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Ron Coleman Documentary

First Callout

New member
Oct 24, 2018
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8aV9e8uPB4"]Bodybuilding Ronnie Coleman The Unbelievable - YouTube[/ame]
I like #2 even better. Still have my dvd. The Australian one is interesting if you want to see him in contest shape. Some of it is disgusting like his hamstring workout.

Unbelievable is what I used to play for people whenever bodybuilding or musculature topics came up. I would put it in and be like “just watch this dude squat 800 lbs!” Or show them chest day when his rep speed is unchanged during four sets and he reps out five plates a side with the ease and speed of his warm up set with just one. Amazing.
Man was an alien.

The sheer volume, poundages and frequency he trained with is unfathomable.

Everyone's out there trying to go beast mode and Ronnie pressed 200 lb dbs on the incline with a smile and a yeah buddy [emoji846]

Supremely talented guy, both physically and mentally.

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Super nice guy. First time I met him I'd won my class but gotten beaten in the overall. Ronnie signed my class trophy and then asked, 'didn't you win the overall too?'. I felt ten feet tall, lol. In retrospect he obviously knew I didn't win and was just trying to get me to smile.
There's one on Netflix that came out few weeks ago. Poor guy is falling apart.:eek:
It's aviable to watch somewhere?

I don't think it was listed as an exclusive, so you might find is somewhere else. Personally if I were you I would get a membership with Netflix, only like $10 a month for 1080p resolution and a bit more for 4k. It is my main source of tv now personally.
After watching the documentary on netflex I honestly don't think he's in the right mindset at the moment. Anyone who's been hooked on oxys knows what I'm talking about. He may seem normal, but he's on auto pilot right now.
After watching the documentary on netflex I honestly don't think he's in the right mindset at the moment. Anyone who's been hooked on oxys knows what I'm talking about. He may seem normal, but he's on auto pilot right now.
I wouldnt be surprised if Ronnie ended up in rehab; his pain level must be insane and those opioid dosages go up with time in pursuit of trying to manage it.

It's a sad thing to see him in so much pain. But that is the personality of the man; people expecting him to suddenly change and pick up Bikram yoga are out of their mind.

I just hope his back issues can become manageable (he's not walking properly ever again unfortunately) and he can safe ways with bands and cables to train upper body in the gym.

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After watching the documentary on netflex I honestly don't think he's in the right mindset at the moment. Anyone who's been hooked on oxys knows what I'm talking about. He may seem normal, but he's on auto pilot right now.
What’s he gonna do though? I mean it sucks but I’d rather him an addict than in constant merciless pain.

Looking forward to the Netflix dvd. Hopefully Ronnie gets better from everything I’m hearing.
I watched the king documentary today on Netflix. It really surprised me how well it was done. I never really like Ronnie but after watching it , I have a lot of respect for him. It def was sad to see how much pain he is in. I figured with him still training, that he must be eating the pills heavily. It's all the man has really ever known. He won't stop til he is dead
I watched the king documentary today on Netflix. It really surprised me how well it was done. I never really like Ronnie but after watching it , I have a lot of respect for him. It def was sad to see how much pain he is in. I figured with him still training, that he must be eating the pills heavily. It's all the man has really ever known. He won't stop til he is dead

How can you be a bodybuilding fan and not like Ronnie? He is so likable and is the GOAT.
Good man truley deserve the tittle king
people expecting him to suddenly change and pick up Bikram yoga are out of their mind.

No one is telling him to take up yoga. No one is telling him to quit lifting forever. He simply needs to take time off. Later in his career he would take 3 months off from training after the Olympia. He's capable of doing it. The doctors are asking him to fuck off for 6 months to a year. That's nothing. Then he can post all the videos he wants on his instagram of him back at 100% instead of sneaking into Metroflex at 4:30 am with crutches. He has a wife, he has kids, and he has nothing to prove. He should look at the bigger picture so he doesn't become worse with pain meds and making the injuries worse.
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No one is telling him to take up yoga. No one is telling him to quit lifting forever. He simply needs to take time off. Later in his career he would take 3 months off from training after the Olympia. He's capable of doing it. The doctors are asking him to fuck off for 6 months to a year. That's nothing. Then he can post all the videos he wants on his instagram of him back at 100% instead of sneaking into Metroflex at 4:30 am with crutches. He has a wife, he has kids, and he has nothing to prove. He should look at the bigger picture so he doesn't become worse with pain meds and making the injuries worse.
The yoga comment was a metaphor...

I'm not disagreeing with anything you stated. Hell if he took 2 years off lifting; it would only help him long term.

But you're talking about ridding oneself of a mindset that was forged through decades of hard training, and a childhood where nothing was ever handed to him.

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That one doctor messed Ronnie up and he probably returned to the gym to early. The screws breaking and damaging his spinal chord and nerves is why his legs are weak. Ronnie will be on narcotic pain meds the rest of his life and he’d wise to never do t-bar rows, leg presses, and free weights again. In addition, he needs to avoid yoga because the scar tissue in his back will pull on the nerves and inflame them. I like Ronnie and feel really bad for him. I’m a rehab specialist and plan to contact him when he’s a little more recovered. I’ll give him my best advice.
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Ronnie really does seem to have a bit of muscle dysmorphia. The last time I talked to him he was promoting his supps at a nutrition store. He kept on saying that everyone taking pics with him was bigger than him. At first I thought he was just saying this as a compliment to the people, but he kept on repeating it after they had walked away too. He would look around and say something like 'dang, everyone be bigger than me now...' and shake his head. He couldn't really sit or stand too comfortably so he stayed sorta propped up. He would always hold kids for pics though, even though it looked like it hurt.

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