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Kilo Klub Member
May 18, 2007
Will include scanned igf test results when I can get my scanner to work correctly. This Gh is definitely legit and ill post up. there are a few things I will lay out as far as info goes to get the most accurate data and idea of whats going on. the protocol consists of 6iu/day split up 3iu in am, 3iu pm.

-Im 26

-weight: currently 275lbs

-My igf levels pre protocol were 220 ng/ml. That is considered "normal" range. normal being 117-329 ng/ml.

- My igf test results after taking the rips for approx 21 days was 644 ng/ml (1 hour post admin) and then two hours later 645 ng/ml(3 hours post admin). how I did this was say take 3iu at 11am, then blood draw at noon, then another blood draw at 2pm. you'll see the times in the scanned copys.

-only other supps im taking is 500mg test c/week plus regular protein, glutamine ect

I feel great on this gh recovery is fantastic, tendon issues are starting to fade away and noticing a bit of fat loss so far. some water retention obviously but no carpel tunnel syndrom or whatever that some guys get (ive never gotten it regardless of which gh). slight tingling in hands when I use them for longer periods but again, I dont get those sides from gh that a lot of dudes get. bottom line, everyone knows the rips are good, probably the best gh right behind script gh right now, im just here to prove it.

ill post up scanned copys of the 3 lab tests tomorrow: pre protocol, 1 hour post admin and 3 hours post admin (after about 21 day of consistent use 6iu/day split 3iu in am upon waking/3iu pm bout 30 min before bed taken at least 15 min before ingesting any food). stay tuned :headbang:
Last edited:
That is awesome Jesse and pretty much squashes what many of us have been told and believed that we had a small time window in which to draw blood before the IGF levels actually started to drop off.

I would be very curious to see just how high your IGF levels would have ended up had you taken the 6IU at one time at 11am that day and for at least a few days prior. Instead of splitting the dosage.
That is awesome Jesse and pretty much squashes what many of us have been told and believed that we had a small time window in which to draw blood before the IGF levels actually started to drop off.

I would be very curious to see just how high your IGF levels would have ended up had you taken the 6IU at one time at 11am that day and for at least a few days prior. Instead of splitting the dosage.

that may be one we will try
Ok thanks jesse.I am currently on the same rips and loving them..
Dam bro I tested at near 600 3 hours post 3iu. Been almost three months on 4iu/day. Hope we can keep gettin em. Im 42. I split 2iu 2x day=4 every day.
This is awesome. Thanks for posting your results, Jesse. I was thinking of getting some blues but after reading your and other people's results, I think I will go with Rips.
Dam bro I tested at near 600 3 hours post 3iu. Been almost three months on 4iu/day. Hope we can keep gettin em. Im 42. I split 2iu 2x day=4 every day.

thats the same thing I did. I think the next test is gonna be about 12 hours after 3iu admin, then possibly an hour after 6iu depending on how this next test turns out. keep on truckin. as long as he's around to provide, lol I wont use anything else

Great thread - thanks for posting. How the hell did u get them to do 3 blood tests in one day? Cant be covered by ins...

How long have you been doing the igf?
The results of the blood work are fantastic! Great to hear! I've been on Rips for some time too and just yesterday switched to a 10iu, 3x/week pwo blast. I've been doing up to 6iu at a time so hopefully my finger-tips won't get too numb, haha.

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