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Restless Leg Syndrome

Just been diagnosed recently and looking for alternative options over the harsh drug route. Anyone else here battle with this?

Do you actually believe that you have this disease restless leg syndrome that didn't exist a few years ago or maybe is half the shit you put in your body everyday keeping you from sleeping normally at night?

You're obviously not dumb enough to just pop pills because a doc said you need them so use that same common sense before labeling yourself with a disease, just my opinion.
RLS is pretty hard to mistake with something else IMO

I have it very mildly. It is exacerbated by certain substances such as Benadryl and some antidepressants
Just been diagnosed recently and looking for alternative options over the harsh drug route. Anyone else here battle with this?

^^^what have they offered you as the potential drugs "on the table" to treat your RLS??
RLS is pretty hard to mistake with something else IMO

I have it very mildly. It is exacerbated by certain substances such as Benadryl and some antidepressants

I think I misspoke or didn't make my point the way I wanted to, I'm not necessarily saying that "RLS" isn't a thing but is it something where you need to take drugs for it or maybe is a lifestyle change perhaps a better more effective option?

I've been smoking cigs like a chimney lately because I'm stressed at work and it's been making me feel like shit breathing wise. Does that mean I should take some drugs to help my breathing or should I maybe cut down on the cigarettes?

My father eats like shit and also smokes, he was diagnosed with high cholesterol and high blood pressure, the doc prescribed him a bunch of pills to take for life. Are those pills the way to go or should he perhaps quit smoking, eat better and get more exercise?

I don't know about you guys but I'll pass on the pills from the pez dispensers for my "restless legs".....
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How is it negatively affecting you? Do you have just during the daytime or also while you sleep? It's PLMD (periodic limb movement disorder) when you keep shaking your legs while you sleep. I got diagnosed with it when I went in for my sleep study. It was a major reason for my crappy sleep. The most common meds they prescribe for it were ropinirole, pramipexole, and gabapentin. But
painkillers, muscle relaxers, and sleep meds also work for it.

I don't think there's anything scientifically proven to lessen it aside from meds.
But I feel adaptogens or anything that helps you feel relaxed may help with the rls during the day. L-theanine, ashwagandha, tea (white, hibiscus, etc), taurine. Essentially you'll want to avoid anything that will make you feel jittery like caffeine.
I didnt get movement in my legs but I used to get this uncontrollable urge that I have to move. I addressed my sleep hygiene, blue light filters etc took magnesium and a quick token before bed and I was out like a light. Where as before I would work myself up about not being able to sleep because of it.
I didnt get movement in my legs but I used to get this uncontrollable urge that I have to move. I addressed my sleep hygiene, blue light filters etc took magnesium and a quick token before bed and I was out like a light. Where as before I would work myself up about not being able to sleep because of it.

that's what RLS is.

you get this urge to move your leg, and it gets worse and worse until you do.. and then you have a few seconds before the urge starts building back up
I get it as a withdrawal symptom it’s really frustrating
This is the most annoying thing ever! I used to get it real bad, still do on occasion. I think I read that cabergoline and other dopamine agonists may help...but, it never did much for me. Like little slice mentioned, certain meds make it worse...Benadryl, Vicodins, etc...

I have not looked into it much over the years, but there wasn't much help when I did at the time of it's peak. My mom used to get it real bad too, and she was addicted to pain meds, etc.

The worse is when you are asleep....you keep stretching and flexing the muscle to make it feel better, and then eventually, you (or I specifically) just wake up and get out of bed to walk and try stupid shit to see if it helps:D:banghead::eek::(
I have RLS. i can be exacerbated by anti depressants. RLS is the urge to move and stretch your legs. It can prevent you from sleeping.

Don't confuse this with PLMD (periodic limb movement disorder) where you move your limbs while sleeping thus disturbs your sleeping.

To combat RLS what i do is tie one of my socks around my foot on each foot.
I don't put the sock on i tie it around my foot between my heel and my toes.

This works for me. They say it feedbacks to your mind to relax the leg muscles. The restless sensation goes away.
I have RLS. i can be exacerbated by anti depressants. RLS is the urge to move and stretch your legs. It can prevent you from sleeping.

Don't confuse this with PLMD (periodic limb movement disorder) where you move your limbs while sleeping thus disturbs your sleeping.

To combat RLS what i do is tie one of my socks around my foot on each foot.
I don't put the sock on i tie it around my foot between my heel and my toes.

This works for me. They say it feedbacks to your mind to relax the leg muscles. The restless sensation goes away.

Campeon from WCBB and GF?

Thanks, i'll try it out:)
try apple cider vinegar. 2-3 tablespoons, dilute and drink it down.
works on cramps, and when i get restless leg it stops that also.
in seconds, in fact.
Do you actually believe that you have this disease restless leg syndrome that didn't exist a few years ago or maybe is half the shit you put in your body everyday keeping you from sleeping normally at night?

You're obviously not dumb enough to just pop pills because a doc said you need them so use that same common sense before labeling yourself with a disease, just my opinion.

Well Francis, things happen as we age so just a few years at this point of my life can be the world of difference. I don't abuse my body with substances so I doubt it's anything that I'm doing intentionally. And yeah Francis I'm no dummy either so I make educated decisions on everything I do. I'm getting a few more opinions and researching options before I begin any type of treatment.

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