be.
Can I ask

How did you do it? What excerise an weight were you using and what is your age?

Good luck Bro!
Thanks for the input. I am 43 YO, been doing gear for 23 years, competed from 87-96, still in close to contest shape for 43. This is my first "in the gym" serious injury, did it doing incline dumbell bench press, first rep, rocked back with the BD and went to push them and POP. I'm sticking to Hammer Strength bench from now on.
Should I do the IGF in just the injured tricep or should i alternate with the other tricep to balance it out? I am looking to do about 35 mcg every day to start.
Some anecdotal evidence...

I am in the same boat as you are except mine was a quad/patella tendons. I waited until most of the pain was gone and the incision healed up. Then I started injecting IGF-1 as close to the injury as I could. I started off with 20mcg at night, 5 days on two days off. Once you get where you can do some rehab exercises with the tricep I might suggest you start adding MGF after you train. I use a insulin syringe and inject directly into the injury. I am at a little over 5 weeks now and have upped the IFG-1 dose to 40mcg.

Does it help? My doctor told me he had never seen an injury of my type heal so quickly. He has no idea what I am doing, but I am 8 weeks ahead of where I should be.

Thanks for sharing this BT... I have a similar positive story. I get an excruciating pain at the base of my right triceps, right at the elbow, sometimes when I do dips. I'll take some ibuprofen, use DMSO twice a day and wear an elbow sleeve around the home and in a couple days it begins to feel alot better... only to have me re-injure it again a few days later.

My point is- Dat said there is some evidence peptides, intramuscularly, can cause local sight growth. I figured it might work for repair as well, so, when I remember to, I inject GHRP-2 at the elbow and I notice a much faster decrease in pain. The problem is that for some reason, after a couple days I forget this and start injecting elsewhere hahaha.... I think I'm subconsciously afraid of developing an overly-sized triceps hahaha... but seriously, I wonder if I tried this for a week straight (at least once a day) if I would notice a more "permanent healing".
Thanks for the input. I am 43 YO, been doing gear for 23 years, competed from 87-96, still in close to contest shape for 43. This is my first "in the gym" serious injury, did it doing incline dumbell bench press, first rep, rocked back with the BD and went to push them and POP. I'm sticking to Hammer Strength bench from now on.
Should I do the IGF in just the injured tricep or should i alternate with the other tricep to balance it out? I am looking to do about 35 mcg every day to start.

Upeccmi....any prior injury to that elbow or tricep? Any pain felt there previous? tendonitis there previously? Feeling any pain that day and shrugged it off?
Thanks for the input. I am 43 YO, been doing gear for 23 years, competed from 87-96, still in close to contest shape for 43. This is my first "in the gym" serious injury, did it doing incline dumbell bench press, first rep, rocked back with the BD and went to push them and POP. I'm sticking to Hammer Strength bench from now on.
Should I do the IGF in just the injured tricep or should i alternate with the other tricep to balance it out? I am looking to do about 35 mcg every day to start.

Wow, real similar story here too. I will be 43 in a few months and been doing things off and on since early 20's. 2 Years ago I broke a bone spur off in my left elbow which was my first serious injury in all the years of lifting. Back in march I broke a bone spur off in my right elbow but was going to hold off on surgery until the end of July or beginning of August. Then 2 weeks ago I was on vacation in Myrtle Beach and went to workout at Gold's. They don't have a military press so I decided to start off with dumbbells(haven't used them in while but was doing 100's for 10 reps back when I last did them). Since the dumbbells there were a little different and I felt a little awkard I decided to use 50's to warm up a bit. Pushed them up with my knees and as the right went to lift it felt like a ton of bricks and "pop" and it was all over.

Bigtex, how much of the MGF are you using? Does location of the injection make a difference with it? Definitely something I might look into.
This is a very slow recovery, 1 year before it will be 100% (or as close to it as it will every be). After you get the 'cast' off, you will be only doing range of movement stuff and EXTREMELY light weights (2-5lbs). The trick is to not over do it, as most people with tendon detachments do. After about 6 months, it will FEEL 100%, but it won't be, this is when most people re-injure. Take it slow and use the process to become more intouch with your mind muscle connections.

I had a similar experience with a distal biceps detachment, but I used the injury to motivate myself to get into the best shape of my life. Use it for motivation, don't let it get you down, and good luck!
Doggcrapp.....Yes I had the whole tendonitis thing in the triceps in the past, mostly when I did tricep extension exeercises it would start developing, when it started flairing up I would work around it so it could recover. When I tore the tricep 3 weeks ago I had no problems (at the time) with the elbows but I did just(1 week in) started a cycle so possibly that may have helped along the process.
I still not sure on the IGF if I should go into the just the one tricep muscle or if I should balance it out and alternate days with both triceps. I ever thought about going SQ with the IGF.
No more free weights for me, sticking to locked in exercises to avoid this type of injury in the future.
Thanks for sharing this BT... I have a similar positive story. I get an excruciating pain at the base of my right triceps, right at the elbow, sometimes when I do dips. I'll take some ibuprofen, use DMSO twice a day and wear an elbow sleeve around the home and in a couple days it begins to feel alot better... only to have me re-injure it again a few days later.

My point is- Dat said there is some evidence peptides, intramuscularly, can cause local sight growth. I figured it might work for repair as well, so, when I remember to, I inject GHRP-2 at the elbow and I notice a much faster decrease in pain. The problem is that for some reason, after a couple days I forget this and start injecting elsewhere hahaha.... I think I'm subconsciously afraid of developing an overly-sized triceps hahaha... but seriously, I wonder if I tried this for a week straight (at least once a day) if I would notice a more "permanent healing".

What you have in the elbow is tendinitis. This is an over use injury that comes pretty easily doing isolation exercises and going heavy with smaller muscle groups. Doing isolation triceps work usually causes a lot of sheer stress on the elbow leading to what you are experiencing. Ice, Rest, Compression, Elevation.....and some anti-inflamatories. Take some time off, especially doing exercises that are causing the pain. Failing to give this time to heal up properly could lead to to a big injury. I just learned the hard way.;)

DAT is right and suggest micro dosing around the injury to promote healing rather than muscular growth. IGF-1 LR3 is good, or even MGF if you don't like having elevate IGF-1 levels. Whether or not you have to worry about muscular growth, I have no idea. I have never used either for those purposes. Nor have I noticed that when i have used it. I did use MGF successfully to clear up a nagging shoulder injury and don't notice any muscular imbalance.


Bigtex, how much of the MGF are you using? Does location of the injection make a difference with it? Definitely something I might look into.

I have been using 100mcg in each injury. In my case I had a complete tear of the patella tendon, the vasti lateralis tendon, and the vasti medialis oblique tendon. I also had a partial tear of the vasti lateralis. So I have lots to inject and repair. Yes, the location of the injection probably makes a big difference. DAT says (and I firmly believe) that a big injection is absorbed mostly in the blood stream which may not do much to help the injury. By doing micro-injections close to the injury you have a much better chance that the tissue injured will absorb the peptide. I do this by injecting 100mcg with about 4-5 injections. So I am doing 400mcg 20 injections as close to the injury as possible. Yes, afterward I feel like a damn pin cushion.

I know without a doubt that this method using MGF worked on a shoulder injury I had, and have very little doubt it has helped greatly with my quad surgery. With the shoulder it was pretty easy because I would just locate the center of pain and inject in about a 1" squat around it. With the quad surgery it is much more difficult since the area that was repaired is extensive. So I just get as close to it as I can. I use the IGF-LR3 (40mcg) at night and MGF (400mcg) immediately after doing my rehab exercises.
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What you have in the elbow is tendinitis. This is an over use injury that comes pretty easily doing isolation exercises and going heavy with smaller muscle groups. Doing isolation triceps work usually causes a lot of sheer stress on the elbow leading to what you are experiencing. Ice, Rest, Compression, Elevation.....and some anti-inflamatories. Take some time off, especially doing exercises that are causing the pain. Failing to give this time to heal up properly could lead to to a big injury. I just learned the hard way.;)

DAT is right and suggest micro dosing around the injury to promote healing rather than muscular growth. IGF-1 LR3 is good, or even MGF if you don't like having elevate IGF-1 levels. Whether or not you have to worry about muscular growth, I have no idea. I have never used either for those purposes. Nor have I noticed that when i have used it. I did use MGF successfully to clear up a nagging shoulder injury and don't notice any muscular imbalance.

Yes, I am quite worried about making this into something even larger when it doesn't really need to be... gotta keep ego in check :)

But, in all honesty, rather than complete time off I'll probably "work around" the injury and find an exercise that doesn't aggrivate it. Now I just need to remember to do it daily for a couple weeks :)
I wanted to update my recovery of my tricep tendon tear. Tomorrow is 8 weeks from the tear, today is 6 weeks since surgery. I went for my first rehab session, the tricep feels great, very week, did 5 lbs seated tricep extension for 6 sets, my tricep was shaking and it was very weak but healed great. The PT said 6-8 weeks the tendon is reattached so she said I could do light workouts on my own, after I went to the gym and did light back and bis. I just finished 4 weeks of 30 mcg IGF to help recuperation and now just started 2 iu GH to also help in recuperation.
Weeks 1-3 I was locked and wasn't allowed to move, weeks 3-6 pretty much unlocked my brace and started moving with the brace on, just was careful. This injury was not too bad, better than when I fucked up my ankle and was on crutches for 8 months 3 years ago....compared to that this was cake.
Strength will come back slowly but at least I am able to do upper body some.

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